Luna (Italien) – Wikipedia


Top Was a Roman colony that 177 BC. BC was built and today near the place Big months , a district of the municipality of Luni in the province of La Spezia, Italy. The city gained great economic importance through the nearby quarries of Carara, in which the famous Carrara marble is obtained, and only made the Roman monumental architecture possible. After the final distinction of the port, warlike attacks and the spreading malaria, Luna, which has become a bishopric, was largely left in the 11th century.

Luna and the adjacent cities on the Tabula Peutingeriana, the medieval copy of a Roman road map

Excavation site Luni, the museum in the background

The region around Luna is an old settlement area, the find material can be traced back to the Paläolithic. The city planned from the beginning with its almost rectangular floor plan for Roman colonies was founded on a level that spreads between the Ligurian Sea and the Apuan Alps, almost at sea level. Northeastern is today’s city of Carrara with the quarries that have been world -famous since ancient times, the Mediterranean is located southwest, on the coast of which Luna was originally founded. Also in the southwest, the largest river in Liguria, the Magra, flows towards the sea. The ancient river bed was near the city and at this point had formed a natural port with a landscape terrace, which gradually bounded over centuries and changed its course. Today the sea is also two kilometers away. Luna gave the Lunigiana landscape named after her.

The only ruins, of which there were still remains in the beginning of the 19th century, were the amphitheater and the substructure of the Big temple . The forum was discovered in 1837 and the Archaeological Museum was here in 1964 National Archaeological Museum of Luni built. In 1981 the museum’s collection was reorganized. The largely unsurpassed urban area has only been researched in small parts and since the early 1990s no major excavations have taken place in the archaeological park.

Antiquity [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Luna and his transport connections in antiquity.

Warehouse rooms in the area of ​​the “House of Frescoes”, east of the forum.

Luna (Latin for World , Mondgött ) was 177 BC Chr. [first] As a Roman military base on the northern edge of Etruria on the floor of the Napini , one of the most important and militarily strongest Ligurian tribes, which the Roman historian Titus Livius mentions several times. Since 187 BC BC, when the Consul C. Flaminius had defeated the Apuan for the first time, the emerging Rome expanded in this last, unsettled part of northern Italy. The Napini , which repeatedly pushed against the Romans from the security of the Apuan Alps, could only be thrown down in long -term military campaigns. The 180 BC. Chr. Colonies Pisa and Luca (today Lucca) [first] . In the same year, the occupiers deported around 40,000 Ligurian Apuaners, mostly entire families, to the Central Italian Samnium, where they were newly settled and a later flourishing community formed. A year later, another 7,000 displaced persons followed. [2] Luna was created promptly with the two southern foundations to further consolidate the Roman rule in Liguria. 170 and 175 BC BC managed to devastate the city of Luna and the area of ​​the colony. Only 155 BC BC was able to finally throw down the consul Marcus Claudius Marcellus and produce security for the residents of Luna. As a thank you, a memorial made of Lunensian marble was built by these. In 1851 he was only excavated a column chapter in which the name of the Claudius Marcellus was chiseled. If it is actually a contemporary representation, it is considered the first workpiece from Carrara marble to be used architecturally. [3]

Already in 200 BC The then consul Gaius Aurelius Cotta had caused the Via Aurelia Nova , a remote connection from Rome to tackle the west coast up to the north, to which Pisa was also connected. In 109 BC The censor Marcus Aemilius Scaurus the older man ordered the construction of the Via Aemilia Scaura, the Luna now among other things Placentia (today Piacenza) closed. 106 v. BC followed the connection to Pisa to Via Aurelia Nova . The road to Luca was added to Luca under Gaius Iulius Iulius Caesar as a further important transport connection. In addition to these long -distance streets, the city had with its sea port Monday Port [4] Already at the birth of Christ the best conditions, the trade and sale of the raw product LUNENSE marble to organize that Pliny already appreciated the older one. [5] In the time of Caesar [6] became an important part of the Roman building trade. The classic-Roman design of the architecture was only possible after the development of Luna’s marble breaks. [7] But the Lunen cheese also gained great popularity in Rome. [8]

