Harald Kidde – Wikipedia


Harald Henrik Sager Kidde (Born August 14, 1878 in Vejle on Jutland, Denmark, † November 23, 1918 in Copenhagen) was a Danish writer whose novel The hero (Dt. “The Held”) the best known, the last novel of which Jærnet (Dt. “The iron”) but from a literary point of view is the more important.


Harald Kidde was born in 1878 as the son of a district street inspector in Vejle. His sister died early on tuberculosis, his younger brother Aage Kidde later became a conservative politician. He grew up in an educational ceremony in which music and literature were omnipresent, so that he went up in it and gave an idea of ​​the becoming poet. [first] In 1898 he graduated from Vejle. [2] Because the father had also died, the mother and the two brothers moved to Copenhagen in the same year. Here Harald Kidde studied theology and also devoted himself to writing. From the goal of becoming theologian, the student, Se Peter Jacobsen, who was influenced by the church -critical compatriots Søren Kierkegaard and Jens Peter Jacobsen, and therefore not the following student Dogmatism more and more. [first] His doubts [2] and conscience [3] afterwards, he broke off his studies and looked for a distance to the fellow human beings.

He pulled back onto the small island of Læsø in the northern Kattegat, where his mother came from, and worked in the house of a priest. Here he found the leisure to write. The publication of a prose sketch about a girl who indulges in a rich man out of need was doomed in May 1899, because a harsh newspaper criticism in which he was accused of a relaxed morality led to the termination of his job. [first] Kidde found a new accommodation at one of his former school teachers who had become a pastor in the Heide of West Jutland and continued his literary activities. The decision to make the letter into a profession had now solidified. [first]

After several of his work had been printed in magazines, Kidde made a first book called in 1900 Mind pictures before, a collection of short briefs in contemporary style, referred to by him as “parabolas”. In 1902 the first part of his own life-inspired double novel was published Aage and Else , the Death (German death “). The second part, which came out the following year, was called accordingly Life (Dt. “Life”). [first]

In 1906, Kidde went out of a mistake with the writer Astrid Ehrencron-Müller, whom he had met in 1904 during a stay in Switzerland; They married the following year. The childless couple lived in Sweden for a long time, favored by the prestigious Angerske scholarship (“Anckerske Legat”) preserved in 1913. The couple was primarily in Värmland, where intensive employment, the material collections and preliminary studies, included the ambitious substance Jærnet (Dt. “The Iron”) began and lasted until 1918, when the book was published. [first] Jærnet Was intended as an introduction to a large epic, a tetralogy, about the industrialization of Värmlands in the 100 years ago. [first] It should go on with “Guldet” (German “The Gold”), “Ilden” (German “Das Fire”) and “Ordet” (German “The Word”). [4] The concept did not come to the execution, there are no fragments of the follow -up volumes: Shortly after the end of the First World War, Harald Kidde and his brother only died of the Spanish flu for a few days. Jærnet had just been released at that time. [first]

Kiddes books were hardly sold – at that time his work had the reputation of being strangely looking and extremely serious. The hero (Dt. “Der Held”) from 1912, however, reached a considerable edition – albeit after start -up difficulties – and is now considered its main work in many places. [first] Bernhard Glienke wrote in 1982 in his essay on the Danish literature of the 20th century that The hero is a “novel novel”. The scene, the small Kattegatinsel Anholt, is a closed social system and in it the main character in the sense of Kierkegaards as a “truth tool”. [5] Hanne Marie and Werner Svendson described the influence on the population in their literary history in 1964. It consists of a Christian willingness to sacrifice and “self -denial humility” and leads to the improvement of the people surrounding him rash and threatening people. [6] Gero von Wilpert calls in his Lexicon of world literature The islanders described “cynical and derailed”, while the protagonist brings salvation to the island like a “witness to faith”. The book is “a desperater but moving attempt to draw a modern figure of Christ”. The hero I strongly influenced the Danish generation of poets after the Second World War, including Martin A. Hansen ( The liar ). [2] Glienke summed up, the “inclusion of neuromanticism in neuralism” in The hero Explain why he was rediscovered in 1940. [5]

Both in Von Wilperts and in Glienke’s representation Jærnet However, no mention, although the novel was groundbreaking from today’s perspective, because it introduced a literary collage and assembly technology with narrative and documentary elements as well as with consciousness stream moments, which on the one hand showed the expressionist poetry and on the other hand the essayist novel. [first] According to the Svendsons, the book “The reproduction of a tremendous consequence of his protagonist”, “conscious perceptions and thoughts, but also the emotions of his subconscious” is. [6]

Instead of Jærnet is often Aage and Else Death listed as another important work. Meyer’s encyclopedic lexicon then also denotes it next to The hero as Kiddes “main work”. [3] Von Wilpert notes that Kidde deals with “his main topic of fear of life and longing for death for a folk song”. [2] Hanne Marie and Werner Svendson commented: “The author’s preference obviously applies to the young, still in his life shy, so painfully uncompromising heroes, but the woman is also drawn with deep understanding.” [6]


In various summaries it says that in Kiddes works there was melancholy (or with a different word: melancholy) [2] [3] [7] [8] Skepticism (or deep thoughts or simply brooding) [2] [3] [6] [8] as well as obsession with ideas. [6] Furthermore, biblical and mythological motifs are [7] or mystical Pietism [2] to find. Own influence was carried out in terms of ideological kierkegaard [2] [3] [7] [8] and stylistically by Jens Peter Jacobsen, [2] [3] [7] Johannes Jørgensen, [2] [3] [7] Henrik Ibsen [7] And the Danish romance. [2] [3] [7] [8]

Despite the sometimes emphasized meaning of Harald Kidde, it is usually not taken into account in Scandinavian literary stories.

