Israel Magomedgirejewitsch Arsamakow – Wikipedia


Israel Arsakowow
Israil Arsamakov, February 2017.jpg
Personal information
Name: Israel Magomedgirejewitsch Arsamakow
Nationality: Soviet Union Soviet Union
Birth date: February 8, 1962
Place of birth: Gross
Size: 169 cm
Medal mirror

Israel Magomedgirejewitsch Arsamakow ( Russian Israil Magomedgirevich ASamakov ; * February 8, 1962 in Grosny) is a former Soviet weightlift. In 1988 he became light -weight weight Olympic champion.


Israil Arsamakow, of Ingushian origin, began as a teenager in Grosny with weightlifting. He was an employee of the Soviet state railway and a member of Dynamo Grosny .

Israil Arsamakow made his debut on the international lifting stage at the 1980 Junior World Championship in Montreal. There he took 2nd place in the light hypertension with 340 kg in a duel behind the Bulgarian Pawlow, which came to 355 kg. At the Junior World Cup in Lignano in Lignano, he managed to revenge against Pawlow, because he clearly won in light hypertension with 377.5 kg (175–202.5) in front of Pawlow, who reached 360 kg in a duel. Also at the 1982 Junior World Championship in São Paulo, Israail Arsamakow won in light hydration. With 385 kg (175–210) he achieved an outstanding performance in a duel.

A year earlier, 1981, he had also become a Soviet champion among the seniors. He achieved 375 kg (172.5-202.5) in light hymns and thus won ahead of Waleri Talajew, who came to 367.5 kg. In 1982 he came to 372.5 kg (170–202.5) at this light -weight weight championship and had to give up Alexander Perwi, 382.5 kg.

In 1983 Israil Arsamakov switched to the middle heavyweight. In this weight class at the Soviet championship with 397.5 kg (182.5–215), he took 2nd place behind Wiktor Solodow, 400 kg. After this championship, Israil Arsamakow consciously prepared for the upcoming competitions because he absolutely wanted to start at the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles. He showed his increased performance in 1984 when he achieved 405 kg (180–225) at the Middle Handy Sales in Gorna Orjachowiza/Bulgaria. The politicians thwarted him because they boycotted the Olympic Games in Los Angeles and thus carried out their political differences on the back of the athletes.

In 1985 Israil Arsamakov returned to the lightweight weight and Soviet masters. In this weight class, Soviet masters became the second time. He achieved 385 kg in a duel (172.5–212.5). However, it was only used in an international championship in 1986. He started at the European Championship in the then Karl Marx City (today Chemnitz) and won in light hymn weight with 382.5 kg (170–212.5) in front of the strong Bulgarian Assen Slatew, which reached 375 kg. At the 1986 World Cup in Sofia, Israail Arsamakow increased to 390 kg (177.5–212.5), but had to give up the climbing there in the overly forming Assen Slatew, 405 kg (180–225) and took on Hungary Laszlo Barsi, 385 kg, 2nd place.

In 1987 Israil Arsamakov took 2nd place behind Sergei Li, 387.5 kg at the Soviet lightweight -weight championship with 385 kg (172.5–212.5) and did not come to any other missions at the international championships this year.

In 1988 he was in the third time with an output of 385 kg (172.5–212.5). He was then also used in this weight class at the 1988 Olympic Games in Seoul and was there with 377.5 kg (167.5–210) Olympic champion in front of the Hungary István Messzi, which came to 370 kg and the South Korean Lee Hyung-Kun, 367.5 kg. At these Olympic Games, no more World Cup medals were awarded for the first time.


After this great success, he ended his weightlifting career. Nothing is known about his future life.

Personal best [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

  • Tear: 182.5 kg in the class up to 90 kg at the Soviet Championships 1983 in Moscow
  • Cross: 215.0 kg in the class up to 90 kg at the Soviet Championships 1983 in Moscow
  • Duel: 397.5 kg (182.5/ 215.0 kg) in the class up to 90 kg at the Soviet Championships 1983 in Moscow

International successes [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Year Place Competition Weight class
1980 2. Junior World Cup in Montreal Slightly difficult With 340 kg, behind Pawlow, Bulgaria, 355 kg, before Kalmar, Hungary, 330 kg
1981 first. Junior World Cup in Lignano Slightly difficult M hit 37-202.5.5), Vor Pavlow, 360 kg u. TeodOsiev, 355 kg, Bde. Bulgarianny
1982 first. JUNIOREN-WM IN SAO PAULO Slightly difficult with 385 kg (175–210), in front of Isaoka, Japan, 342.5 kg and Laszlo Barsi, Hungary, 317.5 kg
1984 first. E-EM ENM in Gorna Orjachowiza/Bulgaria Moderate mit 405 kg (180-225)
1985 first. Baltic-Cup in Riga Slightly difficult With 382.5 kg (172.5–210) in front of Sergei Syrzow, USSR, 340 kg and Bert Wolf, GDR, 335 kg
1986 first. Em in Karl-Marx-Stadt Slightly difficult with 382.5 kg (170–212.5), in front of Assen Slatew, Bulgaria, 375 kg (167.5–207.5) and Urban, Romania, 370 kg
1986 first. Baltic-Cup in Stavanger Slightly difficult with 362.5 kg (162.5–200), in front of Peter Möller, 332.5 kg and Mario Schult, 332.5 kg, BDE. GDR
1986 2. WM in Sofia Slightly difficult with 390 kg (177.5–212.5), behind Assen Slatew, 405 kg (180–225), in front of Laszlo Barsi, 385 kg
1987 first. Intern. Tournament in Archangelsk Slightly difficult mit 385 kg (172.5-212.5)
1987 2. Intern. Tournament in Lemberg Slightly difficult With 375 kg (165–210), behind Garnik Kasarjan, 375 kg (170–205) and before Oleg Karnakow, 365 kg (160–205), vol. USSR
1988 first. Intern. Tournament in Kharkow Slightly difficult What 392.5 kg (172.5-220)
1988 Gold OS in Seoul Slightly difficult István Vor far, Ungarn, 370 kg (170-200) u. Lee Hyun-Kun, Südkorea, 367.5 (160-207.5)

Single medals [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

  • World Cup silver 1986/tear and 1986/
  • EM-Gold 1986/tear and 1986/

Soviet championships [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Year Place Weight class Result
1981 first. Slightly difficult MIT 375 kg (17.20-202.5-202.5.10), Vor Walker Tamake, 367 kg u. Gennadi Tschojie, 357.5 kg
1982 2. Slightly difficult With 372.5 kg (170–202.5), behind Alexander Perwi, 382.5 kg, in front of R. Gaisin, 370 kg
1983 2. Moderate with 397.5 kg (182.5–215), behind Wiktor Solodow, 400 kg, in front of A. Gluchow, 392.5 kg
1985 first. Slightly difficult MIT 385 races (17.15-215), Vor Nagachdjarov, 3525 kg u. S. Pavlow, 345 kg
1987 2. Slightly difficult With 385 kg (172.5-202.5), behind Sergei Li, 387.5 kg, in front of Garnik Kasarjan, 380 kg
1988 first. Slightly difficult MIT 385 KG (172.5–202.5), Vor A. Gusakow, 380 KG U. G. Meschinsky, 375 KG
