Nassau Central Studies Fund – Wikipedia


The Nassau Central Studies Fund is a public law foundation. The Hessian Ministry of Culture perceives the state supervision. The foundation supports educational measures in Hesse in the field of the former Duchy of Nassau and, among other things, grants scholarships. Around € 750,000 can be distributed a year. The fund assets today consist essentially of agricultural and forestry space as well as some built-up land.


The foundation was created in 1817 by a decree by Duke Wilhelm I. [first] For this purpose, 15 independent school funds and foundations for public lessons were summarized. [2]

Name founding Capital 1816 Interest income 1816 Territory Denomination
Principal fund in Dillenburg 1699 219 11 Nassau-Dillenburg reformed
Fund of the Academie zu Herborn 1584 125445 9958 Nassau-Dillenburg reformed
Fund of the school seminar in Dillenburg 1777 16798 4300 Nassau-Dillenburg reformed
Winter’s Fund of Winter’s legacy for schools 1781 1594 78 Nassau-Dillenburg reformed
Fonds des Merzischen Legats 1546 192 ten Nassau-Dillenburg reformed
Age and new Latin school fund in Dillenburg 1811 4575 815 Nassau-Dillenburg reformed
Hadamarian school fund 1630 73296 2832 Nassau-Hadamar (Nassau-Weilburg) Catholic
Gnadenthal school fund 1235 100851 2264 Nassau-Dillenburg reformed
Diezer Abbey Fund 1289 45072 6979 Nassau-Dillenburg reformed
Dillenburger Lotterie Fund 1768 16300 798 Nassau-Dillenburg reformed
Klarenthal Klosterfonds in Wiesbaden 1298 37449 11423 Nassau-USingen Lutheran
Presence fund on Idstein 1340 51260 2476 Nassau-USingen Lutheran
School improvement funds in Idstein 1779 39480 2397 Nassau-USingen Lutheran
Montabaur Doctions Fund 1494 28177 4300 Kurtrier (Nassau-Weilburg) Catholic
Spiritual Walburgitstiftsfonds in Weilburg 912 82570 4047 Nassau-Weilburg Lutheran

The summary was carried out across denominations, i.e. H. Catholic and Protestant funds were summarized. This was related to the introduction of the simultaneous school in the same Nassau school edic. In 1844 the income from the fund was 57,000 guilders, of which around 10,000 guilders came from formerly Catholic funds. [3]

The fund’s yields and additional budgetary funds formed the school budget of the duchy. From these funds, the scholarships were also paid to the students, who studied with the Kingdom of Hanover on October 28, 1817 at the University of Göttingen (see also Nassauer).

The Nassau Central Studies Fund today provides:

  • Grants at high schools and comprehensive schools to procure equipment to improve teaching quality (currently € 500,000 annually)
  • Award of scholarships to students born in the field of the former Duchy of Nassau
  • Reimbursement of boarding school costs for (Nassauische) students from the “Hansenberg Castle” boarding school in Geisenheim
  • Building maintenance of certain Protestant parish houses and church buildings
  1. § 29 of the sovereign edict of March 24, 1817 (the so -called Nassauische Schuledikt, published in the “Ordinance sheet of the Duchy of Nassau” No. 5 of March 29, 1817)
  2. Sattler: The Nassau Central Studies Fund. Page 154–155.
  3. Wolf-Heino Struck: The Nassauian simultaneous school. In: Duchy of Nassau 1806-1866. Page 260.
