Hildegard Emmel – Wikipedia


Hildegard Emmel ( * 23. 29. 191 His Franc Freef Hem Maagan 6966 of 4996 suber) [first] Was a German Germanist and university professor.


Hildegard Emmel, who studied the subjects of German, history, evangelical theology, philosophy and folklore after graduating from high school at the universities of Frankfurt am Main and Bonn. The relationship between Ere and Triuwe in the Nibelungenlied with Hartmann and Wolfram PhD. After the legal clerkship in Frankfurt (1936–1938), she worked as a teacher, first in Sontra (Hesse) and Eger (Sudetenland). From 1941 to 1945 she taught in the occupied Netherlands at the German High School in Den Haag. After a first attempt in Hamburg had not succeeded [2] Emmel moved into the eastern part of the country and from 1950 was a research assistant at the Goethe dictionary at the Academy of Sciences in East Berlin. In 1951 she successfully completed her habilitation at the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Rostock, which was the first habilitation of a woman at the University of Rostock. [3] At first she taught in Rostock, in 1956 she was appointed to the University of Greifswald. Emmel left Greifswald in 1958 due to political problems [4] And switched back to the Federal Republic. From 1960 she worked in Bielefeld, after which she lived and worked mainly abroad, including in Norway, Finland, Türkiye and most recently the United States. After her retirement, she moved to Bern in 1981, but continued to work professionally.

On November 15, 1991, she received the honorary doctorate at the University of Greifswald. [5]

  • The relationship between êre and Triuwe in the Nibelungenlied and with Hartmann and Wolfram . Diesterweg, Frankfurt/M. 1936.
  • Form problems of the artery novel and the grald seal. The importance of the Arthurian circle for the structure of the novel in the 12th and 13th centuries in France, Germany and the Netherlands . Francke, Bern 1951.
  • Mörikes Peregrinadicht and their relationship with the Nolten novel , Böhlau, Weimar 1952.
  • World action and image of the world in the poetry of Goethe . Böhlau, Weimar 1957 (2nd edition 1979).
  • The court in the German literature of the 20th century , Francke Verlag, Munich 1963.
  • What Goethe took from the novel of contemporaries. To Wilhelm Meister’s apprenticeship years , Francke, Bern 1972, ISBN 3-7720-1019-9.
  • Critical intelligence as a method. Old and new essays over seven centuries of German literature . Francke, Berlin 1981, ISBN 3-7720-1525-5.
  • History of the German Novel , Wayne State University Press 1984, ISBN 978-0-8143-1770-9 (German edition: History of the German novel . Three volumes. Francke, Munich 1972–1978)
  • Freedom has not yet started , Reich Verlag 1991, ISBN 978-3-86167-029-2.
  • Freedom: Keep on Fighting for It , Trafford Publishing 2002, ISBN 978-1-55395-110-0.
  • As a editor: German literature lexicon. Biographical-bibliographical manual . Volume 5: Filek – Fux. Francke 1978. ISBN 3-7720-1265-5.
  • Petra floor: Hildegard Emmel (1911-1996). “… she went into the world as a Germanist”. In: Central German Yearbook for Culture and History 4 (1997), S. 270‒273 ( online at literaturkritik.de ).
  1. News. In: Decision. Volume 14 (1996), Issue 2, pages 276–277, DOI: 10.1515 / arbi.1996.14.2.276
  2. Ralph YOU: Academic elite and communist dictatorship . Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 1999, ISBN 978-3-525-35797-2, p. 368.
  3. Rostock studies on university history, vol. 9, study of women in Rostock: Reports by and about academics, Rostock 2010, p. 33 (online edition)
  4. Rosenberg, Boden, Dainat: German literary studies 1945–1965. Case studies on institutions . Akademie-Verlag 1997, ISBN 978-3-05-002930-6, p. 144.
  5. Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald: Honor documents from the University of Greifswald ( Memento from May 13, 2013 in Internet Archive )
