Great pool – Wikipedia


The Big pool ( Tursiops truncate ) is a species of dolphins spread in all oceans. It is this kind that is shown in dolphinariums and by the series Flipper got known. This has become the best known of all dolphins. Although the common dolphin occurs in European waters and the sword whale is also a generally known representative of the dolphins, the pool also shapes the image that people make of these animals in Europe.


Table of Contents


The big pool is colored gray and has a brighter stomach. It can be between 1.9 and 4 meters long. Its weight is usually between 150 and 300 kg, but can also reach up to 650 kg. A newborn calf is 65 to 105 cm in size and weighs 15 to 30 kg. The short snout is characteristic of this dolphin because of its shape its English name Bottlenose Dolphin (Bottlenose = bottle nose) has awarded and is filled with up to 80 homogeneous teeth. Thanks to its sickle -shaped dark fin you can see it well. The outer cell layer of the epidermis is stripped down 12 times a day. This permanent regeneration is likely to ensure a smooth skin surface that minimizes the flow resistance and also prevents the settlement of microorganisms. [first] The nature of the skin and the resulting, low flow resistance is a research object with the aim of developing coatings with similar properties for ships. [2]


Distribution of the big pool

The big pool is located in all three oceans. In the Mediterranean he became the Tuscany’s coast Care del tursiops truncate furnished. It is becoming more and more common in the North Sea and occasionally in the Flensburg Fjord (Baltic Sea) [3] Sighted, even though he was preferred to date in tropical latitudes. This is justified with the increasing water temperature, which offers a richer food supply in addition to the warmer water. He often stays near the coasts and also reaches flat bays and lagoons. One of the greatest populations of the great pool occurs in the Shark Bay in Western Australia. [4]

way of life

Young pools are born after a cage of one year and are about 120 cm long. The dolphinburt can take up to two hours. The boy first comes with the tail fin, which means that it does not drown at birth. Then the mother pushes it to the water surface to his first breath. Surrounded by other members of the group, the childbearing mother is protected from possible shark attacks. There are rarely twins; If it does, they usually do not live long because breast milk is not sufficient. According to observations by Jerome M. Siegel et al. The University of California in Los Angeles in captivity living in captivity almost does not sleep at all for up to two weeks after birth. The calf also stays awake constantly during this time, but this lack of sleep does not weaken it, on the contrary, it increases in weight. Afterwards, the mother and her calf set up short sleep phases and the mother animal only reaches the normal sleep time after further weeks. The boys stay with the mother for about three years, of which one year is suckled.

The lifespan of the great pool is about 25 years, but they often become significantly older in captivity. [5] [6] The dolphin male “Moby” died in 2018 at the Nuremberg Tiergarten at the age of 58, the dolphindame “Nellie”, which, until its sleeping in 2014, lived in Marineland Florida, is considered the oldest acquaintance with an age of around 61 Big pool. [7]

Large pools live in narrow social associations (schools). On average, they swim between 60 and 100 km daily and dive up to 500 m deep. A school consists of two to fifteen individuals, the cut is in five animals in the Atlantic, but seems to be higher in the Pacific and the Indian Ocean. Dolbers living on the open sea also have larger schools than the coastal animals. The hierarchy of a school is led by an old male. In addition to this, there are only females and young animals in the association. Young people form their own schools, so -called bachelor associations. The members of the group communicate with each other about whistle tones; Each individual animal has a characteristic detection tone.



The “language” of the pool has been a research object for decades. Some scientists believe that after decrypting such a language could be communicated with the dolphins. However, the predominant scientific doctrine is that the pool has a limited selection of signals with which they tell each other their identity and their condition.

In addition to the whistle tones, Tümmler can make high -frequency clicks that serve for echo location. The sounds are sent forward in a bundled beam. Although Tümmler have two small ear openings, most of the sound is passed on into the inner ear over the mouth. There the sound is caught and reveals the pool when he approaches prey. However, pool also have good eyes. With these aids you are looking for small fish that represent your main prey. Only occasionally they also eat squids and crustaceans.

The great pool is reported that grandparents also supervise, protect and even suckle their grandchildren. [8]

In a study in June 2005 in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA appeared, researchers from the University of Zurich and the University of New South Wales (Sydney) reported that some of the great pools in the Western Australian Shark Bay Use tools when looking for food: They detach sponges from the sea floor and put them over their snout. [9] The sponges serve as a kind of glove to protect your snout when looking for food in the ground. Of the approximately 3,000 dolphins in Shark Bay, only about 30 so -called Spongers , Dr. Michael Krützen from the Anthropological Institute of the University of Zurich found. In order to examine genetic influences, the DNA was analyzed by 13 sponge dolphins, as was the DNA of 172 dolphins that do not use sponges. It was found that the use of sponges is apparently passed on in direct line by the mother to the daughter. The sponges used in the sponges also showed a significant genetic relationship. The researchers therefore assume that the use of sponges was only invented by a female ancestor relatively short time ago. It is the first example of a material culture among marine mugs.

