Obercallenberg – Wikipedia


Obercallenberg is a district of the municipality of Callenberg in the Zwickau district (Free State of Saxony).

Obercallenberg, entrance sign

Geographical location and traffic [ Edit | Edit the source text ]


Obercallenberg is located in the southwest of the municipality of Callenberg on Bundesstraße 180. South of the town, the federal highway 4 is located with the “Hohenstein-Ernstthal” junction. Although the place has always belonged to Callenberg, it is spatially separated southeast of the Callenberg location between Grumbach in the west and Reichenbach in the north. In the Obercallenberg hallway, the part of the settlement “Obertirschheim” located east of the “Lichtensteiner Straße” is located directly at the “Hohenstein-Ernstthal” junction. The other share belongs to Tirschheim, district of Kuhschnappel of the municipality of St. Egidien.

Obercallenberg is located west of the Oberwald reservoir, which emerged from the disused nickel mining “Callenberg Süd I”. This former open -cast mine was connected to the route of the St. Egidien Nickelhütte in the Nickelhütte St. Egidien, whose company station was located in Obercallenberg.

Neighboring towns [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Wagons of the Orebahn at the Oberwald reservoir (1)

The Obercallenberg sprinkling was mentioned in 1798 as the “Ober-Cahlenberg” and in 1830 as “Oberkahlenberg” or “Cahlenberger Häuser”. With regard to the land rule, the settlement, like the town of Callenberg, was part of the Callenberg Rittergut until the 19th century, [first] which in turn stood as a vassal court under the administration of the Schönburg rule of Waldenburg. [2] [3] Obercallenberg has always belonged to Callenberg in church and politically. After an administrative reform was carried out in the field of recess rulers in Schönburg in 1878, Obercallenberg came to the newly founded Saxon Office of Glauchau as a district of Callenberg in 1880. [4]

Due to the second district reform in the GDR, Obercallenberg came to the Hohenstein-Ernstthal district in the Chemnitz district as part of the municipality of Callenberg (renamed Karl-Marx-Stadt district in 1953). In the same year, the nickel mining was opened on the corridors of the dissolved good Bochmann in Obercallenberg in Obercallenberg Callenberg Süd I , which was opened as a reservoir of Oberwald in 1982 after decommissioning in 1982. Between 1959/60 and 1990, the industrial railway of the St. Egidien Nickelhütte was in operation, the pit station of which was in Obercallenberg. After the nickel production was stopped, a parking space for the Oberwald reservoir was created on the area after 1990. As the relic of the Orebahn, two cars stopped near the dam of the Oberwald reservoir.
In 1990, Obercallenberg came to the Saxon district of Hohenstein-Ernstthal, which opened in the district of Chemnitz Land and in the district of Zwickau in 1990. The neighboring municipality of Reichenbach was incorporated into Callenberg on March 1, 1994. [5]

  1. The Rittergut Callenberg on www.sachsachs-schlösser.de ( Memento of the Originals from April 4, 2017 in Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been used automatically and not yet checked. Please check original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this note. @first @2 Template: Webachiv/Iabot/Xn–sachsenschenschschenser-c0b.de
  2. Cahlenberg. In: Albert Schiffner: Handbook of Geography: Statistics and Topography of the Kingdom of Saxony. Fleischer, 1839, p. 501. (books.google.de)
  3. Karlheinz Blaschke, Uwe Ulrich Jäschke: Saxon office. Leipzig 2009, ISBN 978-3-937386-14-0, p. 92 f.
  4. The Glauchau official team in the 1900 directory
  5. Reichenbach on gov.genealogy.net
