Klaus Ebner – Wikipedia


Klaus Ebner (* August 8, 1964 in Vienna) is an Austrian writer and translator. He is the author of prose, essays and German and Catalan poetry.


After the Matura in 1982, Ebner studied Romanesque and German philology as well as translation science [first] at the University of Vienna. At the same time, he worked in a literary association and worked from 1983 to 1986 at the Vienna Literature magazine “Texte” [2] with. After completing his studies, he offered translation services, headed language courses and worked in IT training projects. [3] From 1998 to 2002, Ebner also completed the part -time studies “European economy and corporate management” at the University of Applied Sciences of the BFI Vienna.

Ebner lives and works in Schwechat. He is a member of the Graz authors’ assembly [4] , the Austrian writer’s association [5] under iginnen Author, Außerdem Bei den Katalanischen SchriftTellerverbänden Association of writing in Catalan filling und p.e.n. Català

Since the end of school, smaller prose texts, poetry and radio plays have been created [6] . Ebner later dealt with Catalan linguistics and literature in several relevant specialist articles [7] and reviews. He writes poetry in German and Catalan.

During the 1990s he published only a few literary texts, but wrote specialist articles, mainly for the magazines Output/Eurocom in Austria, Inside Os/2 in Germany and NT Update as well as AIX Update in Great Britain. In addition, he wrote non-fiction books on software and network topics for the publishers Data Becker, Markt & Technik, Iwt, Tewi and Microsoft Press.

In the same decade he started the novel Feuer Gleuun ; Two chapters from the Upper Austrian literary magazine the disasters published: The writer of Aram 1994 and The law 1997. [8] Jewish and biblical traditions are the focus of these two chapters. In 2007, a cultural-historical travel essay was built over the Pyrenees state of Andorra. [9] Ebner has also appeared as a reviewer since 2009. He published reviews in the magazines Podium, ETCETERA, Driesch and writer as well as in the online magazine Kultur-Online.

Works in German [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

  • Black light ; Lyric, Bod, Norderstedt 2021; ISBN 978-3-754301166
  • Word player ; Essay, Bod, Norderstedt 2020; ISBN 978-3-751935852
  • Why (… I’m writing) ; Essay, Bod, Norderstedt 2020; ISBN 978-3-749470419
  • Physics lesson ; Stories, Bod, Norderstedt 2020; ISBN 978-3-750423749
  • Without rubber ; Prosa, Arovell Verlag, Gosau-Wien-Salzburg 2013; ISBN 978-3-902808-36-3
  • There and elsewhere ; Travel and literature essays, Mitterverlag, Wels 2011, ISBN 978-3-9502828-9-4
  • Andorranische impress ; Essay, Wieser Verlag, Klagenfurt 2011, ISBN 978-3-85129-934-2
  • Why the mosquito swarm dampens your eyesight ; Lyric, EDITION Art Science, St. Wolfice 2011, ISBN 978-3-902157-88-1
  • Hominide ; Narrative, FZA Verlag, Vienna 2008, ISBN 978-3-950299-7-4, Wieser Verlag, Klagenfurt 2016, ISBN 978-3-99029-206-8
  • On the tilt ; Short prose, Arovell Verlag, Gosau-Wien-Salzburg 2008, ISBN 978-3-902547-67-5
  • Lose ; Short stories, Edition Nove, Neckenmarkt 2007, ISBN 978-3-85251-197-9

Works in Catalan [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

  • Holes ; Lyrik, Bod, Madrid 2020, ISBN 978-84-13262901
  • Why (… I write) ; Essay, BoD, Madrid 2020, ISBN 978-84-13267104
  • Vestiges ; Lyrik, Bod, Madrid 2019, ISBN 978-84-13266435
  • Blaus (blow) ; Poetry (contains German translations of the author), Pagès Editor, Lleida 2015, ISBN 978-84-9975-627-1
  • Red (Röten) ; Poetry (contains German translations of the author), SetzeVents , Urús 2009, ISBN 978-84-92555-10-9

Miscellaneous [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

  • Freedom is a funeral ; Essay. In: Locks No. 109, Graz 2007
  • The attractive of the prophecy ; Essay. In: Sterz Nr. 99, Graz 2006
  • The grett with the reform ; Essay on the German spelling reform. In: Literary Austria No. 2/04, Vienna 2004

A Zettler sick
Forgot in the suffering
lock the car bikes
His meal consists of loneliness
With longing for past
Belonged by loud calls
Like you ago
has a collected

