Israel Kirtner – SpeedyLook Encyclopedia


Israel Meir Kirzner ( Yisroel Mayer Kirzner ), (February 13, 1930), he is an American economist of British origin closely identified with the Austrian school. He is currently the Austrian economist living with the highest ranking. [ first ]


Kirzner is the son of a famous rabbi and Talmudist. He was born in London, England, and emigrated to the United States via South Africa.

After studying at the University of Cabo, South Africa in 1947-48 and with the External Program of the University of London in 1950-51, Kirzner received his B.A. with highest praise Del Brooklyn College in 1954, an MBA in 1955 and a PH.D. In 1957 of the University of New York, being a student of Ludwig von Mises. Israel Kirzner is an orderly rabbi.

Kirzner is Economy Professor at the University of New York and one of the main authorities in the thought and economy methodology of Ludwig von Mises.

Kirzner’s research on business economy is also widely recognized. Kirzner’s most notable works are found in the field of knowledge economy and business initiative and market ethics. [ 2 ] [ 3 ] Kirzner has said that Roger Garrison’s statement is in accordance with Kirzner’s work takes the middle ground, compared to the recent most extreme position of some economists of the Austrian school that deny the importance of market balance. [ 4 ]

Your book, Competition and entrepreneurship , criticizes neoclassical theory for its concern for the perfect competition model, which neglects the important role of the businessman in economic life. Kirzner’s work integrating business action in the neoclassical economy has been more widely accepted than almost any other Austrian idea of ​​the late century XX .

In 2006, Kirzner received the World Entrepreneurship Research Award [ 5 ] “For the development of economic theory, emphasizing the importance of the entrepreneur for economic growth and the functioning of the capitalist process.” Due to his contribution to the economic theory of Francisco Marroquín University he granted him an honoris cause. [ 6 ] UFM also appointed its Kirzner entrepreneurship center in its honor. [ 7 ]

Some of his most important works on economics are the following:

  • “Entrepreneurial Discovery and The Competitive Market Process: An Austrian Approach,” Journal of Economic Literature. (marzo de 1997) via JSTOR .
  • The Meaning of Market Process , (Routledge 1992).
  • Discovery, Capitalism and Distributive Justice , (Basil Blackwell 1989). (In Spanish: Creativity, capitalism and distributive justice ).
  • Discovery and the Capitalist Process , (Chicago, 1985).
  • The Economic Point of View: An Essay in the History of Economic Thought , (Kansas City: Sheed and Ward, Inc., 1976; [first] ).
  • Perception, Opportunity and Profit: Studies in the Theory of Entrepreneurship, (Chicago, 1973)
  • Competition and Entrepreneurship , (Chicago 1973), ISBN 0-226-43776-0 (in Spanish: Competition and business ).
  • An Essay on Capital , (A.M. Kelley, 1966).
  • Market Theory and the Price System , (Van Nostrand, 1963).

Orthodox Judaism expert [ To edit ]

Kirzner is also an orderly Rabbi Haredí and a specialist in the Talmud, and acts as a rabbi in the congregation that his father previously headed in Brooklyn, New York. He is one of the most famous disciples of Rabbi Isaac Hutner, the last director of the Rabbi Jaim Berlin, where he studied for many years during the same time he obtained his academic experience. Kirzner is an authority in Hutner’s writings and is one of the few official editors of all the works written by Hutner.

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