Karl J. Thomé-Kezmienky – Wikipedia


Karl J. Thomé-Kozmien (2011)

Karl Joachim Thomé-Kozmien (Born October 30, 1936 in Trier, † November 3, 2016 in Neuruppin) was a German engineer, professor at the Technical University of Berlin, publishing holder and organizer of conferences and congresses.
In addition to Oktay Tabasaran, Thomé-Kozmiensky was one of the founders of the systematic teaching of waste management at the German universities.
He was the author and editor of more than a hundred books to many areas of waste management.


After studying mining sciences at RWTH Aachen, the Bergakademie Clausthal and the Technical University of Berlin received his doctorate in 1968. In 1972, the habilitation and appointment as private lecturer and the appointment as a professor for the Bergschamskunde department followed. In 1973 he received second membership in department 21 environmental technology at the Technical University of Berlin. At the same time, his research work in the waste management department began. From 1974 to 2003 he held the chair for waste management at the Technical University of Berlin. In 1978 he was assigned the professorship for waste management. In 2002, Thomé-Kozmiensky was awarded the honorary doctorate by the Leoben Montan University.

At the beginning of the 1970s, Thomé-Kozmiensky founded his own engineering office and subsequently created expert opinions, etc. for associations, companies and cities/municipalities – especially in Berlin and Vienna – on thermal waste treatment (combustion, pyrolysis, gasification). In 1973 he began to include the advisory activity and management of the TK Verlag (initially under the name E. Freitag Verlag and later EF-Verlag). In 1975 he first appeared as a speaker at a specialist conference with a lecture on new technologies in waste disposal. In 1977 he published the first specialist book, at the same time as the first specialist conference he organized.
From 1988 to 1998 he was the editor and editor -in -chief of the Waste Management Journal. From 2008 until his death he held the position of the editor -in -chief of the specialist magazine Resource (previously Müllmagazin).

He ran strategic and technical advice with his own engineering office until 2015. He was also a member of the Supervisory Board of the Berlin City Classes (BSR) from 1994 to 2004.

Karl J. Thomé -Kozmiensky organized and headed national and international congresses and conferences that devoted themselves to the topics of thermal processes of waste treatment, sewage sludge, recycling and raw materials, product responsibility, replacement fuel production and utilization, landfill and contamination renovation as well as planning and acceptance.
The best-known events include the International Recycling Congress (IRC) (1979 to 2001, up to 3,000 participants) and the Berlin waste management and energy conference (since 2005, up to 500 participants), which many participants refer to as the class reunion of the waste burners.

  • Burnt as a component of the procedure of recycling processes – opportunities and limits of the recycling. Depotech, Leoben
  • The landfill as a necessary pollutant sink in modern waste management. 1st national landfill conference, Zurich
  • Waste to Energy. Solid Waste, Water and Waste Water Congress, Istanbul
  • Recycling and waste burning – no contradiction -. 8. Saxon circular economy day, Freiberg
  • Status of Waste-to-Energy in Europe. Wtert Annual Meeting Europe; Waste-to-Energy in Eastern Europe, Brno, Czech Republic
  • Contribution of energetic waste recycling for energy supply. Lecture Gasag Summer-School
  • Use of selected waste for material and energetic exploitation. 41. Kraftwerkstechnische Kolloquium, Dresden
  • Combustion of mixed and prepared waste – acceptance in Germany. Turkish-German waste days, Izmir
  • Combustion of mixed and prepared waste – acceptance in Germany. Climate and Ress tour protection conference, Würzburg
  • Replacement fuel production and recycling in Germany. 20. Kassel waste forum and Bioenergieforum, Kassel
  • In the disposal market? – Theses on the development of the German waste disposal industry -. 12th conference settlement waste management Magdeburg
  • Position, possibilities and problems of the MBA in waste management. 5. ASA waste days, Hanover
  • Burning or mechanical-biological waste treatment. 4th Conference on Waste Management, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Numerous specialist articles on various topics of waste management with a focus on strategy, public relations and acceptance as well as waste treatment technology including recycling and energy from waste.

Encyclopedia [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

  • Thermal waste treatment (1994)
  • Circular economy (1994)
  • Management of the circular economy (1995)
  • Procedures and substances of the circular economy (1995)
  • Biological waste treatment (1995)
  • Sewage slow disposal (1998)

Specialist books [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

  • Energy from waste (2006 to 2017, book series continues)
  • Strategy Planning environmental law (2008 to 2017)
  • Recycling and raw materials (2008 to 2017, book series will continue)
  • Mineral by -products and waste – ashes, slags, dusts and construction masses (2014 to 2017, series of books continues)
  • Waste Management (2010 to 2017, book series will continue)
  • Renewable energies (2009 to 2011)
  • Replacement fuel (2001 to 2005)
  • Planning of waste incineration plants and replacement fuel power plants
  • Product responsibility
  • Optimization of waste burning (2003 to 2006)
  • Recycling International (1982 to 1989 – partly English and German)
  • Landfill (1987 to 1989)
  • Contaminated sites (1987 to 1989)
  • Treatment of special waste (1987 to 1990)
  • Wash burning and environment (1985 to 1991)
