Moloch (religion) – Wikipedia


Moloch is the biblical name for Phoenician-Canaanean victim rites, which, according to the biblical tradition, provided for the victim of children through fire.


The word Moloch Is the Greek description of the Hebrew king mold . In the Book of Jeremiah, Moloch is associated with Tofet, another term for human sacrifices who were provided in the Ben-Hinnom valley ( Because 7.31 EU ). According to the examinations by Otto Eißfeldt poth Originally the technical-cultic name of a fire victim. In the biblical tradition, it was only reinterpreted with the Deuteronomist editorial team to the name of God. Similarly loud sacrificial names (silence , Molchomor) are occupied for the Punic. [first]

In the Old Testament, the name Moloch is in Lev 18.21 EU , 20,2–5 EU ; 2 sex 23.10 EU and in Because 32.35 EU proven. The word also comes in 1 sex 11.7 EU but where the reading Milkom (… for milkom, the idols of the Ammoniters) is assumed that is located in the corresponding place of some ancient Greek translations. [2] In all document points, the word always appears in the fixed turn “Children’s victims offer the juggernut”.

In the New Testament, the name Moloch immerses in Apg 7.43 EU in connection with an event from the Old Testament.

In the rabbinical tradition, “Moloch” has been portrayed as a bronze statue that was heated with fire. The biblical-rabbinic tradition of this human sacrifice has often been re-reached by commentators and was brought in connection with the sacrifices of children reported by ancient Greek and Latin authors for crownos baal in Carthage. [3]

A literary processing of this victim complex was by Gustave Flaubert in a chapter of his novel Salambô undertook [4] and in Giovanni Pastrones film Cabiria recorded.

In John Miltons Epos Paradise Lost Is jotch one of the hell prince. He loves child blood and tears of parents and speaks out for a new open war against heaven.

Friedrich Hebbel’s play The juggernach [5] In 1849–1850, dramatizing the landing of the juggernach in Germany.


In the film series The purple rivers Part 2 “Day of the ashes” is the god of a religious sect who sees itself as a descendant of Lot.

  • Otto Eißfeldt: Molk as a concept of victim in Punic and Hebrew and the end of the god jetty (= Contributions to the religious history of antiquity . Band 3 ). Niemeyer, Hall 1935, DNB 579724050 .
  • George C. Heider: The Cult of Molek. A Reassessment. Department of Biblical Studies, The University of Sheffield, Sheffield 1985, ISBN 1-85075-018-1.
  • John Day: Molech. A god of human sacrifice in the Old Testament. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1989, ISBN 0-521-36474-4.
  1. Article mold . In: Ludwig Köhler, Walter Baumgartner: Hebrew and Aramaic lexicon to the Old Testament. 3. Edition. Brill, Leiden/Boston 2004, ISBN 90-04-14037-9.
  2. Hisse they were. Codex Alexandria The readings are the Septuagint and the comment in Lukians Melcho , Melchom or melchol proven. (Krit. app Seventy (1935). Stuttgart 2004).
  3. Reports of human sacrifices at the Punier can be found at Kleitarchos, Diodorus Siculus, Plutarch, etc., see: D.D. Hughes: Human Sacrifice in Ancient Greece. London 1991, S. 115 ff.
  4. Gustave Flaubert: Public In the Gutenberg-DE project
  5. Friedrich Hebbel: The juggernach ( Memento from September 27, 2007 in Internet Archive ), Tragedy
