Mehr distance – Wikipedia


The Multi -distance shooting is a shooting sports discipline of the Federation of German Sports Diatresses (BDS) in which 40 shots from different distances are released from different distances on targets.


The process of multi -distance shooting consists of 40 shots, divided into skill shooting and course shooting, plus trial shots. It is shot on the BDS spa waffle disk; This corresponds to the dimensions of the UIT disc, but the 9s, 10s and inner tens rings are shown in white instead of black.

Skill shooting [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

The skill shooting takes place with up to five shooters that shoot side by side at the same time.
The shooting times (10 seconds) are displayed by turning the windows or acoustic signals.

Before the start:

Rehearsal at 20 meters, time three minutes, number of shot arbitrary

  1. 5 meters: 5 shots in 10 seconds with the low -wound hand
  2. 10 meters: 5 shots in 10 seconds with the high -speed hand
  3. 15 meters: 5 shots in 10 seconds
  4. 20 meters: 5 shots in 10 seconds

[ Edit | Edit the source text ]

At course shooting, only one shooter shoots at the same time, from four different positions on a total of four slices. The total time required for the course is measured electronically and goes into the overall ranking.

It is started with a finished weapon on the 20-meter shooting position; After the start signal, the time until the last shot is measured, for the following process:

  1. 20 meters: 5 shots standing, then proceed on the 15-meter position, reloading
  2. 15 meters: 5 rounds kneeling, then proceed on the 10-meter position, reloading
  3. 10 meters: 5 shots standing, then proceed on the 5-meter position, reloading
  4. 5 meters: 5 shots standing, one -handed

Either individual cartridges can be carried for reloading (variant 1) or magazines pre -charged for pistols or speedloaders or moon clips filled with revolvers (variant 2).


The following time limits exist for course shooting:

  • Pistol (variant 1): 80 seconds
  • Pistol (variant 2): 60 seconds
  • Revolver (variant 1): 80 seconds
  • Revolver (variant 2): 70 seconds

A ring is deducted from the result for every full second that the shooting time is exceeded in the course.

The remaining number of ring from Parcours and Products Parts are added to the overall result.

  1. Youth class (up to 21 years)
  2. Women’s class (female shooters)
  3. Rifle class (from 21 to 45 years)
  4. Age group (from 46 to 54 years)
  5. Senior class (from 55 to 64 years)
  6. Super senior class (from 65 years)
  • 1201 pistol up to caliber 9 mm
  • 1202 pistol over caliber 9 mm
  • 1205 revolver with running length up to 4 inches
  • 1206 revolver to caliber .38
  • 1207 revolver about caliber .38
  • 1208 revolver magnum caliber up to .357
  • 1209 revolver magnum caliber over .357
  • 1210 pistol or revolver in the caliber .22 with open sight
  • 1211 Free class, pistol or revolver with minimum caliber .30/7.62mm
  • 1212 Free class, pistol or revolver in the caliber .22 with optical sight
  • 1214 Dienage sports pistol/service portraVolver

Multiple distance shooting is shot at the club level across Germany. The club, district, state and German championships take place. Access to higher championships is usually dependent on the success (number of ring) at the lower level.

  • Sports manual of the BDS ( online ; PDF; 220 kB)
