Groß Oesingen – Wikipedia


Groß Oesingen is a municipality in the velvet community of Wesendorf in the Gifhorn district in Lower Saxony.

Geographical location [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

The municipality of Groß Oesingen lies on the B 4. through the village of Groß Oesingen the wie, a tributary of the Blackwater.

Parish [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

The municipality includes the districts and living spaces Groß Oesingen, Klein Oesingen, Mahrenholz, Schmarloh, Texas, Wichelnförth and Zahrenholz. The pond goods with the “Pond Guts” restaurant, but not the Teichgut settlement, also belong to Groß Oesingen. In the community, Zzt. 2.134 fellow citizens own their main and secondary residence (as of December 31, 2022). [2]

The village emerged from a manor who has been proven about 1222/1252. From archaeological excavations, the settlement can be dated to the 11th century. Oesingen was located on the important trading road from Hamburg to Braunschweig.

On April 13, 1945, Groß Oesingen was taken by American troops. [3]

On March 1, 1974, the municipalities of Mahrenholz and Zahrenholz were incorporated. [4]

Municipal council [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

The advice of the municipality of Groß Oesingen is made up of eleven mandate carriers from two parties and an independent group of voters. The council members are elected in a local elections for five years each.


In the 2021 local elections, the following was distributed: [5]

The previous local elections showed the following seat distributions:

Election year CDU SPD In total
2016 8 3 11 seats
2011 8 3 11 seats

mayor [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

The volunteer mayor of the municipality of Groß Oesingen Ewald Heers (CDU) was voted majority by the council members at the recent constituent assembly.

coat of arms [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Wappen von Groß Oesingen
Blasonation: “Downtubsized by gold (yellow) and blue by a silver stroke (narrow white bars). Two different red gables on top of gold (yellow). At the bottom of blue, a post horn turned to the left, topped with four red -stemmed oak leaves. ” [6]
Coat of arms: The municipality of Groß Oesingen is located in a heath landscape, which is to be understood by the representation of two still existing sheep stables. The old army street, which runs through the municipality of Groß Oesingen, was characterized by the white bar, was of its importance through the post office that was once in the community, which is symbolized by the golden posthorn. The four oak leaves placed on the posthorn mean the four towns that are now combined in the municipality of Groß Oesingen.

The coat of arms of the community Gr. Oesingen was approved by the Gifhorn district on January 15, 1985.

Historische Schafställe Gr. Oesingen

Historical sheep stables size. Oesingen

Personalities who have worked in Groß Oesingen [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

  1. State Office for Statistics Lower Saxony, LSN-Online Regional Database, Table A100001G: Update of the population, as of December 31, 2021 (Help with).
  2. The mouthpiece 12/2022; P. 8
  3. Village book committee Zahrenholz (ed.): Zahrenholz in history and present. A village book for the 700th anniversary 1306-2006. Zahrenholz 2006, p. 57.
  4. Federal Statistical Office (ed.): Historical municipal directory for the Federal Republic of Germany. Name, border and key number changes in municipalities, circles and government districts from May 27, 1970 to December 31, 1982 . W. Kohlhammer GmbH, Stuttgart/Mainz 1983, ISBN 3-17-003263-1, S. 226 .
  5. Velvet community Wesendorf common Groß Oesingen election of the municipal council 12.09.2021
  6. Coat of arms description Groß Oesingen. In: Portal of the velvet community of Wesendorf. Accessed on August 22, 2017 .
  7. District archeology Gifhorn (ed.): In the footsteps of the past (brochure) . 2005.
