Hotel Deutsche Eiche – Wikipedia


Hotel Deutsche Eiche, 2020

The Hotel Deutsche Eiche In the Gärtnerplatzviertel of Munich is an old traditional restaurant. It is considered one of the oldest meeting points in the homosexual scene in Munich.

Construction application for the Utzschneiderstraße estate, today Reichenbachstr. 13 (neckline)

The house on the then Utzschneiderstraße was built in 1862 by the locksmith Theodor Gößling as a three -story building, as one of the first houses of the Gärtnerplatzviertel. [first] Later the building initially had the address Reichenbachstraße 2, the breakthrough of the road to the Viktualienmarkt only took place much later, from 1917 the number 13 can be detected. The Gärtnerplatzviertel, formerly an independent quarter, together with Glockenbach, Dreimühlenviertel and Ludwigsvorstadt today belongs to the district of Ludwigsvorstadt-Isarvorstadt.

There was probably a bar from the beginning at Reichenbachstrasse 2, from 1872 the name dives German oak Auf, 1882 a concession is documented.

After the Franco-German war won, the “German oak” was often used according to the old Germanic symbol of strength and eternity and should demonstrate national pride, law and order.
Out of national pride, restaurants and pensions were renamed “German oak” everywhere.
There were five “German oaks” in Munich alone in 1993, and the one founded in Lochhausen still exists in Lochhausen in 1899 Landgasthof Deutsche Eiche . [2]

Reichenbach family [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

In 1896, Emil Reichenbach bought the house and ran the economy with his wife Apollonia, the apartments were rented, on the top floor as single rooms for the employees.


It is not known whether the Reichenbachs acquired the object because of the street name. Since many houses were bought near butchers, the motif for purchase was probably the proximity to the newly created slaughterhouse. From there, many guests also came to the tavern, but also people from the wholesale market hall, dancers from the Gärtnerplatztheater and prostitute. On the 2nd floor there was a pimp called “Napoleon”, called “Nappi”.
From 1921 to 1923, Adolf Hitler is said to have liked to have run there, as it was said, because of the dancers of the Gärtnerplatz Theater.
The NSDAP headquarters were back then at nearby Corneliusstraße 12.

Munich, German oak, 1935

Son Emil followed Emil Reichenbach, married to Babette. In the third generation, an Emil, married to Antonia, called “Toni”. His sister Eleonore, called “Ella” († 1982), led in the war years with sister -in -law Toni Gasthaus and Pension, combined with black market, which is why a prison sentence was imposed. Shortly after the end of the war in 1945, Ella then became a tenant.
Ella’s daughter Sonja Reichenbach-Neudorfer headed the company after her death until 1995 as the last hostess from the Reichenbach family.

At the beginning of the 1930s, the family sold the property to Löwenbräu-AG in the course of a construction, combined with a lease that can actually be leased for the building including business. [3]

In 1928 it was possible to lay the foundation for a simple accommodation company with two foreign rooms.
In 1944, an aviation bomb destroyed the top floor of the house and burned through to the first floor.

post war period [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

In the post-war period, more and more artists, decorators and colorful people gathered in the inn-described inn, and the restaurant was soon also considered a “gay meeting”. [4] The hostess Ella Reichenbach at the time was outraged: “Such a rubbish what they write! For me, 90% of artists and 10% of women disappointed men! ”On November 9, 1971, the first homosexual group of Munich was founded in the inn, HAG (homosexual action group Munich), later Ham-Teestube, which lasted until 1980 . [5] The fifty anniversary of the founding was also recognized here in 2021 with a ceremony.

The hotel now had 25 rooms, but without any comfort. The bathroom and toilet had to be shared with other hotel guests. This low standard lasted until the 1990s.
In 1947 the front building was expanded by an expanded attic.

Descent and fresh start [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

The descent of the restaurant began in the mid -1980s. The quarter all around became fancier and thus the rents higher; The kitchen should be modernized on official instructions, which would have led to increased prices. Senior boss Ella had died, the lease was to be canceled and from 1993 the building was gutted by the owner Monachia Grundstücks-AG and then used as a office building. There were global protests on this, there were help offers from the United States.
The building owner then wanted to quickly sell the property. From December 1993, the new owners were called Nikolaus “Nicki” Holzapfel (1931–1993), his son Dietmar Holzapfel – who is also a member of the Munich Rosa List – and his partner Josef “Sepp” Sattler. [6]

German oak, carnival 1961
Host Ella and Toni Reichenbach

Since the 1950s, more and more dancers from the nearby Gärtnerplatztheater have been visiting the restaurant. These did not earn very well, estimated the cheap economy and got a soup or a glass of wine for free. As a thank you, the landlords received theater tickets more often, soon premier celebrations were made in the Oak laid.
The dancer Ernst Craemer initiated the idea of ​​organizing a carnival party that soon became an institution. Parodies with the two landlords Ella and Toni were staged as main characters. Even today there is big festivals at the end of January and on Mardi Gras, but now also as a street festival with a award of the greatest costumes. [7] The restaurant, especially in the evening, became a meeting point for cultural workers and life artists.

In the 1960s, John Cranko, world-famous ballet choreographer, came to Munich. He also preferred to celebrate with his colleagues from the National Theater in the Oak .

