Grenada County – Wikipedia


US state: Mississippi
Administrative seat: Grenada
Address of
Administrative seat:
County Courthouse
P.O. Box 1208
Grenada, MS 38902-1208
Founding: 9. May 1870
Made up from: Carroll County
Choctaw County
Tallahatchie County
Yalobusha County
Phone prefix: 001 662
Resident: 21,629 (Stand: 2020 )
Population density: 19.79 inhabitants/km 2
Total area: 1164 km²
Water area: 71 km²
Karte von Grenada County innerhalb von Mississippi
Website :

The Grenada County [first] is a county in the US state of Mississippi. The administrative seat (County Seat) is Grenada.


The County is located in the middle north of Mississippi and has an area of ​​1164 square kilometers, of which there are 71 square kilometers of water. It borders on the following counties:

The Grenada County was formed on May 9, 1870 from parts of the Carroll, Choctaw, Tallahatchie and Yalobusha County. Like the district capital, it was named after the island of Grenada of the Little Antilles.

15 buildings and sites of the county are entered in the National Register of Historic Places (as of February 1, 2018). [2]

growth of population
Census Resident ± rel.
1870 10.751
1880 12.071 12.3%
1890 14,974 24%
1900 14.112 −5.8%
1910 15,727 11.4%
1920 13.607 −13.5%
1930 16,802 23.5%
1940 19.052 13.4%
1950 18,830 −1.2%
1960 18,409 −2.2%
1970 19.854 7.8%
1980 21.043 6%
1990 21,555 2.4%
2000 23,263 7.9%
2010 21.906 −5.8%
2020 21,629 −1.3%
Before 1900 [3] 1900–1990 [4]

2000 + 2010 [5]

Itarspyramide des Grenada Countys (Stand: 2000)

After the census in 2000, 23,263 people lived in 8820 households and 6297 families in the Grenada County. The population density was 21 people per square kilometer. From a ethnic point of view, the population was made up of 57.92 percent white, 40.93 percent African Americans, 0.14 percent American indigenous people, 0.34 percent Asians, 0.02 percent residents from the Pacific island area and 0.13 percent from other ethnic Groups; 0.52 percent came from two or more ethnic groups. 0.62 percent of the population were Spanish or Latin American descent that belonged to various groups mentioned.


Of the 8820 households, 33.9 percent had children under the age of 18 who lived with them. 48.9 percent were married, living together couples, 18.6 percent were single mothers and 28.6 percent were not families. 25.3 percent of all households were single households and in 10.6 percent people lived aged 65 or about it. The average household size was 2.58 and the average family size was 3.09 people.

27.2 percent of the population was under 18 years old, 9.0 percent between 18 and 24, 27.5 percent between 25 and 44, 22.0 percent between 45 and 64 years old and 14.4 percent were 65 years or older . The average age was 36 years. There were statistically 87.8 male people on 100 female and 83.9 men came to 100 women aged 18 or above.

The average income of a household was $ 27,385, that of a family 33,115. Men had an average income of $ 28,969, women $ 21,567. The perhead income was $ 13,786. About 17.6 percent of families and 20.9 percent of the population lived below the poverty border. [6]

  1. GNIS-ID: 695746. Retrieved on February 22, 2011 (English).
  2. Search mask database In the National Register Information System. National Park Service, accessed on February 1, 2018.
  3. U.S. Census Bureau _ Census of Population and Housing Retrieved on February 19, 2011
  4. Extract from Retrieved on February 19, 2011
  5. Extract from (2000+2010) ( Memento from July 11, 2011 Webcite ) Accessed on April 4, 2012
  6. Grenada County, Mississippi @first @2 Template: dead link/ (Page no longer available, found in November 2022. Search in web archives .) Info: The link was automatically marked as a defect. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this note. Data sheet with the results of the census in 2000
