Malamute of Alaska – Wikipedia, the encyclopedia


He malamute de alaska O alaskan maamute [ 8 ] It is a dog originally from the Arctic Zone, one of the oldest breeds inside sled dogs. As a sled dog it is naturally strong. It is able to load considerable weights (up to 20 kg) for tens of kilometers.


It is characterized by presenting an abundant and thick layer of hairs that covers a strong and muscular body.

His presence, always with an upright head, gives him a certain imposing appearance that gives the impression of being a very serious dog. However, this appearance is not at odds with an affable and playful character with its owners.

Although for work the desired sizes are: 63.5 cm (25 inches) tall to the cross, there is a natural range between 62-70 cm to the cross and weight 46-51 kg for males, and 56 -66 cm and 39-46 kg for females. Size considerations should not be more important than the type, proportions, movement and everything that concerns the function. If during the judgment some dogs are in equality of type, proportions and function, the one that is most approaching the desired size will be selected to be able to perform a heavy job.

It has two layers of hair: an external, thick and rough, and an internal oily and lanudo touch. It is longer in the neck and shoulder area, on the back and tail. Its predominant color is gray, although in the standard they are admitted from white to the reddish sand.

Its ears are triangular, always erect, medium -sized. The eyes are alive, on alert, of medium size and almond -shaped shape.

It is a corpulent dog that, with the mantle of hair that characterizes it, can give the impression of being a “armored” among dogs. Unlike other breeds, when his hair is wet, he does not give the appearance of reducing his size. [ required appointment ]

Malamute de Alaska, attentive.

It is a very old race, the first breeds of sled dogs. DNA analyzes have shown the antiquity of the Malamute of Alaska and its kinship with the Siberian Husky. [ 9 ]

Alaska’s malamute was raised by an Inuit tribe called Mahlemiut. The meaning of the word Mahle is unknown, but it is known that Miut means “people of”. Therefore Mahlemiut can be interpreted as Mahle’s people. Following the English phonetics, the diction then transforms into Malamute. The area inhabited by the town of Los Malamute was the banks of the Kotzebue Gulf, a territory between two large rivers: the Kobuk and the Noatak. The men and women of the Mahlemiut tribe (Malamute) were highly appreciated among the other Inuit tribes for their courage, their pride and their ability in hunting and fishing.

These dogs were famous for their beauty and their characteristics of strength and resistance, which made them optimal elements for the shot. They were, in general, bigger and more powerful than the other Nordic dogs, looking similar to the wolf and large and soft tails carried on the back.

Witnesses of the time say that between approximately 1870 and 1880, the caribu, for inexplicable reasons, changed their usual migratory tours, thus removing the malamute tribes an important source of livelihood. Under these conditions, families could no longer afford groups of dogs formed by more than two or three specimens: testimonies of the time talk about men, women and even children who helped their dogs to pull the sleds. So the population began to decrease and the same fate ran their dogs.

Its ability to withstand heavy loads is revealed when he is chosen to carry out expeditions to the Polar Circle, such as the two performed by Admiral Byrd. They were also used as injured rescue dogs.

There are different colors: black with white, brown with white, gray with white, red with white and recently [ when? ] A white malamute color was found.

Behavior [ To edit ]

It is a dog with very old origins, which has been little modified since its origin of the wolf. That does not mean that he is aggressive. [ ten ]

See also [ To edit ]

References [ To edit ]

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