In front of the Brazilian coast, in a bay at Laguna, a group cooperates with the local fishermen for generations every autumn. While the fishermen run only a few steps into the water of the Atlantic Ocean and remain there with their litter nets, the pools drive fish from the sea side towards the shore. Young animals accompany their mothers, from which it was concluded that the behavior of generation to generation is passed on in this way. [ten]


Indopazacific large pool off the coast of Australia

It is controversial whether the big pool is a species or actually has to be divided into two or three species. Some zoologists name these three species:

While most zoologists have been considering them at most recently for subspecies, Dale W. Rice has in his standard work Marine Mammals of the World. Systematics and Distribution (1998) in T. aduncus again seen an independent way, but against it T. gillii As subspecies of T. Truncate classified.

The large pool living in the Black Sea are a subspecies of the Atlantic pool and are as Tursiops truncate guided.

People and pools

The big pool is not threatened because it occurs numerous in its extensive distribution area and is adaptable. Dolphler have been hunted in different parts of the world because of their meat and trans. Today such a hunt still takes place in West Africa, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and Japan. European states and the United States have already hunted dolphins in the middle of the 20th century. On the other hand, Tümmler often gets caught in fishing nets and drown; In this way, far more pool dies than from active hunting.

When experimenting with various dolphinarten, it was soon found that the big pool is most suitable to show off tricks in shows. However, there is more and more criticism of the attitude in dolphinariums in recent times, since it is controversial whether large pools can be kept under species -appropriate conditions. There are two dolphinaries in Germany, in the Duisburg Zoo and in the Nuremberg Tiergarten. The dolphinarium in the all -weather zoo Münster was closed in February 2013 because the money was missing for a new building. [11]

The big pool is also of growing importance in other areas. In dolphin therapy, he should help promoting autistic and disabled children. Both in the United States and Russia, large pools are trained for tracking down sea.

The film The Bay From 2009, the annual collaboration describes and kill these animals in Taiji in Japanese.


  1. Bradley D. Hicks, David J. St. Aubin, Joseph R. Geraci, William R. Brown: Epidermal Growth in the Bottlenose Dolphin, Tursiops truncatus . In: Journal of Investigative Dermatology . Band 85 , No. first , 1. July 1985, ISSN 0022-202X , S. 60–63 , doi: 10.1111/1523-1747.ep12275348 (English, [accessed on February 10, 2023]).
  2. Role model: elastic material reduces frictional resistance in ships. Press release. Fraunhofer Ifam, June 27, 2017, accessed on February 10, 2023 .
  3. Dolphins in front of Flensburg. In: Mirror online. February 18, 2016.
  4. Oliver Manlik, Jane A. McDonald, Janet Mann, Holly C. Raudino, Lars Bejder: The relative importance of reproduction and survival for the conservation of two dolphin populations . In: Ecology and Evolution . 2016, ISSN  2045-7758 , doi: 10.1002/ece3.2130 ( [accessed on May 6, 2016]).
  5. Ceta Base | Captive Cetacean Database – Zoo Duisburg • Germany. Retrieved on August 11, 2020 (American English).
  6. Marineland Florida: Dolphin Facts. ( Memento from April 18, 2012 in Internet Archive ) on: , February 2012.
  7. Ceta base. Retrieved on August 11, 2020 .
  8. J. R. Carey, C. Gruenfelder: Population Biology of the Elderly. In: K. W. Wachter, C. E. Finch (Hrsg.): Between Zeus and the Salmon: The Biodemography of Longevity. Natl. Acad. Press, Washington, DC 1997, pp. 127–160. Quoted from Ronald D. Lee: Rethinking the evolutionary theory of aging: Transfers, not births, shape senescence in social species. In: PNAS. Band 100, nr. 16, 2003, S. 9637-9642. doi:10.1073/pnas.1530303100
  9. Michael Krützen u. a.: Cultural transmission of tool use in bottlenose dolphins. In: PNAS. Band 102, Nr. 25, 2005, S. 8939-9943. doi:10.1073/pnas.0500232102
  10. F. G. Daura-Jorge u. a.: The structure of a bottlenose dolphin society is coupled to a unique foraging cooperation with artisanal fishermen. In: Biology Letters. Online pre-release from May 2, 2012, Two: 10.1098/RSBL.2012.0174 @first @2 Template: Toter Link/ ( Page no longer available, search in Webarchiven ) Info: The link was automatically marked as a defect. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this note. We will 1. May 2012: Clues to an Unusual Alliance Between Dolphins and Fishers.
    „Bottlenose Dolphins in Laguna Requesting a Throw Net“
  11. WDSF: Dolphinarium Münster is closed