After the battle at Actium, 31 BC BC, which finally secured the supremacy of Gaius Octavius ​​in the Roman Empire, soldiers were no longer required in 2000 as veterans and colonists to the region of Luna. During the following reign of Emperor Augustus (31 BC to AD 14), Luna was redesigned from architectural and urban planning aspects. In the 2nd century, the Luna family of the The currencies (also: Muntes ) The construction of the village of Moneta, which was built near the Lunensian marble stone broken. In the same century, the amphitheater was created among the Antonine emperors south at the gates of the city. On January 4, 275, the Euthianus from Luna was elected Pope and died on December 7, 283. The saint’s grave slab was found in the Calixtus catacomb at Rome. [9] Luna’s extraordinary importance in the late 4th century underlines the establishment of a bishopric. One of these early bishops, Felix von Luna, is known as a member of the synod held under Pope Hilarius 465, which took place in the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome. 409 Liguria was haunted by the West Goths. [ten] Nevertheless, the rich marble city flourished in the 5th century. Rutilius Claudius Namaianus, politician and poet, describes Luna 416 surrounded by white walls.

Byzantine time [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

In 552, Luna is freed from the Eastern Gothic dominance by the Ostern Roman Empire under the Roman Empire. After the victorious battle at Casilinus 554 for Narses, the safe living conditions were restored. The city was again of economic importance through its port. The surfaces of the marble blocks that were brought from the Apuan Alps were only roughly edited by workers and slaves in Luna in order to prepare them for shipping. The marble export blossomed again. The Phokas column at the Roman Forum from 608 AD is the last archaeologically secured Roman plant made of Lunensian marble. Wealth in Byzantine times also becomes clear from the city’s history. Bishop Venantius (593 – around 603) gave the Luna 597 monastery a two pound -heavy, particularly large silver bowl.

Early and high Middle Ages [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Column fragment with a diameter of 1.20 meters on the way to the excavation site

With the abrupt end of the Byzantine era of prosperity, one of the last major flowering times of the city was completed. Between 569 and 774, the Langobards over the northern Italy and displaced were gradually the Eastern Roman domination. Under her king Rothari, Duke of Brescia, the Germanic warriors conquered between 641 and 643 Liguria. [ten] Luna still seems to be more or less long, like other cities on the Ligurian coast, its independence or belonging to Byzantium [11] To have preserved, but in these troubled times the trade in the port came almost completely to a standstill. [twelfth] 642 the coastal country from Luna to the border of the Franconian Empire near Ventimiglia was finally conquered by the Langobards. [13] From now on, the eventful skill of the city dramatically accelerated the decline. In the period between 650 and the beginning of the 8th century, researchers assigned a short cold-moist climate phase, which must also have had poorly affected agriculture. There were considerations whether these effects could have accelerated the urban decline. [14] In 729, Luna was still or again Byzantine despite the Longobardish dominance. In 736, the Langobards actually prevailed over the old marble city at short notice before they fell to Ostrom again during the Byzantine attempts to recapture. 754 were the Langobards in the city again. [15] In 773/774, Charlemagne ended the Langobardian supremacy and united as the King of the Franks and Langobards ( King of France and Lombards ) Your kingdom with his. According to a pious legend, a ship is said to have created a ship in the port of Luna without a crew, which had a cedar -strained, sized crucifix on board. There was a dispute between the two bishops of Lucca and Luna. Ultimately, this cross came to Lucca, where there is still one today Holy face is worshiped in the cathedral of San Martino. [16] 849 [15] [17] Marying Islamic pirates from Catalonia fully looted the almost helpless bishopric. According to Dudo by Saint-Quentin and Stephan von Rotten, the Wikingerführer Hasting and his men should have followed the example of the Saracenes in 860. The Viking also had the coastal region branded and would have taken the city, which was often in ruins, with a behind list. [18] Luna’s reputation as an exceptionally rich port city in the sailor’s yarn of looting ship crews has apparently been exaggerated to the fact that Hasting was said to have been of the opinion that after conquering ancient conditions for antique conditions. [19] 895, despite the decline, the city is still as civitas mentioned, [15] Which is particularly due to their spiritual importance as a bishop’s city. In the quieter 10th century, the city was now also called “Luno” or “Luni”, another smaller, last heyday took place. Also on the cathedral of Sankt Markus, built in the 8th century with its crypt and the bell tower, was built until the 11th century. But in 1010 the pirate ships of the Islamic warriors again appeared under the command of the Catalan Emir of Dénia in front of Luna and put the place again in rubble and ash. [17] It was not until 1016 that an army set up by Pope Benedict VIII was able to defeat the Saracens, which was still angry in the country, near Luna.