  • In 2008 two work grants from the Austrian federal government [23]
  • 2009 travel scholarship for literature from the Austrian federal government [24]
  • 2010 Second prize of the short prosa competition »Language Spaces-Writing Worlds« of the Austrian Association [25]
  • 2014 Katalanischer Lyrikpreis Parc Taulí [26]
  1. Information on the studies cf. Ebner: On the tilt , Gosau 2008, S. 139.
  2. Documentation of the Austrian National Library To the literary magazine texts.
  3. See Lorenz, Dieter and Klaus Ebner: DNS implementation in the Windows network , Microsoft Press, Unterschleißheim 2004, p. 427 (about the authors – Klaus Ebner). ISBN 978-3-86063-657-2.
  4. See the GAV member directory: Entry Klaus Ebner . (February 17, 2017)
  5. See member directory of the ÖSV: List of members . (March 5, 2009)
  6. See publications in the literary magazines Text (1983–1986) and Reading (No. 20 and No. 27); After 2000 publications in Aussen., Raupungen, Literature and Criticism, New Siren, Winder etc.
  7. See. The Catalan computer language (PDF file; 687 KB) In: Journal of Catalanics (15) ISSN  0932-2221 , Freiburg 2002, S. 91–116; Studies on joys In: Journal of Catalanistics (17), Munich 2004, pp. 264–266; The legal position of the Catalan in the EU in: Europa Ethnica (1/2/05) ISSN  0014-2492 , Vienna 2005, pp. 23–32.
  8. See the ramp 2/94 and 2/97, Linz 1994 and 1997.
  9. See the interview led by Christof G. Pelz Official authors’ website ( Memento of the Originals from November 18, 2010 in Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been used automatically and not yet checked. Please check original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this note. @first @2 Template: Webachiv/Iabot/www.klausebner.eu on the subject Essays . (March 5, 2009)
  10. See the article Off to France In: Club 1 Magazine No. 1/83, Vienna 1983, pp. 10f.
  11. The fire , in: Israel news, expenses in April 1983.
  12. See. List on the author’s website ( Memento of the Originals from April 3, 2010 in Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been used automatically and not yet checked. Please check original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this note. @first @2 Template: Webachiv/Iabot/www.klausebner.eu (March 5, 2009).
  13. Texts No. 8, Vienna 1984, p. 33. The radio play is printed on pages 27–33. All issues of the magazine Text are in Magazine archive of the Austrian National Library visible. (July 7, 2010)
  14. Club 1 Magazine No. 54, Vienna 1988, p. 11.
  15. Cervera, Jordi (Hrsg.): “The Catalan of Letters 2004”, Cossetània Edicions, Barcelona 2005, S. 40. ISBN 84-9791-098-2.
  16. Erika Kronabitter (ed.): Poetry of the present: Feldkirch Lyric Prize 2003–2007 . Who / st. Wolfing 2008, ISBN 978-3-902157-43-0.
  17. Schaden, Peter (ed.): “Wordshop X”, FZA Verlag, Vienna 2008.
  18. Both texts were printed in the brochure at the workshop price: Schaden, Peter (ed.): wordshop x , FZA Verlag, Vienna 2008.
  19. See. Art message 2007 des Bmukk ( Memento of the Originals from August 16, 2014 in Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been used automatically and not yet checked. Please check original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this note. @first @2 Template: Webachiv/Iabot/www.kunstkultur.bka.gv.at (PDF file; 1.39 MB), List of travel grants, p. 71 (February 16, 2017)
  20. Amato, Pasquale und Mariela Johnson Salfrán: “Nosside 2007”, Città del Sole Edizioni, Reggio di Calabria 2007. ISBN 978-88-7351-184-7
  21. Amoroso, Giuseppe: The imagination of the poets of the 2007 Nosside and their power to express the world , Città Sole Edizioni, ISBN 978-88-7351-184-7, Reggio Calabria 2007; P. 41 (Italian version), p. 49f. (Spanish version), p. 58 (Portuguese version).
  22. Ebner, Klaus: A Zettler sick , in: Amato, Pasquale und Mariela Johnson Salfrán: Nosside 2007 , Città del Sole Edizioni, Reggio Calabria 2007, S. 113.
  23. See. Art Report 2008 des Bmukk ( Memento of the Originals from August 16, 2014 in Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been used automatically and not yet checked. Please check original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this note. @first @2 Template: Webachiv/Iabot/www.kunstkultur.bka.gv.at (PDF file; 1.30 MB), List of work scholarship recipients, p. 72 (February 16, 2017)
  24. See. Art message 2009 des Bmukk ( Memento of the Originals from August 16, 2014 in Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been used automatically and not yet checked. Please check original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this note. @first @2 Template: Webachiv/Iabot/www.kunstkultur.bka.gv.at (PDF file; 1.62 MB), List of travel grants, p. 76 (February 16, 2017)
  25. See. The ÖSV festival event on October 6, 2010 in the Literaturhaus Vienna. ( Memento of the Originals from March 20, 2012 in Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been used automatically and not yet checked. Please check original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this note. @first @2 Template: Webachiv/Iabot/www.literaturhaus.at Archive of the literary house with the mention of all five award winners. (December 5, 2010)
  26. See. Pressemeldung (Katalanisch) Der Corporación Sanitaria Parc Taulí. (5. August 2016)
