List of Baden locomotives and railcars – Wikipedia


This list contains one Overview of the locomotives of the Grand Ducal Baden State Railway .


The state railway had a total of 1681 locomotives between 1840 and 1920. The highest stock was recorded around 1920 with 915 locomotives. 620 were reversed in 1925 according to the series of the German Reichsbahn.

The locomotives were arranged by genera at the Grand Ducal Baden State Railway and received a railway number and a name. The names awarded came from the animal kingdom, geography (rivers, mountains, cities) and people. Since the choice of names became increasingly difficult with continuous procurement, the locomotive with No. 218 was dispensed with from the locomotive procured in 1868. In 1882 all name signs were removed.

The train numbers were continuously taken. If locomotives have been retired, the numbers that have been released were awarded to the next new locomotives. The name was also taken over until 1882. In 1872, attempts were made to order the number sequence of the locomotives within the genera. The rail numbers were exchanged while maintaining the names. Since the practical benefits were limited, this order was given up just five years later. From the 1880s, the state railway tried again to organize the rail numbers a bit. First, maneuvering locomotives began to be provided with numbers from 500. When this threshold was reached by the normal vehicle park, the locomotives received 600 numbers and later again by 1000 higher numbers.

In contrast to other lanes, generic names were introduced from the start of operation. A new genre number was awarded for every new building. Until 1868, the genera I to XIV. 1868 were introduced. Loks were summarized with the same characteristics or requirements.

genus design type
I Light tender locomotives
II Newer express traction locomotives with double -coupled axles
III Older express traction locomotives with double -coupled axles
IV People’s train and express train locomotives with triple coupled axles
IN Older locomotives for mixed trains
WE Newer passenger locomotives
VII Freight locomotives with triple coupled axles
VIII Freight locomotives with four coupled axles
IX Gear locomotives
X Heavy shunting locomotives, crane locomotive

The locomotives previously placed in the old scheme were adopted accordingly in the new genera. For better distinction, the old genre names are below Italics set.

old scheme new scheme
It , Single , Ic I (EX Ic ); Others already retired
IIIa , IIIb , IIIc IIb (ex IIIc ); Others already retired
WE already eradicated
Distant , Xb , Xc , Xd 6 (from Xc ); VIIA (ex Xd ); Leads (ex Distant , Xb )
XI And

Different types were marked within a genus by additional small letters “A” to “H”. In addition, each delivery series was marked with a highly positioned index.

So is the Vib ten The tenth delivery of passenger locomotives of the genus Vib.


Before 1868 generic genre names are better in the tables for better distinction Italics set.

Breaking purlocomotives of the early days for all ZuGarten [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

These locomotives were originally built for the Baden Breitspur of 1600 mm and were largely converted into a standard lane during the ripening in 1854. None of the locomotives were reversed to a company number of the Deutsche Reichsbahn.

Genus old
until 1868
Genus new
ab 1868
Bahnnummer(n) Number Year of construction (E) design type Remarks Picture
It 1–6 6 1839–1843 1A1 n2 3 locomotive converted to a control gauge, converted into 1A1 N2T
Single 7–15 9 1842–1843 1A1 n2 all converted to a standard lane, No. 15 converted into 1A1 N2T
II Iib alt 16–19 4 1843–1844 1A1 n2 all converted into a standard lane, converted into 2a N2 with a blind shaft
IIIa 20–24 5 1844 1A1 n2 All converted to a standard lane
IIIb 25–28 4 1844 1A1 n2 All converted to a standard lane
IIIc Iib alt 29–36 8 1845 1A1 n2 All converted to a standard lane
IV Iib alt 37–41 5 1845 1A1 n2 All converted to a standard lane
IN Vb 42–46 5 1845 1B n2 all converted into a standard gauge, converted into 1A1 N2 with outer frames
WE 47–54 8 1845 C N2 all converted to a standard gauge, converted into 1b N2 with outer frames
VII Vc 55–58 4 1846 2’b n2 All converted to a standard lane
VIII Vc 59–65 7 1847 1A1 n2 all converted on a regular track, 1865 second conversion in 1b N2T
66 first 1846 1A1 n2 by Hartmann & Lindt unusable, converted by Kessler in 1848; converted to a rule lane