When the Magra river sang, the stone trade was hindered and the free keeping of a fairway was increasingly costly. After the final distinction of the port and the visibility by Malaria, the majority of the population moved to the Sarzana, which was first mentioned in 963 in 963, which was more located in the interior of the country. In the period that followed, the city’s still existing buildings fell almost entirely to the medieval stone robbery. The last valuable remnants were removed from anti -clayers and art dealers during the Renaissance. Even after leaving the city and laying the bishopric in 1204, the local leading spiritual dignitary continued to call himself “Bishop of Luna” ( Bishop of Lunensis ) in the county of the same name. The last residents apparently only gave up the place in the 13th century.

The city follows the typical scheme of an antique settlement that is thought out and planned from the start with an approximately 560 × 438 meter tall, almost rectangular floor plan and had right -angled streets. The center was the rectangular forum, to which a sacred district joined east with a Diana temple. The large Luna temple was on the northern city wall; The theater that was not accessible to visitors was also created on the city wall in its northeastern corner. An important, in its core of early Christian construction, is the basilica that was also not visible on a regular tour, which was built near the western city wall. In addition to portrait heads and togors, there is also a rare Millefiori Cup on found objects in addition to portrait heads and togors [ten] to emphasize. The most important mosaic for archaeological research was uncovered in the “House of Mosaics” north of the forum. The in the 3rd/4th Century AD published and became known in the 1980s [20] Irrcus Maximus in Rome shows and thus enables a reconstruction of the famous racetrack with imperial lodge, among other found objects not from Luna. [21] 1955 became a large altar for the goddess Top safe.

Forum [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Preserved marble floor on the Public area Right on the southern main access to the forum. On the far right you can see the Cardo Maximus.

The Luna Forum followed the often repeated Roman buildings in many areas. At the northern edge of the main square there was the possible capture stamp in the middle of the capalty podium, a panel building with an open staircase. He surrounded him an elongated, right -handed portico with marble paving and pillars, on the outer walls of which closed shops and shops. In the south, the building complex had an elaborate, impressive access. In addition, the building was a rectangular Basilica . This multi -purpose building was required for meetings, court hearings and markets. It was east, at the upper northern end next to the forum and joined the porticus directly, which she also followed with her long side.

Already in the 4th century there was an urban development that is difficult to interpret today. Sometimes the forum and other buildings were abandoned and demolished in this, but especially in the following century. It was believed that the cause in an earthquake was to be found towards the end of the 3rd century. Later the former city center was covered with simple wooden houses, which suggests that the old city center was postponed at the time. [22] Some researchers assume that the forum’s task only falls into the 6th century. [23] Another important finding was the construction of a smaller bathing facility north or partly already on the forum sports. At this point, the new wooden development of the old main square was very primitive, with this thermal bath in the 5th/6th Century probably the recreational area of ​​a luxurious, with mosaics of the 3rd/4th Century decorated private house in the once public square. [22] The Basilica was also no longer available, since it was also covered by a fish market in late antiquity in the northern part.

Luna temple [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

The remains of the Luna temple

The so-called Big temple , probably the Capitol of the city, [24] was planned at its highest point, planned behind the northwestern city wall in the urban area and is considered one of the oldest known sanctuaries of the moon goddess Luna, who was consecrated to the city. On a late republican period [24] A powerful podium stamp with an impressive open staircase and portico was built during the imperial period, of which there are still significant remains of the substructure. The first building was built shortly after the colony was founded as a cult site of the Selene-Luna and, with its architectural decorations from terracotta, was still entirely in the tradition of ancient Muscanian role models. Received from this time position a gable frieze that shows Luna sitting on a throne. The goddess is flanked by Apollo and Dionysos, who in turn is a muse.

