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Customer management In business administration, designated an instrument for an organization to improve your customer orientation. The goals are the company’s customer -oriented orientation, the stabilization of endangered customer relationships and the increase in customer loyalty. This combines both strategic and operational approaches. The increase in customer loyalty relies on the realization that, analogous to the Pareto principle, it is easier, cheaper and lucrative is to keep existing customers than to acquire new ones. The customer value must be taken into account the so -called customer lifetime value (CLV).


The whole company including its processes and all of its success factors (employees etc.) as well as culture is geared towards the needs of customers. This requires a comprehensive approach that must be systematically interwoven with the strategic orientation of an organization. For this purpose, the customer -centered planning serves, a multi -stage process, that of “outside”, d. H. From the customer, to “inside”, d. H. to the company and its internal processes. It is also important to include key figure systems that map the degree of target achievement and, if necessary, show starting points for the further development of the specified actions.

  • Who are our customers and what are their requirements? Not only the company’s current customers can be seen here, but it is also about identifying additional market segments and forecast general developments in the sales markets. For a variety of reasons, customers are always “migrating”: shifts on the sales markets of the customers, advancement of competitive products for our offer, technological changes on the customer side (switch to a different production technology, etc.).
  • Which of our products or services meet the requirements of the targeted market segments in which we have a sustainable competitive advantage? Customers will always choose a product or service if they expect higher benefits from this than from competitive offers. The benefit expectations can be economical, ecological, functional or psychological in nature.
  • Which strategies and programs, resources, competencies and processes are necessary to efficiently develop, produce and market the identified products or services as well as to do after-sales service? This step is about the development of marketing programs (marketing mix) and the internal organization of the company, which must adapt to the market requirements. This also includes personnel development programs: For example, the internationalization of sales activities requires that more employees master foreign languages.

If customers’ benefit expectations are not met, the company will not be successful in the long term. On the other hand, if the expectations of customers are overfilled, this can lead to excessive marketing costs (see the Customer Portfolio section in the article Customer value). The actions developed in the planning process have certain effects on the sales market. In this step, it is about developing cause-effect models, empirically testing and mapping in the form of a customer-centered key figure system. For example, there could be a connection between customer loyalty (Customer retention rate), the number of complaints and the quality of the products. The determined key figures serve to continuously develop the company in the sense of a learning organization.

Complaint management [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Complaint or complaint management is compelling part of consistent focus on the needs of customers. Plus there is Professional Standards that are carried out under complaint management.

However, many companies are not well set to complaints, suggestions or information. It is difficult for customers to receive a satisfactory reaction. It is important to solve the problem mentioned by customers. The feeling of being taken seriously in the event of a complaint is a first step to the satisfied customer. The company can learn from suggestions not to make the same mistake again and optimize its processes.

Customer relationship management [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Customer care or CRM (en. Customer Relationship Management) describes the management of customer relationships, since the company activities are geared towards long -term customer relationships in order to increase the success of the company. For this purpose, CRM software packages are offered by various manufacturers.

Customer contact management [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Customer contact points arise wherever the customer comes into contact with a company or their products and services. Customer contact management, often also called customer contact point management (English Customer Touchpoint Management), comprises the coordination of all measures in such a way that customers are offered at least satisfactory experience at every contact point without losing the process efficiency from the side. The aim is to optimize customer experiences at the individual contact points in order to consolidate the existing customer relationships and, in the best case, generate recommendations.


To manage the different contacts across the multitude of functional units often proves to be the operational sticking point of holistic customer management. With integrated contact management, companies must be able to ensure a uniform consistent (corporate identity) via the various customer contact points and channels. All company representatives have to communicate the same corporate messages, regardless of their function: whether at the telephone center or at the reception, whether as a sales consultant, marketing manager or employee in the Service Center. The same applies to all communication media and channels.

