Paul Ehrenberg (Agronom) – Wikipedia


Paul Richard Rudolf Ehrenberg (Born May 16, 1875 in Brandenburg an der Havel, † January 18, 1956 in Freising) was a German agricultural engineer and university lecturer.


Paul Ehrenberg was the son of the merchant Carl Ehrenberg and the pastor’s daughter Meta Louise geb. Lange . The family originally came from Ohrdruf/Thuringia, but has been in Hornburg a. Fallstein was based before it settled in Brandenburg/Havel in the 19th century. After an agricultural apprenticeship, he studied agricultural science at the University of Jena. In 1895 he became a member of the Corps Saxonia Jena. [first] In 1899 in Jena at Theodor Pfeiffer with a critical study on the money assessment of feed. Then he initially worked as an assistant in Jena (Wilhelm Edler and August Gärtner) and then in Berlin in the field of microbiology of the soil (Theodor Remy), but then followed his teacher Pfeiffer to the Royal University of Wroclaw, where he was working in 1907 Habilitated about the circulation of nitrogen in nature. In the same year, he took over the management of the ground research department at the Institute for Plant Product theory at the University of Wroclaw. For the academic years 1928/29 and 1929/30 he was elected rector of the Silesian Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität. [2] The Royal Prussian Forest Academy Hannoversch Münden called him in 1910 to the Chair of Forest Lady. In 1911 he moved to the Chair of Agrikulten Enterior at the Georg-August University Göttingen. In 1920 he went back to the University of Wroclaw as director of the agricultural and bacteriological institute. For the academic year 1926/27 he was elected dean of the Faculty of Philosophy. In 1928/29 and 1929/30 he was rector of the university. In 1945/46 he was Deputy Prof. for soil science at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg. From October 1, 1946 to 1949, despite his old age, he headed the Institute for Agricultural Memistory at the Technical University of Munich-Weihenstephan and at the same time the Bavarian Experimental Institute for Agriculture. Then emeritated, he died after an accident in Freising. He was buried in Bonn-Bad Godesberg.

With his wife Marie b. Adam he had two sons and two daughters whose descendants live in Germany, Austria and Switzerland today.

Ehrenberg was the first systematic methods and knowledge of colloid chemistry to be used on the arable soil. His main work published in 1915 and published several times ” The floor colloid “Made his name known internationally. With a large number of general publications, he also tried to bring the new research results closer to farmers.

In the areas of plant nutrition and fertilization, Ehrenberg has dealt with the antagonism of individual plant nutrients and the problem of “harmonious fertilization”. His work is noteworthy about the “Kalk-Kali Act” he propagated, according to which high limestone has a negative impact on plant growth. During his Breslauer time, Ehrenberg’s scientific interest also had the problems of animal nutrition. His contributions to feeding the horses are well known and recognized.

Ehrenberg was one of the few universalists in the field of agricultural enemy in the first half of the 20th century. His numerous book publications alone document the versatility of his research fields. The Hohenheim University of Agriculture awarded him the dignity of an honorary doctor in 1952.

  • The floor colloid. An addition to the usual subsequent textbooks of soil science, fertilizer apprenticeship and agricultural apprenticeship . Dresden 1915; 2. Strong ad. u. Verb. Ed. Ibid. 1918; 3rd probably u. Verb. Ed. Ibid. 1922.
  • Advice for perseverance for our sugar beet construction . Berlin 1917.
  • The Kalk-Kali Act. New advice to avoid failures in limestone fertilization. At the same time, an attempt to clarify the adverse effect of larger limestone on plant growth . Berlin 1919. Zug. In: Agricultural Yearbooks Vol. 54, 1920, pp. 1–159.
  • The fallow and its meaning . Berlin 1921.
  • The construction of the arable floor. In a common intelligent demolition of the colloid research applied to the arable soil . Dresden 1933.
  • General and special soil science for the academically trained forest man . Hanover 1947; 2nd edition ibid. 1949.
  • The agricultural soil . Frankfurt/Main 1949.
  • The fertilization of our fields and green areas. Textbook for students, advanced practitioners and administrative farmers . Stuttgart 1953.
  • The feeding of the horse . Radebeul and Berlin 1954.
  • Kurt Maiwald: Professor Dr. Paul Ehrenberg to complete his 75th year of life . In: Journal for Plant Nutrition, fertilization, soil science Vol. 50 (95), 1950, pp. 1–6 (m. Image and bibliography).
  • Prof. Dr. Paul Ehrenberg to commemorate . In: German Agriculture Jg. 7, 1956, p. 107 (m. Image).
  • Eduard Hofmann: Ehrenberg, Paul Richard Rudolf. In: New German biography (Ndb). Volume 4, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1959, ISBN 3-428-00185-0, p. 351 ( Digitized ).
  • Theophil Gerber: Personalities from agriculture and forestry, horticulture and veterinary medicine, biographical lexicon, Volume 1: A- L, 4th edition, Nora Verlag, Berlin, 2014, p. 163/164.
  • Gerber’s biographical lexicon of agricultural sciences: personalities from agriculture and forestry, horticulture and veterinary medicine, as of Dec. 2021, letter E.
  1. Kösener Corp lists 1930, 76/388
  2. Rektoratsreden (HKM)
