Freedom of Education – SpeedyLook encyclopedia


The freedom of education It consists of the right that parents possess and, by extension, local, cultural or religious communities, to educate the members of the new generations based on their own convictions. This is related to the so -called “freedom of teaching” understood as the freedom to meet the educational demands imposed by the State preferring the forms that are more consistent with the convictions themselves. [ first ]

Freedom of education can be limited tail to protect the present rights of children and adolescents, such as their physical integrity, or to protect future rights, such as moral autonomy, avoiding maintenance in states of total ignorance or psychological manipulation procedures. [ first ]

Freedom of education is a constitutional (legal) concept that has been included in the European Convention on Human Rights (Protocol 1, Article 2), in the International Pact of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (Article 13), and in several Constitutions nationals, such as the Belgian Constitution (previous article 17, now article 24) and the constitution of the Netherlands (article 23). [ 2 ]

The European Forum for Freedom in Education was created in 1989 and has 69 members through 13 countries. [ 3 ] Their official demands include an order for the autonomy of students and teachers. It also establishes the importance of diversity in cola education, to allow parents to choose their child to a school that aligns with their perspectives. [ 4 ]

Netherlands [ To edit ]

In the Netherlands, a political battle took place during the nineteenth century about the state monopoly regarding the enrollment of free education. He had his opposition under the banner of “freedom of education” and the separation of the Church and the State. The Dutch called him “from Schoolstrijd” (the battle of schools). The Dutch solution was the separation of school and the State through financing, equally, of all schools, both public and private since 1917. [ 5 ] The freedom of education resulted in the establishment of many new types of schools in the total education spectrum in the Netherlands. New education methods were introduced inspired by educational ideals (such as Maria Montesori, Rudolf Steiner, Jenaplan). Many religious schools were also founded. After the influx of workers from Islamic countries, Islamic schools were also introduced. In 2003, a total of 35 Islamic schools were working. [ 6 ] Even so, a study in 2015 showed that the introduction of new schools for secondary education was difficult. Local communities, including existing local schools, resisted the introduction of new schools, for example, delaying the procedure to find a location for a new school. [ 7 ]


Currently, the freedom to teach religion in schools is a protected right, both in terms of individuals or groups for teaching, and for individuals to learn. Although this clearly refers to children, it can also be interpreted as the rights of parents to include their values, their beliefs or their principles to the teaching of their children. [ 8 ]

There have been issues about limiting the abilities of religious schools within the Netherlands. This includes serious threats to the ability of Jewish and Islamic Orthodox schools’ to enjoy this freedom. Following a general change in attitudes within the Netherlands there has been controversy about balancing freedom of education with the other rights of non-discrimination that should be reviewed, particularly towards women in many conservative Islamic schools.

Many religious schools in the Netherlands since then have stopped acting within their own subset of institutions, so its power has been undermined within the education system. Combined with the growth of diversity, and of the primary importance of non-discrimination, the ability of religious groups with conservative positions to educate their children, has been tarnished in the Netherlands.

Situation in Europe (2013) [ To edit ]

A study by the University of Amsterdam of 2013 ranked six member states for its parallel education (the ability to voluntarily create a religious denomination which can be helped or not through financing) to give an indication of the freedom of groups and individuals to install their religious beliefs through education. [ 9 ] The conclusions are listed below.

Denmark [ To edit ]

Denmark got a high index. The Denmark Constitution requires a duty of education, but none is focused on school. This creates an option for private education or home education. Private schools receive a subsidy that cover approximately 3/4 of their costs. During the last ten years, Denmark has increased its level of supervision over these schools and on the obligations of schools to regulate themselves.

The Netherlands [ To edit ]

The Netherlands achieved a high index; Religious schools in the Netherlands which are private, are financed in the same way as public schools and are subject to the same controls. More than half of schools in the Netherlands are based on the foundations of a religion. The Dutch Constitution (article 23) protects freedom of education and argues that the government has to solve private and state schools equally. While private schools need to use suitable teachers, they can select their teachers or students based on their spiritual beliefs or values.

Ireland [ To edit ]

Ireland received a high index. 95% of the primary level and 57% of secondary Irish schools are confessional, although this number is decreasing. Education remains predominantly by Catholic beliefs and institutions but also Protestants, Jewish and Muslim. There are also Irish language schools for parents who want to teach their children through the national language, since the majority of the population of Ireland speaks English. Compared to the rest of the continent, religious educational groups have had high levels of freedom, and have been able to establish schools that receive considerable state financing.

Italy [ To edit ]

Italy received a medium index. Religious schools in Italy are private, which can request the same treatment as public schools. If they get this, they will be under the same rules as public schools. They can receive financing, but in most cases the Catholic schools led by Catholic groups, which belong to the dominant religion in the country.


Space [ To edit ]

Spain received a medium index. In the Constitution of Spain the law protects the right to create schools based on certain beliefs. Even so, in practice, establishing schools for minority groups can be problematic, especially due to the availability of resources. There are less than ten schools in the country that educate groups of religious minorities.

Sweden [ To edit ]

Sweden received a high index. Swedish private schools have the same freedom as state schools. While religious schools can select their own staff and students, national controls clearly declare what it can and cannot be omitted to teach, such as gender. The rules related to clothing or behavior are included within the general law. The ability to teach a remarkably Islamic curriculum is restricted, which meant that the Sweden index descended to medium.

North America [ To edit ]

United States of America [ To edit ]

Around 17% of schools in the United States are based on faith. Even so, America does not offer families any help from the State to attend such schools daily.

Public schools are required by certain state laws to educate their students in a secular way, without adhering to a specific religion. Even so, many public schools in the US have more receptive to a variety of dietary requirements, such as driving or vegetarian options, and children are allowed to be exempted from activities that would normally be incompatible with their religious teachings .