Key Account Management [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

First and foremost, key account management means the care of major customers by special managers. Characteristics of this care are a customer -oriented attitude, differentiated processing forms, special organizational forms and working methods/techniques.

  • Benjamin tailor, David E. Bowen: Winning the Service Game . Harvard Business School Press, Boston, Mass. 1995, ISBN 0-87584-570-3.
  • A. Griffin u. a.: The best methods for more customer satisfaction. In: Harvard Business Manager. 3/1995, German edition, pp. 65–76, ISSN  0174-335x
  • Christian Belz, Markus Müllner, Dirk Zupancic: Top performance in the key account management. 2nd, updated edition. Munich 2008, ISBN 978-3-636-03116-7.
  • Mathias Droll: Customer prioritization in market processing. Wiesbaden 2008, ISBN 978-3-8349-1033-2.
  • Fred Wiersema: Profit formula customer proximity . Econ Verlag, Düsseldorf/ Munich 1997, ISBN 3-430-19658-2.
  • Christian Homburg, Harald Werner: Customer orientation with system . Campus publisher, Frankfurt in Main 1998, ISBN 3-593-357794-1.
  • Jerry Yoram Wind, Jeremy Main: Driving Change . Free Press, New York 1998, ISBN 0-684-82744-1.
  • Ch. Kornmesser, J. Schreiber: The measurability of customer satisfaction. In: André Papmehl (ed.): Absolute Customer Care. 2nd Edition. Signum Wirtschafts-Verlag, Vienna 2002, ISBN 3-85436-332-X, pp. 123–149.
  • W. Schröder: No customer orientation without employee orientation. In: André Papmehl (ed.): Absolute Customer Care. 2nd Edition. Signum Wirtschafts-Verlag, Vienna 2002, ISBN 3-85436-332-X, pp. 47–76.
  • Manfred Bruhn: Customer focus. Building blocks for an excellent CRM. 2nd Edition. Deutscher Taschenbuchverlag, Munich 2003, ISBN 3-423-50808-6.
  • A. Kracklauer, D. Q. Mills, D. Seifert: Cooperative customer management – value creation partnerships as the basis for successful customer loyalty . Verlag Gabler, Wiesbaden 2002, ISBN 3-409-1991-4.
  • Sunil Gupta, Donald R. Lehman: Managing Customers as Investments . Wharton School Publ, Upper Saddle River 2005, ISBN 0-13-142895-0.
  • J. Peterke: Learning from and with the customers. In: IO New Management – Journal of Business Sciences and Management Practice. Zurich, issue 12/2005.
  • DUKE SAFY: Efficient Consumer Response. 4th, extended edition. Rainer Hampp Verlag, Munich 2006, ISBN 3-86618-052-7.
  • Johann Schwenk: Challenge Customer Satisfaction: Effects – Measurement – Management . VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, Saarbrücken 2006, ISBN 3-86550-375-6.
  • Cam-May Brasch, Kerstin Köder, Reinhold Rapp: Practice manual customer management . Wiley, Weinheim 2007, ISBN 978-3-527-50250-9 http://www.praxishandbuch-tundenmanagement.de/
  • J. Schwenk: Management of customer knowledge – basics and economic success in companies. VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, Saarbrücken 2007, ISBN 978-3-8364-1538-5.
  • Anne Schüller: The new moments of the truth: what in contact point management. In: Anne M. Schüller, T. Schwarz (ed.): Guide wom marketing. Absolit, Waghäusel 2010, ISBN 978-3-00-030470-5.
  • Anne M. Schüller: Customers on the run? How to win and hold loyal customers . Orell Füssli, Zurich 2010, ISBN 978-3-280-05382-9.
  • Oliver Götz, Ove Jensen, Manfred Krafft: Customer management . Gabler, 2011, ISBN 978-3-8349-1996-0.
  • Philipp Schmitt: Value and dialog-oriented customer management. Dr. Kovač, Hamburg, 2011, ISBN 978-3-8300-5801-4.