Personal and express traction locomotives [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

genus Bahnnummer(n) DR number (n) Number Year of construction (E) design type Remarks Picture
until 1868: IX
67–68 2 1854 2A n2 Kessel originally with a returning flame tube and fireplace in the middle of the kettle Badische IX.jpg
69–76 8 1854–1856 2’A n2
16 1858–1863 2A n2
until 1868: Ic
1, 2, 4 3 1856 2A n2 Replacement buildings for genus It
IIa 41 … 90,
(36 7301–7303,
36 7311–7314,
36 7321–7323)
24 1888–1890 2’b n2 BadischeIIa.jpg
IIb 39 … 114 (36 7321–7335) ten 1891 2’b n2
IIc 518–537,
(36 1101–1106,
36 7351,
36 7361–7370,
36 7371,
36 7381–7382)
35 1892–1900 2’b n2 BadischeIIc.jpg
IId 733–750 (14 401–403,
14 451–454)
18 1902–1905 2’b1 ‘n4v BadischeIId.jpg
until 1868: XII
4 … 28,
41 1861–1865 2’b n2 partly converted into iiib Badische III 127.png
IIIa 15 … 74,
49 1869–1875 2’b n2 originally referred to with III; partly rebuilt in IIIB, unmistaked locomotive in iiia Badische IIIa 1035.png
IIIb (CA. 70) (1881–1897) 2’b n2 Conversion from III/IIIA
until 1868: XIV
37 … 59,
forty six 1866–1870 B N2 All 1880-1886 converted into B1 ‘N2T with a replacement boiler Badische IVa 245.png
IVb 324–343 20 1873–1874 1B n2 All 1888-1892 converted into 1’b1 ‘N2T with a replacement boiler Badische IVb 340.png
IVc 1 … 133,
422, 423
59 1875–1887 1’b n2 Kraichgaubahn Joehlingen 1879.jpg
IVe 18 … 356,
38 7001–7007,
38 7021–7025,
38 7031–7034,
38 7041–7046,
38 7061–7073
83 1894–1900 2’C n4v Badische IVe.png
IVf 751–765,
18 201,
18 211–217,
18 231–238,
18 251–256
35 1907–1913 2’C1 ‘H4V Badische IVf Nr. 763.png
Abortion 828–832 5 1912 1’C1 ‘N4V With a clenching dryer WP Badische IV g.jpg
IVH 49, 64, 95,
18 301–303,
18 311–319,
18 321–328
20 1918–1920 2’C1 ‘H4V Schnellzuglokomotive 18323 Fachhochschule Offenburg.jpg
until 1868: XI
22 1860–1863 1B n2 1 locomotive 1875 converted into 1b N2T Badische XI Nr 1124.png
until 1868: Xc
30 1864–1869 C N2 BadischeXc.jpg
P 8 1153–1192 38 3793–3832 40 1922 2’C h2 like Prussia. P 8 P8 Kranichstein.jpg

Freight locomotives [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

genus Bahnnummer(n) DR number (n) Number Year of construction (E) design type Remarks Picture
until 1868: Xd
53 8501–8503,
53 8508–8512,
53 8514–8523,
53 8525–8528,
53 8534,
53 8539–8542,
53 8550–8552,
53 8556–8565,
53 8580–8586
171 1866–1891 C N2 Badische Xd.png
until 1868: Distant
77–82 6 1855–1856 C N2 Badische Xa Nr. 77.png
until 1868: Xb
133–140 8 1863 C N2 Badische X b Nr 135.png
VIIc 512–515 53 8587,
53 8597–8598
4 1891 C N2 WP - Kallmünzer - VIIc Baden.jpg
Vocal 24 … 357,
(53 901–926,
53 8601–8665)
109 1893–1902 C n2v Badische VIId.png
Viiia 344–355 twelfth 1875 D n2 Badische VIIIa.png
VIIIB 56, 57, 102, 105, 144, 180, 184, 191, 238 and 242 ten 1886–1888 D n2 Out of bankruptcy mass Sveriges & Norway’s Railway AB Bought from Sharp, Stewart & Co., 1892–1894 in operation; Building with Palatinate. G 3
VIIIC 518–519,
(55 6101–6119) 32 1893–1900 B’B n4v Gelecroco Motive Bauart Mallet Badische VIII c Nr.png
Viiie 9 … 370,
56 701–709,
56 711–738
39 1908–1912 1’d n4v With a clenching dryer Badische VIIIe Nr 773.png
3 … 390,
56 751–776,
56 781–785
thirty first 1913–1915 1’D h4v
G 12 972–996,
58 201–225,
58 231–272,
58 281–303,
58 311–318
98 1918–1921 1’E h3 like Prussia. G 12, 1037-1046 newly bought by Prussian State Railway 58 1261-5 1.jpg