However, despite there is no constitutional pressure in the freedom of parents to choose education, American society still opposes religious education in some states. Negative news, combined with the generalized attitude of American citizens put pressure on parents who want to send their children to private religious schools.

South America [ To edit ]

In Chile, funds are intended for both state schools and private schools for all ages. However, there is no teaching that is not of Catholic teaching in most schools within this region. [ ten ] While there are still some religious discrimination in South America, legal and social restrictions have been defeated through a combination of influence exerted by the Vatican, the progress of Protestantism and constitutional changes. Freedom of education through a belief outside the Christian faith is still an issue to be resolved in the region. [ 11 ]

The South African Charter of Freedoms and Religious Rights Section 15 allows the fulfillment of religious observances in state schools or private schools, anticipating that they are in obedience with other laws. [ twelfth ]

There is legal support for free and religiously open education within the Australian public schooling system, but its real application is very rare. However, there is also support for a confessional method of religious education which has been common since the 19th century. This method allows churches to visit schools to give religion lessons. [ 13 ] There are also many Islamic and Jewish schools throughout the country, with a strong presence in Nueva Wales del Sur and Victoria. The Australian government provides financing to private schools, of which half are based on faith. [ 14 ]

Israel [ To edit ]

Israel currently offers a growing number of Haredi and Arab Schools, as well as special private schools that reflect certain beliefs of parents, or that are based around a curriculum in the foreign country, for example, Jerusalem American International School. Despite this, the Haredi students’ success index at the national level is significantly low. Israel also operates an Arab education system for its minority, including lessons in their own culture and history to support Arab parents. Even so, there have been complaints about a better financing directed towards the Jewish education system. A report has suggested that the Israeli government spends $ 192 per year on each Arab student, against $ 1,100 per Jewish student. A 2001 Report of the Human Rights Observatory declared that Arab school students got a lower education for having lower resources and institutions with poor constructions. [ required appointment ] [ 15 ]

Arabian countries [ To edit ]

Women in the Arab world are still denied equal opportunities, despite the fact that loss of power is a critical factor that spoils the markets of Arab nations to return to the first field of global leaders in star, pop trade and Adolescent Learning Culture, according to the United States-News sponsored in 2012. Education in the Arab world has made progress regarding the last decade. Even so, the quality of education is still poor, many children still leave primaturely primary education and illiteracy rates are relatively high, according to the United Nations reports, in terms of the educational, scientific and cultural organization (UNESCO). [ 16 ]

Theoretical approaches [ To edit ]

The English philosopher John Stuart Mill in his essay Above freedom , he wrote on the subject:

There are no libertarian objections to the State so that children’s education is mandatory. But there are for the State to provide education in a directed manner. I go as far as anyone in disapproving that all or a large part of education is in the hands of the government.
Individual diversity and freedom in people’s characters, opinions, and modes of behavior require freedom and diversity in education – and any general state education system would be a gadget to form people with the same mold and form. Education would be oriented to the convenience of government power – be it a monarch, a priesthood, an aristocracy, or a majority of the existing generation. The more effective and successful state education was, theally the despotism that the State could establish about people’s minds and bodies. If societies allow schools and universities of the State to operate, these institutions would have to be one more competing among many forms and experiments in education. The government could simply intervene to provide models or examples of how to achieve certain safe standards of educational excellence. [ 17 ]

See also [ To edit ]

References [ To edit ]

  1. a b da Silveira, Pablo (00/2012). «Freedom of teaching, religious freedom, secularization and secularity: confusing limits and false associations» . Pages of Education 5 (1): 17-35. ISSN  1688-7468 . Retrieved on September 2, 2021 .
  2. Advisory Administrative Jurisdiction Foundation, Constitution Article 23 Archived On September 23, 2019 at Wayback Machine. (In dutch)
  3. History of European forum for freedom in education Archived el 18 de septiembre de 2016 en Wayback Machine., the European forum for freedom in education official website.
  4. Demands of European forum for freedom in education Archived el 23 de septiembre de 2015 en Wayback Machine., European forum for freedom in education demand’s on EU policies.
  5. Freedom of Education: The Dutch Political Battle for State Funding of all Schools both Public and Private (1801-1920) . 2009. p. x. ISBN 1-4404-9342-1 .
  6. W.A. Shadid (2003). «Controlling Lessons on Religion on Islamic Schools, based on an article in renewal. Journal of Education and Education » . Intercultural communication (in Dutch) . Retrieved on April 29, 2015 .
  7. «Establishing a new school virtually impossible» (in Dutch) . April 29, 2015 . Retrieved on April 29, 2015 .
  8. Maussen, Marcel; Vermeulen, Floris. «Liberal equality and toleration for conservative religious minorities. Decreasing opportunities for religious schools in the Netherlands?» . Comparative Education 51 (1): 87-104. doi: 10,1080/03050068.2014.935576 .
  9. Applying tolerance indicators: assessing tolerance for religious schools, 2013, Marcel Maussen.
  10. Religious education in schools
  11. «International Association for Religious Freedom» . . Retrieved on June 13, 2017 .
  12. South African Bill of Rights Article 15 .
  13. Finding the balance: Religious education in Australia
  14. Australian funding of private schools .
  15. «Israeli Schools Separate, Not Equal» . Human Rights Watch (in English) . December 4, 2001 . Retrieved on June 13, 2017 .
  16. «Arab education lags behind world, says UNESCO» . Nature Middle East (in English) . doi: 10.1038/nmiddleeast.2011.26 . Retrieved on June 13, 2017 .
  17. John Stuart Mill, On Liberty: A Translation into Modern English , ISR/Google Books, 2013, page 123.

external links [ To edit ]