Freddie Mercury and Barbara Valentin in the German oak

On October 24, 1968, the musical had Hair His German premiere in Munich. The singer Ladonna Adrian Gaines fell in love with the Austrian dentist Sommer, got daughter Mimi from him, then called himself Donna Summer and lived with the baby on the 5th floor of the Oak . She could not move on with the musical team because of her child. She worked in the “Why not” at Herrnstraße 30, where she was discovered by Giorgio Moroder, who she did with Love To Love You Baby made the world star.

From 1974 the restaurant became the “second living room” by Rainer Werner Fassbinder. From then on, lavish film festivals were celebrated here.
In order to be as close as possible to his regulars, Fassbinder with his great love, the tapping waiter and butcher journeyman Armin Meier, an apartment opposite at Reichenbachstrasse 12, today office Oak .
Even in several films of Fassbinder, his regular restaurant occurs, so a scene of the film was Lola Turned there, and the landlady Sonja Reichenbach-Neudorfer got small roles in some films. [8] Also scenes from the film Satansbrat [9] play with Kurt Raab in the Oak . His contribution was made in Fassbinder’s apartment Germany in autumn .

Freddie Mercury (“Queen”) has lived in Munich since 1979 and was a guest in the Oak . In the six years in Munich, six albums, solo and with “Queen”. The big star is also a sad symbol for a new, epidemically spreading disease: AIDS, Mercury died in 1991.

Hotel Deutsche Eiche Munich: sauna

But – apart from the landlords – there were always well -known artists who are in the Oak Feeled, e.g. B. Margot Werner, Elisabeth Volkmann and Barbara Valentin.

From 1995 the building was renovated and rebuilt by the new owners, in 1996 the hotel rooms were renovated and the restaurant was renovated in 1998. The hotel became a designer hotel (own name) and has been classified as ★★★ Superior since 1999. [ten]

Like society, the clientele of the house has changed: in addition to gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgender and heterosexuals there are also logging there. So Nobel Prize winner Günter Grass was among the guests, but also Jean Paul Gaultier, the author Frank Schätzing with wife, Ulli Lommel and Ralph Morgenstern, Thomas Hermanns, Nastassja Kinski, Ireen Sheer and many others.

The company is today from the Deutsche Eiche Gärtnerplatz GmbH – operation of leisure facilities Leaded, the managing director is Roger Holzapfel-Barta, adoptive son from Dietmar Holzapfel and Sepp Sattler.

Bathing house [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

From 1995 the first bath house was only built in two back buildings for men. The bath house now extends over five plots of land and a total of four floors on around 2000 square meters. Among other things, it has a steam bath with five rooms, two Finnish saunas and a large whirlpool, massage rooms, relaxation rooms as well as a restaurant and cruising areas. A hammam and a foam party location are now being built. According to the operator, over 10,000 male guests visited the bathhouse-before the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic in Germany. [11] [twelfth]

View from the roof terrace of the German oak

Roof terrace [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

After several years of dealing with the approval authorities, the roof terrace on the 6th floor of the hotel building was approved in 2021 after it was only tolerated for almost ten years. City tours of various institutions also end almost every day. [13] [14] The State Monument Protection Office had seen a “devastating cut in Gärtnerplatz-Ensemble” in the construction work, and the building authority ultimately did not join this reasoning.

[ Edit | Edit the source text ]

“Leo-von-Klenze” monument on Gärtnerplatz; donated by the “German oak”.

The operators of the Oak In 1998 the Leo-von-Klenze monument at Gärtnerplatz created by Friedrich Brugger in 1867, after the bust of the bust was found in a city camp with a “bounty bonus”.

With the association “König-Ludwig II-Denkmal e.V.”, the operators campaign for the re-establishment of the monument for King Ludwig II on the Corneliusbrücke, but as “romantizing ruin”. Construction is scheduled for the end of 2022/early 2023. [15]

  1. Building application from 1862, original in the Munich City Archives
  2. Landgasthof Deutsche Eiche
  3. Löwenbräu AG existed in the Bavarian Economic Archives
  4. Southgerman newspaper: Rosa Mythos. Retrieved on October 28, 2021 .
  5. Scheel, Wolfgang: Out of the ghetto! The homosexual action group HAG/Ham in Munich from 1971 to 1980, Forum Queeres Archive Munich, Splitter 18, Munich 2021, p. 12 f.
  6. Hotel Deutsche Eiche: The cult meeting of the scene TZ from July 17, 2017
  7. Evening News: Where Fassbinder, Moshammer and Freddie celebrated Mercury. March 3, 2019, Retrieved on October 28, 2021 .
  8. Sonja Neudorfer On
  9. Satansbrat On
  10. Search star hotels: 1, 2, 3.4 & 5 hotel stars. Accessed on April 5, 2021 .
  11. Southgerman newspaper: In the epicenter of the gay scene. Retrieved on September 27, 2021 .
  12. Hotel “Deutsche Eiche”: House of Encounter Zeitmagazin No. 12/2019
  13. German oak | Simply Munich. Accessed on April 5, 2021 .
  14. FOCUS Online: Derjick tip: The roof of the Hotel Deutsche Eiche. Accessed on April 5, 2021 .
  15. Ludwig II The initiative website