Tender locomotives [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

genus Bahnnummer(n) DR number (n) Number Year of construction (E) design type Remarks Picture
until 1868: XIII
174–175 2 1866 B N2t For the Dinglingen – Lahr private railway operated by the state Badische I a Nr. 175.png
Single 402–403 88 7501–7502 2 1874 B N2t Ship bridge locomotives, 402–403 1879 taken over by the Palatinate Railway (ex VII – VIII) Pfaelzische T 2 I.png
240 88 7503 first 1893
Ic 60, 63, 65 3 1880 1b n2t Badische I c Nr. 60.png
Id 62, 436–437 3 1882–1885 1a n2t Badische Id Nr. 62 Aurelia.png
Ie 99 … 245,
88 7511–7515,
88 7521–7522,
88 7531–7532,
88 7541–7548,
88 7551–7555,
88 7561–7563
30 1887–1893 B N2t Badische I e Nr. 447.png
If 339 first 1899 B N2t In 1904 taken over with Rheinau-Halle Mannheim
Ig 1 … 485,
70 101–105,
70 111–125
20 1914–1916 1B h2t
70 126–133 8 1927–1928 Replica dr
IVd 124 … 246 (71 7001–7005) 14 1891 1’b1 ‘n2t
Vb 3, 61, 64,
8 1876–1877 1b n2t Badische Vb Nr. 61.png
VIa 358–359 2 1900 1’C n2t
VIB 4 … 389,
75 101–114,
75 121–136,
75 141–161,
75 171–179,
75 181–195,
75 201–216,
75 221–233,
75 241–258
131 1900–1908 1’c1 ‘n2t Badische VIb Nr. 279.png
75 261–302 42 1921–1923 Reorder RBD Karlsruhe
VIc 875–894,
75 401–409,
75 411–441,
75 451–464,
75 471–473,
75 481–483,
75 491–494
92 1914–1918 1’c1 ‘h2T 075 118-0 1.jpg
1082–1124 75 1001–1023,
75 1101–1120
43 1920–1921 Reorder RBD Karlsruhe
Viiid 650–651 2 1900 BB N2T Hagans engine Badische VIIId Nr. 651.png
God 438–442,
89901–8302 7 1887–1888 C n2(4)t Gearlok for Höllentalbahn, 1910 gear engine expanded Badische IXa Nr. 441.png
IXb 344–345,
371, 736
97 201–204 4 1910 C1′ n2(4v)t Coat locomotive for Höllentalbahn Badische IX b Nr. 371.png
737–739 97 251–253 3 1921 Reorder RBD Karlsruhe
X 149 first 1895 B N2t Craneslocomotive, already retired in 1898
Distant 324 … 422 (89 501–506) 6 1898–1901 C N2T In 1904 taken over with Rheinau-Halle Mannheim Badische Xa Hafenbahn Rheinau Nr. 2.png
Xb 11 … 651,
92 201–232,
92 241–251,
92 261–266,
92 271,
92 281–290
68 1907–1919 D N2T Badische X b Nr. 380.png
8 … 726 92 291–320 30 1921 Reorder RBD Karlsruhe

Narrow -spurlocomotives [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

genus Bahnnummer(n) DR number (n) Number Year of construction (E) design type Remarks Picture
1–4 99 720-7204 4 1904 C N2T for Mosbach – Mudau, operated by the Debg on behalf of the Baden State Railway Albbähnlelok.jpg

The Baden narrow -spurlocomotives were built for meter track.

The Baden electrolocomotives were built for the meadow and military staler, on which electrical operation was recorded on September 13, 1913.

genus Bahnnummer(n) DR number (n) Number Year of construction (E) design type Remarks Picture
A first first first 1910 1’c1 ‘w2u Werkfoto Siemens Bad A 1.jpg
A 2 1–9 And 61 01–03,
And 61 05–09,
And 61 14
9 1911–1912 1’c1 ‘w2u
A 3 1–2 And 61 21–22 2 1912–1913 1’C1′ w2k

The Baden railcars were led to the existing of the passenger and luggage trolleys, which was divided into groups.

group Number (n) DR number (n) Number Year of construction (E) design type Remarks Picture
133c 6606 first 1902 A1 n2 Vapor trolley with Kessel System Serpollet
121a 1000–1007 DT 1–8 8 1914–1915 A1 h2 Steamcaring with boiler system smock
133D 6607 first 1903 (A1)(1A) g2t Accumulator railcar Badischer Nr. 6607.png
  • Hermann Lohr, Georg Thielmann: Lokomotive archive Baden , transpress, Berlin 1988, ISBN 3-344-00210-4
  • Albert Mühl: The Grand Ducal Baden State Railways , Franckh, Stuttgart 1981, ISBN 3-440-04933-7
  • Wolfgang Valtin: German Lok Archive: List of all locomotives and railcar Volume 1-Numeration systems on the German lanes , transpress, Berlin 1992, ISBN 3-344-70739-6
  • Wolfgang Valtin: German Lok Archive: List of all locomotives and railcar Volume 2-Steam locomotives and steam drive trolleys , transpress, Berlin 1992, ISBN 3-344-70740-X
  • Wolfgang Valtin: German locomotive archive: List of all locomotives and railcar Volume 3 -Electric Lokomotives and Triebagen, Diesellocomotives and Tracks , transpress, Berlin 1992, ISBN 3-344-70741-8
