Odd Roger Enoksen – Wikipedia


Foto eines in die Kamera blickenden älteren Mannes mit Brille

Odd Roger Enoksen (Born September 25, 1954 in Anddenes) is a Norwegian politician of the Sentent Partial (SP). From March 1999 to March 2000, he was the Minister of Local and Regional, from October 2005 to September 2007, the oil and energy minister of his country. From 1999 to 2003 he was chairman of the Sentent Partit. From 1993 to 2005 he was a member of the Storting. Enoksen acted as Minister of Defense from October 2021 to April 2022.


Enoksen completed his training as an agronomist in 1975, then worked as a farmer until 1985. He then worked in the peat product industry until 1993. He was also a member of the Andøy local parliament between 1978 and 1993. From 1983 to 1986 and from 1987 to 1991 he was the mayor of the municipality. In between he was deputy mayor of Andøy from 1986 to 1987. [first]

In the 1993 parliamentary election, Enoksen moved to the Norwegian National Parliament Storting for the first time. There he represented the Nordland constituency and initially became a member of the energy and environmental committee. From October 11, 1993 to September 30, 1997, he also acted as Vice Secretary of the Storting. After the 1997 election, he became chairman of the Economic Committee. In addition, Enoksen became a member of the group leader of the Sentent Partitiet group. Between 1996 and 1997 he had his party in Nordland. In 1997 he was elected deputy chairman of the Senter Partiet From 1999 to 2003 he took over. [first]

On March 16, 1999, he was appointed Local and Regional Minister in the Bondevik I government. He held the office until the government was departed on March 17, 2000. [2] After he had to leave his mandate in parliament because of his membership of his government, he returned to parliament. There he became a member of the finance committee and parliamentary group leader. Following the 2001 storting election, he initially transferred to the Defense Committee. In April 2003 he passed the finance committee during the ongoing legislative period. From October 2001 to March 2003 he also acted as a parliamentary board. [first] On October 17, 2005, he was appointed Minister of Oil and Energy in the newly formed Stoltenberg II government. He stayed in this position until September 21, 2007. [2] In 2005 he became administrative director of the Andøya Space Center. [first]

On October 14, 2021, he was appointed Defense Minister in the newly formed government of Støre. [3] In April 2022, the Zeitung Verdens Gang (VG) reported that Enoksen had a relationship with an 18-year-old in his time as a minister in the Stoltenberg II government. The woman said that he took advantage of her vulnerability. In this regard, Enoksen said that he had a relationship he shouldn’t have had with her and that he regretted it. [4] A party colleague of Enoksen had previously reported that he had behaved inappropriately and that she was at the party as part of the Metoo campaign in 2017. The case was not pursued at the time, since Enoksen did not hold a party office during this time. [5] On April 9, 2022, he said that he wanted to resign as Defense Minister. [6] His term finally ended on April 12, 2022, when Bjørn Arild Gram was appointed his successor. [7]

  1. a b c d Biography: Enoksen, Odd Roger. In: The Storting. Accessed on October 13, 2021 (Norwegian).
  2. a b Odd Roger Enoksen. In: Regjeringen.no. Accessed on October 13, 2021 (English).
  3. Defense Minister Odd Roger Enoksen. In: Regjeringen.no. 14. October 2021, Retrieved on October 14, 2021 (Norwegian).
  4. Runa Fjellanger, Martin Lægland: The Minister of Defense regrets sexual relationship with a young woman: – I crossed the border. In: World Gang. 9. April 2022, accessed on April 9, 2022 (Norwegian (Bokmål)).
  5. Mats Rønning: Notification to the Minister of Defense: -There was something to do with my security. In: NRK. 2. April 2022, accessed on April 9, 2022 (Norwegian (Bokmål)).
  6. Mathias Revheim-Rafaelsen: The Minister of Defense is leaving for a young woman. In: NRK. 9. April 2022, accessed on April 9, 2022 (Norwegian (Bokmål)).
  7. Julia Kirsebom Thommessen, Kristian Skårdalsmo: Bjørn Arild Gram becomes new defense minister. In: NRK. 12. April 2022, accessed on April 12, 2022 (Norwegian).
