Johann Bernhard Basedow – Wikipedia, Free Encyclopedia


Johann Bernhard Basedow (Hamburg, September 11, 1723 – Magdeburg, July 25, 1790) was a German pedagogue, founder of the Philantropinum of Desssau. He revalued the educational realism of Enoio and originated the reform of the school in his country.


He attended the Gymnasium of Hamburg (Johanneum) and studied theology in Leipzig. But he had little interest in classes and dedicated himself to studying on his own, reading numerous works, among which they deserve to remember those of Crusius, Wolff and Reimarus, who aroused their separation from orthodoxy. Preceptor in the home of the Aulic Counselor of Qualen (in Holstein), his successes after three years determined his pedagogical vocation immersed in philanthropic ideals. His ideas about education, which he considered as a new method, published them and earned him the title of Master at the University of Kiel. Then he was a professor of philosophy and eloquence at the Danish Academy of Soore and at the Altona Gymnasium. In 1770 he published the Methodical book for fathers and mothers and countries . In 1774 the Elementary work . He Philantropinum It was opened in the same year. It was a kind of boarding school for wealthy classes, in which poor children were also educated to become pedagogues. There he had collaborators as valuable as Wolke, Salzman and Champion and from Goethe), it will be closed in 1793. Basedow abandoned it in 1778.

In the “reflections to the friends of humanity and powerful men about schools, studies and their influence on welfare public”, published in 1768, we already found one of their fundamental ideas: the neutral school . In it New Education Method , he had pointed out the need for realistic education and specified that game and conversation should be the only didactic methods, at least until ten years of age.

But it is in his Elementar work where we find the set of his pedagogical ideas. It is a vast encyclopedia in which an ideal education system, which places in the imaginary country of Alestina, outlets. He then insists on the need for religious neutrality in teaching. Highlights the greatest value that education has. It grants physical exercises and manual work, a large part of the school day must occupy. Sciences and languages ​​must have a practical character. Latin may interest as a spoken language, as a possible means of understanding Europeans. Grammar and rhetoric do not serve, although they retain them among their teachings because some classic authors have “useful things.” The story will be taken into account as long as it serves to exemplary moral precepts. Drawing, painting, music, dance and visits to factories and workshops are very interesting.

This education plan was the one that put into practice in the Philantropinum , at the same time that it was greatly concerned with respect to discipline, saved through a special awards system and without punishment.

Critical judgement [ To edit ]

Locke, Comenio, Rollin, Rousseau and La Chalatais are the source of almost all their pedagogical ideas. The original in Basedow is, mainly, the harmonious fusion of those doctrines in an educational theory subject to achieve the useful. Its decisive contribution is the attempt to make teaching attractive and universal, as well as the importance it gives to the training of teachers. He held a diffuse religious education, supported by a vague deism and a natural moral. He believed in a natural goodness of man, but, contrary to Rousseau, he defended the educator’s intervention in the child’s formation.

Bibliography [ To edit ]

  • Wikimedia Commons hosted a multimedia category over Johann Bernhard Basedow .
  • A. Pinloche, Education reform in Germany in the eighteenth century. Basedow and philantropism , Paris, 1889
  • A. pesos, Philanthropic education , Milan, 1920
  • R. Stolze, Philantropism , Stuttgart, 1921
  • J. Ruiz Berrio, Education in modern times . Texts and documents, acts, Madrid, 1996
  • The content of this article incorporates material from the Great Encyclopedia Rialp that by authorization allowed to add content and publish them under GFDL license . The authorization was revoked in April 2008, so you should not add more content of this encyclopedia.