In the successor, the residents of the imperial, Julian-Claudische [24] Luna plan a typical Roman monumental building that they decorated with marble. The substructure of the Pseudoperipteros, partly executed in Opus Caementitium, had an original height of around 7.5 meters from the then level. Half columns divided the outside of the one-piece, almost square cella on return and long sides. The staircase was limited by side wall flanks. The consecration inscription, which is still preserved in fragments, goes back to a renovation or renovation between 180 and 222 AD. With the new temple building, the space in front of it was also extensively changed. There was a 60 × 50 meter arcade yard with a marble procession road on three sides that led from a large southwestern entrance in the porticus to the stairs of cult building. In the eastern arcades, the remains of a Julian-Claudian tank statue of the 1st century were discovered.

The temple was finally given up towards the end of the 4th century. In the early Middle Ages the former area of ​​the Sacred area misused for residential purposes.

Building inscription [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

According to Marietta Horster, the building inscription goes back either to Kaiser Commodus, but more likely to Caracalla or Elagabal. As usual, she could have been on the architrav and would then have been around 13 meters long. [24] [25] Your remains are low:

[… Ant]onin[us] Aug. Pius te[mpl…]
[…] Reius [su] Money P [Osuit].

Amphitheater [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

All -round view in the amphitheater

The amphitheater used for gladiator fights, animal agitation and executions was only around 250 meters in front of the eastern city gate on the Via Aurelia Nova Built because there was no space for a large building within the city walls in the 2nd century AD. At that time, the decline of the theater culture from classic Greek, as was also the case in Luna. The theater built there was within the walls on the eastern city corner. The oval construction of the Luna amphitheater has a width of 88.5 meters in its longitudinal axis and in width 70, 2 meters. A total of around 7,000 spectators had a total of around 7,000 spectators. A portico circumstances the construction over the visitor terrace. The gladiators were able to enter the oval combat room through two double -sized, opposite entrances that were southwestern and northeastern. There does not seem to have existed underground systems. For the visitors, their own entrances around the construction were planned.

After the end of the West Roman Empire in the 5th century, the complex was used as a quarry.

Burial ground [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

In Roman antiquity, the grave fields were located on the default roads of the villages and cities in front of the walls. These could also be discovered in Luna. In addition to simple graves, wealthy burial places, such as Then (Burial mound). One of these hills also had a cippus tube that was from the crowning ( BLACK ) of the tomb led into the hill. [26] These “donor tubes”, which were proven several times, were needed during the symbolic dead person in honor of the deceased.

