Hüde – Wikipedia


Hüde is a municipality in the velvet community of Altes Amt Lemförde in the Diepholz district in Lower Saxony.

Geographical location [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Hüde is a state -recognized place of excursion and is located in the Dümmer Nature Park directly on the Dümmer between Osnabrück and Bremen. The municipality belongs to the Lemförde community community, which has its administrative headquarters in the Lemförde spots. In the municipality, the nature reserves are Dümmer, Hohe Sieben and Ochsenmoor and Evershorst.

The villages of Sandbrink and Burlage with the old Marienkirche also belong to the municipality of Hüde. Hüde himself does not have a church and is therefore parish according to Burlage.

Between the villages of Hüde and Sandbrink there was the place of “Comitium Wischfrisonum” in the Middle Ages, which included Lembruch, Hüde and Marl. In 1318 Duke Otto von Braunschweig awarded this comitia with the noble male Rudolf von Diepholz, with which Hüde came to Diepholz. This is probably the first documentary mention of Hüde.

Municipal council [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

The municipal council of Hüde consists of ten councilors and councilors as well as the mayor.
All council members, including two women, belong to the Hüde voters.
(As of: Local elections on September 12, 2021) [2]

mayor [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

The volunteer mayor Heiner Richmann (SPD) was first elected on September 9, 2001. Community directors have always been the mayor, currently Lars Mentrup.

previous incumbent:

  • ~ 1958: Ludwig side, CDU
  • 1985–2001: Wolfgang Lustig
  • Since 2001: Heiner Richmann (WGH)

Buildings [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

In the List of monuments in Hüde 18 monuments are listed.

Regular events [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

In the annual change with the municipality of Lembruch, the major event “The Dümmer Burnt” takes place on the last weekend in August (always on the odd year in Hüde).
The highlight of this event is an approximately 15 to 20 minutes of fireworks that are ignited by a platform on the lake.

tourism [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Beach scene on the Dümmer in summer near Hüde

Leisure activities on and on the stupid form the most important business branch in Hüde. In order to make the interests of sailing compatible with those of nature conservation in the sense of gentle tourism, a renovation of the Hüde boat harbor was carried out from 2005 to 2007. [3]

Traffic [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Bundesstraße 51, Diepholz – Osnabrück runs east.

From the center of Hüdes to Lembruch runs, largely on the Hüder section of the 18 km long circular route for cycling and foot hikers around the stupid, a sculpture path called “See View”. [4]

Personalities who have worked on site [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

  • Walter von Sanden-Guja (1888-1972), writer, poet and naturalist
  • Ernst Füller (1918–2008), home customer and first honorary citizen of the municipality of Hüde [5]
  • Erich A. Klauck (1897–1979), painter, Expressionist, active in Danzig and Nidden, influenced by the “Bridge” circle, a few years in Vienna, from around 1950 in Hüde [6]
  1. State Office for Statistics Lower Saxony, LSN-Online Regional Database, Table A100001G: Update of the population, as of December 31, 2021 (Help with).
  2. https://votemanager.kdo.de/20210912/03251101/prest
  3. German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU): Ecological port renovation on the Dümmer (PDF; 57 kB)
  4. Hüder Dorfverein e. V. / project group See View: Lake view. Sculpture path Dümmer See
  5. by the council decision of the municipality of Hüde (minutes of the
    Meeting of the Council of the municipality of Hüde on May 16, 2002) Archive of the Member communities protocols at the Lemförde community community
  6. Hüde: For the 125th birthday of the painter E. A. Klauck – memories of a genius and a drunkenbold. Accessed on April 4, 2022 .
