Lanao-see – Wikipedia


Satellitecase Dese Lanao-Sees
Geographical location Province of Lanao del Sur, Mindanao, Philippines
Outflow And
Coordinates 8 ° N , 124 ° O
Lanao-See (Philippinen)

Altitude above sea level 701,35 m
Surface 354,6 km² [first]
Long 33 km
Broad 20 km
Volume 21,28 km³ [first]
Scope 115 km
Maximum depth 112 m [first]
Middle deep 60,3 m [first]
Catchment area 1.678,3 km² [first]

The Lanie-Marie (AUF Maranao: Your blood or Rawaw ) is one of the largest lakes in the Philippines and is located in the center of the province of Lanao del Sur on the island of Mindanao.

The lake is 701.35 m above sea level, has an area of ​​354.6 km² and a circumference of 115 km.
At its widest point he measures 20 km, with a length of 33 km.

It is the second largest lake in the Philippines and the largest lake on Mindanao.

The largest city on his bank is Marawi City, the capital of the province of Lanao del Sur.

The Lanao lake is embedded between two mountain ranges and a fallen volcano. It is one of the 15 oldest lakes on Earth. His age is estimated at over two million years. [first]

In the basin forming from this formation, the lake dammed up to its current expansion.
The lowest point measures 112 m, while the lake has an average depth of 60.3 m.

In its northern regions, the lake basin is rather shallow and increases steadily towards the south.

The lake is fed by four rivers. The only discharge is the AGUS that flows into the bay of Iligan in a northwest direction over two channels. One of the two channels flows over the María Cristina waterfall, the other over the Linamon waterfalls.


A hydropower plant on Lanao Lake and the AGUS River (AGUS IV) produces a large part of the electrical energy for the residents of Mindanao. The capacity covers about 70% of the island’s electricity requirements. The Dapao lake is located southwest of the lake.

The lake is based on 17 types of endemic carp fishing of the genus Barbodes [2] And of which 15 are now extinct through the introduction of unusual species. [3] In addition, a large number of water birds live on the lake.

In October 2006, after an investigation by Mindanao State University, a massive spread of algae in Lanao Lake was discovered. According to the study, the distribution of the algae is due to the ongoing introduction of wastewater and agricultural mismanagement.

According to official statements by the Ministry of Agriculture and the Office for Fishing and Water Protection, earthly due to arbitrary deforestation and excessive agriculture are the triggering factors for the massive spread of the algae in the lake.

A myth of the Marano people who settle around the lake describes the creation of Lanao Lake as:

A long time ago when the Lanao Lake did not exist, a powerful sultanate with the name Mantapoli in this area bloomed. The residents of the Sultanate were numerous and increased very quickly.

At that time the world was divided into two regions. Sebangan was called the eastern, Sedpan The western part. Due to the excessive spread of people from Mantapoli, who belonged to the eastern region, the world had become in the imbalance.

This was noticed by the Archangel Diabarail (for the Christians of the Archangel Gabriel). In consultation with Allah, he gathered a crowd angel and used the darkness of a solar eclipse generated by Allah to make the people of Mantapoli disappear along with their houses, their cattle and fields and to send them to the center of the earth.

The hollow that left this action slowly filled up with water below and became Lanao Lake.

When the water level did not stop, the angel Diabarail contacted his god again. This ordered to get the four winds in the world so that they gave the lake to the lake with their strength. With a huge effort and after many attempts, the winds finally managed to form a discharge on the northern bank, the AGUS.

  1. a b c d It is f Information about Lanaosis Lake Lana (PDF; 485 kB)
  2. Gladys B. Ismail: The Status and Life History Traits of Endemic, Native and Introduced Species in Lake Lanao, Philippines. (PDF)
  3. New IUCN Red List of Threatened Species released, almost half of extinct species are endemic to Lake Lanao (PH)
