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The Sierra Nevada Flora It can be described as rich and varied, because after the end of the last glaciation, the peculiar situation of Sierra Nevada allowed it to become a refuge of innumerable amount of endemisms and improper species of average latitudes. They are known, according to sources from the Ministry of Environment of Spain, 66 endemic vascular plant species, which represents the greatest biodiversity of the entire Iberian Peninsula and one of the largest in Europe. In total, the number of upper plants is around 2100, which represents a quarter of all known species in Spain and fifth of Europe. ^^ &&
The Botanical Garden of La Cortijuela, located on the skirts of the Cerro del Trevenque at about 1600 meters of altitude, has as functions the protection, conservation, generation and research of the flora of this mountain range, especially those of its almost 100 vulnerable species, threatened or in critical danger. [ first ]

Causes of the biological diversity of Sierra Nevada [ To edit ]

The causes of the unusual number of endemic species present in the massif began with the end of the tertiary era, now almost two million years ago.

The climate of all of Europe suffered a progressive cooling that allowed plant species of northern and arctic latitudes progressively advance towards southern Europe and occupy much of the interior and high areas of the Iberian Peninsula. The end of the Würm glaciation and the arrival of the Holocene period marked the beginning of a progressive increase in temperatures, and these species adapted to cold climates found refuge in the heights of Sierra Nevada, progressively adapting to the characteristics of the climate of the area of ​​the area , like his summer drought. Thus, many species have developed their own characteristics or have even been developed independently due to their isolation, thereby counting a greater number of endemisms in the massif than those existing in countries such as Belgium, Germany, Austria, Great Britain, Sweden , Denmark, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland together. [ 2 ]

Examples of endemisms would be: real chamomile ( Artemisia granatensis ), Sierra Nevada Narcissus ( Narcissus nevadensis ) or the snow star ( PLANTAGO NIVALIS ), being the latter one of the great symbols of the massif, equivalent to the Edelweiss of the Pyrenees or the Alps. In addition, in Sierra Nevada there are also present species that are endemic to the Betic system or are present in the Moroccan Atlas mountain range.

Bioclimatic floors [ To edit ]

Low -zone vegetation (thermomediterranean floor) [ To edit ]

Below 700 or 800 meters of altitude, only in the southern face of the massif, the so -called thermomediterranean floor is developed. Few parts of this strip of territories have not been cultivated, but the studies affirm that this area would correspond to an oak combined with a lentisk thicket ( Pistacia lentiscus ), Juniles, candiles ( Aristolochia baetica ), zarzaparrilla ( Smilax Aspera ). Romerals also appear ( Rosmarinus offinalis ), classroom ( Ulex parviflorus ) and jarales ( Cysts ).

Vegetation of Lower Mountain (POSOMEDEREMEREDITED) [ To edit ]

In this strip of heights, between 800 and approximately 1300 meters, the slowness is frequent ( Pistacia lentiscus ), Acebuche and Zarzaparilla ( Smilax Aspera ). Eak over siliceous soils is poor in species; Next to the oak, juni Etruscan Lonicera ).

Half mountain vegetation (supramediterranean floor) [ To edit ]

Until approximately 1900 meters the supramediterranean floor develops, being the predominant species the Melojo, and to a lesser extent, the complaint and the maple; These three species develop in forested formations. More frequent are the holm oaks, which are generally located between 1,300 and 1,750 m. They tend to develop on both carbonated soils and acid rocks. The oaks are dominated by the oak and, depending on the type of soil and altitude, shrubs such as junctions ( Juniperus oxycedrus ), Agracejo ( Berberis Spanish ), Torvisco ( Daphne gnidium ), Rusco ( Ruscus prickly ) and Majuelo ( Crataegus Monogyna ) On basic soils.


Vegetation of high motaña (Oromedicraney) [ To edit ]

From 1900 meters, to 2,800 meters, the oromediterranean floor takes place. It is from this strip of heights where most species appear that make Sierra Nevada a botanical paradise.

Pinares and Sabinares develop in this bioclimatic floor. The vegetation is formed by species of tree carrier and shrub wild pine ( Pinus sylvestris ), Sabina Racrera ( Juniperus sabina. Juniperus communis subsp. hemispherical , Prunus Ramburii ) and a pulsinar mators ( Vella Spinosa , Erinacea anthyllis , Bupleurum spinosum ).

On more evolved soils, enebrals and piornals appear, forming communities rich in fruit and hemicryptophytic camephites (imbricata sandaria, indigestible festuca). Endemic flora also abounds: Versicolor genist , Sanding pungent , PotentiUa nevadensis .

In calcareous areas at higher altitude (head of the Dúrcal River, Dornajo), and due to the shortage of soil, a spinal is developed with sabinas and junctions, mixed with a tinge -tinge thyillar, appearing species such as they are Sideritis carbonellis and Astragalus granatesis .

Summits vegetation (crioromediterranean floor) [ To edit ]

It is developed from 2,800 or 2,900 m. The climatic conditions of strong insolation, extreme temperatures, strong winds, the summer drought of the Mediterranean latitudes and the presence of snow more than 8 months per year prevent the development of woody species. In this environment the Borreguiles (Name they receive in Granada High mountain nevadense grasslands or mountain grasslands). This type of vegetation (which also takes place in the high stages of the oromediterranean floor) presents certain similarities with the Arctic Tundra, and a very high number of endemisms.

Vegetación Riparia [ To edit ]

The degradation of riparian vegetation (river) in Sierra Nevada is very remarkable, being quite difficult to find riverside forests in a reasonable state of conservation today. In carbonated rock areas (limestone, for example), river vegetation is mainly formed by olmedas ( Elm minor ), choperas ( People White ) and saucedas ( Salix spp. ). Alisedas are installed on acid soils ( Alnus glutinosa ), Saucedas ( Salix atrocinerea ) and fresnedas ( Ash angustifolia ).

References [ To edit ]

Bibliography [ To edit ]

Botany, Zoology and Hiking

  • Francisco Pérez Raya, Joaquín Molero Mesa, Francisco Valle Tender, 1992: “Sierra Nevada Natural Park. Landscape, Fauna, Flora, Itineraries.” Ed. Rueda. Madrid. ISBN 84-7207-067-0
  • “Flora of the Sierra Nevada tundra”. Pablo Prieto Fernández, Ed. University of Granada. ISBN ISBN 84-600-1810-5

See also [ To edit ]

external links [ To edit ]
