Kirstin Breitenfellner – Wikipedia


Kirstin Breitenfellner (Born September 26, 1966 in Vienna) is an Austrian-German author, journalist and literary critic.


Kirstin Breitenfellner grew up in Vienna, Kufstein in Tyrol and since 1972 in Bensheim on Bergstrasse. After studying German studies, philosophy and Slavic studies at the University of Heidelberg and the University of Vienna, she initially worked as a editor and proofreading for magazines and at the Falter Buchverlag.

In 1994 she began to publish poetry in magazines. In 2004 her first novel appeared, The lover reflex , which was invited to the European Festival of the debut novel in Salzau/Schleswig-Holstein. Her novels are always based on philosophical questions. In The lover reflex it is about hope in False questions (2006) about freedom and in Overcoming the possible (2012) u. To make pictures.

Since 2012 she has also been writing children’s books. In 2013 her first popular non -fiction book was published We victim. Why the scapegoat determines our culture , a philosophical, cultural -historical and media -critical contribution to debate.

In addition to her writer’s work, she has been working as a yoga teacher since 1993 and also in yoga teacher training since 2007.

Kirstin Breitenfellner is married and mother of two children; She lives and works in Vienna.


  • MARIA MALT. Roman. Picus Verlag, Wien 2022, ISBN 978-3-7117-2130-3.
  • Sanage disorders. Sonette. Limbus Verlag, Innsbruck 2020, ISBN 978-3-99039-189-1.
  • Before the world went down. Roman. Picus Verlag, Wien 2017, ISBN 978-3-7117-2053-5.
  • Reger round. Poems, Passagen Verlag, Vienna 2017, ISBN 978-3-7092-0249-4.
  • Overcoming the possible. Roman, EDITION VOSS / HEMLANNANGS POLLARY, BRINL2, ISBN 978-3-89502-33-336-1.
  • Wrong questions. Roman, Skarabaeus Verlag, Innsbruck 2006, ISBN 978-3-7082-3210-2.
  • The ear only sounds from the listen. Poems, Skarabaeus Verlag, Innsbruck 2005, ISBN 3-7082-3182-1.
  • The lover reflex. Roman, Skarabaeus Verlag, Innsbruck 2004, ISBN 3-7082-3150-3. [first]

Children’s books

  • The secret of the snow owl (Illustrations by Bianca Tchaikner), Picus Verlag, Vienna 2018, ISBN 978-3-7117-4004-5.
  • Lisa and purple are allowed (Illustrationen von Mathias Nemec), Picus Verlag, Wien 2016, ISBN 978-3-85452-184-6.
  • Robbe emma skin (Illustrations by Mats Bergen), Edition Atelier, Vienna 2012, ISBN 978-3-902498-62-5.
  • The echo of the fish is called ship (Illustrations by Raoul Krischanitz), Picus Verlag, Vienna 2012, ISBN 978-3-85452-165-5.

Non -fiction

  • What is yoga? , Fortmacle publishes, who in 2019, ISBN 978-3-854399-663-5.
  • How can we talk about victims? , Passagen Verlag, Vienna 2018, ISBN 978-3-7092-0335-4.
  • We victim. Why the scapegoat determines our culture. Diederichs Verlag, Munich 2013, ISBN 978-3-424-35085-2.
  • Lavater’s shadow. Physiognomy and character at Ganghofer, Fontane and Döblin. With an excursus about the criminal as a literary figure. Dresden University Press, Dresden/Munich 2000, ISBN 3-931828-51-4.
  • How a monster is created. For the construction of the other in racism and anti -Semitism, Together with Charlotte Kohn-Ley. Philo Verlag, Bodenheim 1998
  • Vera Zubareva, About angels. Poems, bilingual edition, Pano Verlag, Zurich 2003
  • 2003: Authorship scholarship the city of Vienna for the novel The lover reflex
  • 2004: award in the category Best foreign book/best translation At the book fair in Odessa for the translation of the poem cycle About angels From Vera Zubareva from Russian
  • 2004: Author bonus of the Federal Chancellery for particularly successful debuts or particularly talented younger Austrian authors in the field of fiction
  • 2005: Book bonus of the Federal Chancellery for the Ribbon The ear only sounds from the listen
  • 2006: Austrian State scholarship literature
  1. Christian Schacheriter: It just doesn’t work between men and women. (No longer available online.) In: Contemporary literature, literature lessons and gender studies (PDF file; 56 KB) in: Education and lessons, November-December 9-10/06. Archived by Original am 21. September 2013 ; accessed on February 24, 2018 . Info: The archive link has been used automatically and not yet checked. Please check original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this note. @first @2 Template: Webachiv/Iabot/
