Garden city (Mannheim) – Wikipedia


The Garden city Is a district of Mannheim, which belongs to the Waldhof district. It is considered the greenest district of Mannheim.

Mannheim garden city city map

The garden city owes its name to the garden city movement from England. The concept of the garden city was designed in response to the poor living and living conditions at times of industrialization. On the edge of the big cities, settlements with small houses should be built on large properties in order to enable residents to close the city and industrial work as well as healthy eating through the self -growing of fruit and vegetables.

In 1910 the “Garden Vorstadt Cooperative Mannheim” was founded and the Mannheim architect Hermann Esch and Arno Anke broadcast the planning of the new district. In the spring of 1912, approval for the first sub -plan was given 130 apartments. The first houses, predominantly single-family houses with 38 three-room and two four-room apartments, were completed on October 1, 1912 at the Waldpforte, Waldstraße and Langer Schlag. [2] From 1913, 116 families lived in the new district. In the “old garden city”, which is listed, 420 single -family houses were created [3] . From 1925, land was awarded to private individuals on the site east of the “old garden city”. Like the typical Black Forest houses, many of the houses were covered with wooden shingles. On June 2, 1926, the city of Mannheim founded the non -profit building company Mannheim mbH (GBG) to promote social housing and built houses and farms in the garden city, which were adjacent to the settlement area and were planned for large families. From 1930 the first settlers were also built in the garden city. A large area of ​​urban property was divided into plots. Unemployed then reduced the site and built houses that were raffled off among the helpers. Today, however, the typical settlers are hardly available. In the following years, the remaining open spaces north of the Waldstraße and between the Riedbahnstrasse of Deutsche Bahn and Lampertheimer Weg, including the area on the Hochwald, were opened and built. Individual construction phases still have their own name, e.g. B. Neueichwald I, Neueichwald II, Kirchwaldsiedlung, the courtyards and the Hochwald. The development of the free meadow area on the forest gate by a discounter market was not made due to the objections of citizens.

At the beginning of 2013, the realization of the major project “Stadtbahn Mannheim Nord” began [4] of the city of Mannheim and Rhein-Neckar-Verkehr GmbH with a strong participation of the Gartenstadt citizens. It tied the garden city as one of the last remaining districts to the city’s tram network and was finally completed in summer 2016.
One of the two new companies was created on the free meadow area on the forest gate. The counterpart is on the quiet path, the east end of the garden city.

In the garden city there are the Protestant church of Gnaden and the Catholic Church of St. Elisabeth. In addition, the Redeemer Church of the Old Catholic Community and a New Apostolic Church are located there.

The home of the SV Waldhof sports club SV Waldhof Mannheim is located on the Seppl-Herberger sports facility on Alsenweg with the Seppl-Herberger Stadium of the same name. In the Erich Schäfer-Sportpark on Anemonenweg, VfB in 1950 contested garden city [5] His games. Right next door is the Carl-Benz-Bad, an outdoor pool with a swimmer, non-swimmer and paddling pool, large lying areas and a diving tower.

In the local recreation area “Käfertaler Wald” directly adjacent to the garden city, there are other options for sporting activities or other leisure activities. In addition to a mini golf course and a bird park, large red and fallow deer enclosures, which are also populated by wild boar and bison, as well as an Italian restaurant.


The open -air stage [6] Mannheim offers performances for children and adults in summer. The associated room theater plays in the winter season. The Bürgerverein Mannheim Gartenstadt [7] Organized music, cabaret and other events in a relaxed episode, which take place in the community center, in the diagonally opposite community garden or on the streets of the district.
In addition to the community center of the Gartenstadt e.V. [8] With an adjacent adventure playground, which offers children and young people in the district a varied leisure program.

  1. City of Mannheim: Inhabitant 2015 in a small -scale structure. (PDF 679 KB) Statistical data Mannheim № 1/2016. March 30, 2016, S. 5 ff. , accessed on April 6, 2016 .
  4. http://www.stadtbahn
  5. Website of VfB 1950 Gartenstadt
  6. Website of the Freilichtbühne Mannheim
  7. Website of the Gartenstadt Citizens’ Association
  8. Website of the Waldpforte youth center