There is an extensive Kidde archive in the city archive of Vejle.

  • Aage and Else Death , 1902.
  • Aage and Else. Life , 1902.
  • The blind , 1906.
  • Law , 1908.
  • The other , 1909.
  • De Salige , 1910.
  • The hero , 1912. ( The hero. novel , Safari-Verlag, Berlin, 1927.)
  • Jærnet. Novel about iron berry , 1918.
Novella and other prose
  • Mind pictures , 1900.
  • People , 1901.
  • The spectator , 1901, Harald Kidde, Son of Man.
  • Air slot , 1904. ( Pacifier , J. C. C. Bruns, Minden 1905.)
  • The spectator , 1904, Harald Kidde, Pain’s Way.
  • The spectator , 1905, Harald Kidde, Dreaming.
  • Evening , 1908. (Special edition of Ord Och Bild, 17th year, No. 5, printed in Stockholm.)
  • Meeting New Year Eve. A Chronicle from Anholt , 1917.
  • Walks , 1920.
  • Dinkelsbühl , 1931.
  • Under the flowering fruit trees , 1942.
  • Parabler , 1948.
  • The collar wars , 1953.
  • Astrid Ehrencron-Kidde: Who calls? , 1960.
  • Alfons Right: Form and content of the novels and smaller stories Harald Kiddes , Munich 1969 (dissertation).
  • Jens Marinus Jensen: Harald Kidde. Articles and letters .
  • Jens Marinus Jensen: Harald Kidde. Contribution to a biography .
  • Niels Jeppesen: Harald Kidde and his poetry .
  • Iver Kjær and others: Danish Studies 1992 .
  • Niels Kofoed: The nostalgic dimension. A work review of Harald Kiddes novel “the hero« .
  • Ingeborg cattle: Harald Kidde. His life and his work , Jena 1940 (dissertation, printed 1942).
  • Laurits Nielsen: Catalog of Danish and Norwegian poets’ original manuscripts in the Royal Library .
  • Villy Sørensen: Poets and demons. Interpretations and assessments .
  • Otto Asmus Thomsen: Harald Kidde, the widely traveled home birth .
  • Cai M. Woel: Harald Kidde. Biographical List .
  1. a b c d It is f g h i j Henrik Schovsbo: Harald Henrik Sager Kidde. Author portrait written by Henrik Schovsbo. In: ADL.DK. Accessed on June 1st, 2019 (Danish).
  2. a b c d It is f g h i j k Gero von Wilpert (ed.): Lexicon of world literature . Band first . Kröner Verlag, Stuttgart 1975, ISBN 3-520-80702-5, Kidde, S. 853 f .
  3. a b c d It is f g h Meyer’s encyclopedic lexicon . With special contributions by Axel Freiherr von Campenhausen, Karl Larenz, Heinz-Rolf Lückert, Helge Pross. Ninth, completely newly edited edition for the 150th anniversary of the publisher. With 100 signed special contributions. Band 13 : J – KN and 4th addendum. Bibliographical Institute, Mannheim/Vienna/Zurich 1975, Kidde, S. 654 .
  4. Ejgil Søholm (alias “Esoehs”): Harald Kidde. In: dendstoredanske.dk. Accessed on June 1st, 2019 (Danish).
  5. a b Bernhard Glienke: Danish literature in the 20th century. Between the breakthroughs: 1900–1940 . In: Fritz Paul (ed.): Basic features of the newer Scandinavian literatures . With contributions by Alken Bruns, Wolfgang Butt, Wilhelm Friese, Bernhard Glienke, Gert Kreutzer, Otto Oberholzer and Fritz Paul (= Basic features . Band 41 ). Scientific Book Society, Darmstadt 1982, ISBN 3-534-08047-5, the new outside world, S. 216–222 , Yesterday S. 217 ( Fyrkrans.info [PDF; 1.3 MB ; accessed on June 1, 2019] Internet specification: compiled on June 16, 2014).
  6. a b c d It is Hanne Marie Svendsen, Werner Svendsen: History of Danish literature . Karl Wachholtz Verlag/Gyldendal, Neumünster/Copenhagen 1964, the 19th century. The mental breakthrough, S. 377–379 .
  7. a b c d It is f g Brockhaus. The encyclopedia in twenty -four volumes . 20., revised and updated edition. Eliber band is – kip. F. A. Brockhaus, Leipzig/Mannheim 1997, ISBN 3-7653-3111-2, Kidde, S. 706 .
  8. a b c d Harald Kidde. Biography. In: whoswho. Accessed on June 1st, 2019 .