Mortum-Kliff – Wikipedia


Karte: Schleswig-Holstein



The Morte-Kliff is a cliff coast in the east of the island of Sylt, which extends between the Hindenburgdamm and the town of Morsum over a distance of almost 2,000 meters. The Morsum-Kliff is a nature reserve [first] and national geotope. [2]

System Series Step ≈ Alter (mya)
later later later younger

It is




It is


Plioz Piacenzium 2.588

Zancleum 3.6

Miozän Messium 5,333

Tortonium 7,246

Serravallium 11,62

Langhium 13.82

Burdigalium 15.97

Aquitanium 20.44

earlier earlier earlier older

The geological importance of this cliffs is primarily that the formations opened here, under the influence of the glaciers of the Saale cold period (about 120,000 years ago) from their natural location, were immersed in several plaons (or scales), so that they were today in the order of their origin side by side (and not one above the other) in the cliff.

The actual cliff formation only took place in post -glacial. The sand dunes locally occurring in the upper section of the cliff also date from this time.

The cliff itself is divided into four plaice, east floe, main floe, middle floe and western floe. The geological structure of these plaice is similar. Based on the original situation (from bottom to top, which now corresponds to a view from west to east after the plaice is erected):

These layers represent a geological period of around 7–8 million years, with the oldest formation (mica tone of the Sylium) being dated an absolute age of 9 to 11 million years.

Images of geological layers [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Morsum Kliff Sylt 2006.jpg The Morsum cliff’s east floe. Location: Above the glowing tone with a view of the layers of the lemonite sandstone and the Kaolinand, the inclination of which is clearly recognizable here. On the left of Kaolinsand another glow tone. Post -glacial sand dunes above. Part of the Hindenburgdamm can be seen in the background (top left).
Morsum-Kliff.jpg The Morsum-Kliff. On the right in the picture (somewhat hidden from the vegetation) Obermiocene Glimmerton, in the middle red lemonite sandstone and left Kaolinsand.

In the course of the planning of the Hindenburgdamm, considerations were made to remove parts of the Morsum cliff as building material for this fixed connection between Sylt and the mainland. Private initiatives thwarted this plan and reached the protection of a 43 hectare area in 1923. The initiators are also the founders of the Nature Conservation Association of Sylt, from which the nature conservation community Sylt e.V. emerged in 1977, which is now a protective bearer of the NSG Morsum-Kliff. [4]

Morsum Kliff Sylt Beschreibung@20151231.JPG The cliff is strictly protected. Collecting fossils is also prohibited, as well as climbing the steep bank. It is best accessible to the eastern floe, to which a footpath is signposted by a parking lot near a hotel complex, through which you can also get to the Wadden Sea.
  • His Jessel: Sylt. A travel book. Hamburg 1989.
  • Kai-Uve Bossau, Roland Klockenhoff: News on paleontology and stratigraphy of the Sylt level at Morsumkliff/Sylt. In: Writings of the Natural Science Association for Schleswig-Holstein. BD. 47, Kiel 1977, S. 25-38.
  • Winfried Hinsch: On Molluskenfauna des Syltium vom Mortum-Kliff. In: Schr. Naturw. Ver. Schlesw.-Holst. BD. 47, Kiel 1977, S. 39-56.
  • Winfried Hinsch, Burchard Menke: The Morsum-Kliff/Sylt. In: The slide collector , 7 (2), Hamburg 1972, S. 49–56.
  • Doophard meat: Sylt. Geology of a North Sea island. Wachhooltz, neumünster 2006, is 978-3-5006-0 (zum Mosum-kliff siehea S. 55–59).
  1. State Ordinance on the nature reserve “Morsum-Kliff”. In: Gvobl. 1968 273. Landesportal Schleswig-Holstein, 9. August 1968, accessed on March 15, 2020 .
  2. Doophard meat: Highly pressed underground – the Morsum -Kliff on Sylt . In: Ernst-Rüdiger Look, Ludger Feldmann (ed.): Fascination geology. The most important geotopes in Germany. E. Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart 2006, ISBN 3-510-65219-3, pp. 10f.
  3. W. Hinsch and B. Menke: The Morsum-Kliff/Sylt. In: Der Pälskammler, 7 (2), p. 49, Hamburg 1972.
  4. Folding sheet 5473 Morsum Kliff (Nov. 2016 edition) , Visitorial information system (bis) for nature conservation and Natura 2000 areas in Schleswig-Holstein from the State Office for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Areas of the State of Schleswig-Holstein (Llur)