  • Bryan Ward-Perkins: Luni. The decline and abandonment of a Roman town. In: Papers in Italian archaeology 1, Oxford 1978, S. 313–321.
  • Augusta Hönle, Anton Henze: Roman amphitheater and stages: gladiator fights and circus games . Atlans-verlag, zürich [u. A.] 1981. ISBN 3-7611-0627-0
  • Bryan Ward-Perkins: Two Byzantine houses at Luni , In: Papers of the British School at Rome. 49, 1981, S. 91–98.
  • Bryan Ward-Perkins u. a.: Luni and the Ager Lunensis: the rise and fall of a Roman town and its territory. In: Papers of the British School at Rome. 54, 1986, S. 81–146.
  • Anna Maria free daughe: Lucia Gervasini: Archaeological area and National Museum, Luni. (= Itineraries of museums, galleries, excavations and monuments of Italy. New series 48) Polygraphic and State Mint Institute, State Library, Roma 2000, ISBN 8824036392.
  • Anna Maria Durante (Hrsg): Ancient city of Luna: work in progress. Luna, La Spezia 2001.
  • Maria Gabriella Angeli Bertinelli: Monday (= Serta Antiqua et Mediaevalia 13). Giorgio Bretschneider Editore, Rome 2012, ISBN 978-88-7689-257-8.
  1. a b Hermann Bengtson: Roman history: Republic and imperial period until 284 AD . 4th edition. Verlag C.H. Beck, Munich 1982. ISBN 3-406-02505-6. P. 108.
  2. Livius 39, 2, 20; 39, 2, 32; 40, 1, 38, 41; Pliny the older, Natural History 3, 11 S. 16; Lib. Colon. S. 235; Henzen. Tab. Alim. S. 57.
  3. Luciana und Tiziano Mannoni: Marble, material and culture , Callwey, Munich 1980, ISBN 3-7667-0505-9, p. 184.
  4. Monday Port call the port z. B. Livius ( City 34.8.4 and 39.21.4) and Ennius (in satire 6.9 of the Persius). Nino Scivoletto explains the name in the critical edition of Persius (Firenze 1968, page 147) he commented on Monday Port with the crumb -like harbor bay (“Il Golfo … incurvato come una luna”).
  5. Pliny the older, Natural History 3, 50. See Roderich König, Gerhard Winkler (ed.): C. Plinius Secundus d. Ä., Natural customer. Latin -German. Books III/IV: Geography: Europe ( Sammlung Tusculum ). 2nd edition, Artemis & Winkler, Düsseldorf/Zurich 2002, ISBN 3-7608-1616-9, p. 235.
  6. Anita Rieche: Ancient Italy from the air. 2nd Edition. Gustav Lübbe Verlag, Bergisch Gladbach 1987. ISBN 3-7857-0223-X. P. 140.
  7. John Boardman, Iorwerth Eiddon Stephen Edwards U. A .: The Cambridge Ancient History XII – The crisis of the empire, A.D. 193–337 , 2005, S. 406; Knowledge of Roman archeology Archaeological Institute of the University of Cologne
  8. Pliny Natural History 11, 97; Martial 13, 30.
  9. Joseph Wilpert: The papal graves and the Cecilia crypt in the catacomb of St. Kallistus . Herder, Freiburg 1909, 19 f. 35.
  10. a b c Bernhard Abend: Italian Riviera, Liguria . Baedeker, Stuttgart 2007. S. 37.
  11. Werner Goez: From Pavia to Rome , Verlag Dumont, Cologne 1980. ISBN 3-7701-0542-7. P. 82.
  12. Lester K. Little, Barbara H. Rosenwein (ed.): Debating the Middle Ages. Issues and readings , Blackwell Publishing, Oxford 1998. ISBN 1-57718-008-9, S. 62.
  13. Fedor Schneider: The Reich Administration in Toscana , Minerva-Verlag, Berlin 1966, S. 51.
  14. Paolo Fazzini, Marina Maffei: The disappearance of the city of Luni , In: Journal of Cultural Heritage 1, 2000. S. 247–260.
  15. a b c Karl Bosl: Social history of Italy in the Middle Ages , Anton Hiersemann Verlag Stuttgart 1982, ISBN 3-7772-8206-5, p. 30.
  16. Werner Goez: From Pavia to Rome , Verlag Dumont, Cologne 1980, ISBN 3-7701-0542-7, p. 97.
  17. a b Mario Cennamo: Saracen and Barbareschi pirates in Liguria , Fratelli Frilli Editori, 2004, p. 21. (In Italian)
  18. Ekkehard Eickhoff: Lake war and sea policy between Islam and West , De Gruyter, Berlin 1966, S. 199.
  19. Georg Stadtmüller (ed.): Century 24 , Verlag K. Alber, Freiburg and Munich 1973, p. 25.
  20. Jutta Ronke: Magistratic representation in the Roman relief , Bar International Series, OXFORD 1987, ISBN 0-86054-478-8, S.
  21. Frank Kolb: Rome: The history of the city in antiquity , Verlag C.H. Beck, Munich 2002, ISBN 3-406-46988-4, p. 603.
  22. a b Bonn yearbooks , Verlag Philipp von Zabern, Mainz 2004. ISBN 978-3-8053-3687-1. P. 145.
  23. Riccardo Franovich: The hinterland of early medieval towns. In: Joachim Henning (ed.) Post-Roman towns, trade and settlement in Europe and Byzantium , I brief, KRYVY, Berlin-New York-New York 2005, ISsBR 3-1-11- 6-01852-0, SL 139.
  24. a b c d Marietta Horster: Building inscriptions in Roman emperors . Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart 2001, ISBN 3-515-07951-3. P. 323
  25. Epigraphica . Nr. 64. University of Bologna, Bologna 2002. S. 134.
  26. Martina Schwarz: Tumulate Italia Tellus. Design, chronology and meaning of the Roman circular graves in Italy , VML Pubher Pubiary Marie Lederade, Raheden 2002. P. 47.

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