Pfarrkirche Gablitz – Wikipedia


Catholic parish church St. Lorenz in Gablitz

Gablitz chapel around 1820. This chapel was included in the construction of the Gablitz church as a “porch”

The Roman Catholic Pfarrkirche Gablitz is increased above the town of Gablitz in the market town of Gablitz in the St. Pölten-Land district in Lower Austria. The church consecrated to St. Lorenz belongs to the Purkersdorf deanery in the Vicariate under the Vienna Forest of the Archdiocese of Vienna. The church building is under monument protection.


A chapel was called in the 12th century. After re -establishment or new construction of the chapel, the inauguration was inaugurated by the Auxiliary Bishop Bartholomew on March 3, 1643. [first] Today’s church was built in 1928, including the baroque predecessor building from 1642, as a war of the war. In 1962/63 the church tower was added and the establishment of the war memorial on its northeastern side. The sacristy was grown in 1969 and in 1970 the altar space was redesigned and a folk altar was set up. [2]

Gablitz was a branch of Mauerbach from 1411 until the Charterhouse was dissolved in 1782, then belonged to the parish of Purkersdorf. In 1937 Gablitz became an independent parish. [2] Since October 1, 2012, the parishes Maria Himmelfahrt (Mauerbach) and Maria Rast (Steinbach) have been a pastor with the parish of St. Laurentius in Gablitz. [3]

Church cereal

The nave, which is located to the southwest, with round windows and a collapsed semicircle sapsis was grown onto the original chapel and connected by three wall breakthroughs, so that the chapel with the hipped roof has the function of a lobby. The high church tower with slot windows and a pyramid roof was grown on the southeast side of the chapel. The painter Rudolf Pleban created the Sgraffito on the south side of the church tower. [4]


Interior view from the nave to the apse niche

The three -year -old nave is curved by a pointed bog tire with massive fasting belt arches. The apse is lower. The three -year -old pioneer with cross ridges on wall pillars with profiled fighters from 1642 in the eastern yoke has a space from the third quarter of the 18th century with a organ gallery used.


Saints Johannes, Antonius, Jakob, Maria with child, Leopold and Georg, show the stained glass around 1928 in the porch symbols of the cardinal virtue.

High altar of the original chapel

The pre -pyterium was redesigned around 1970 with a bronze crucifix by Horst Aschermann. The high altar of the original chapel (now a porch) is a baroque Ädicula altar with a double pillar structure and a central Pietà, flanked by statues that the HLL. Laurentius (left with rust, church patron) and Bruno (right with the skull, founder of the Carthyäuser Order).

A bell joker Johann Caspar Hofbauer (1806).

  1. Renate grimlines: Chronicle of Gablitz to 1900 ; Gablitz 2013 ( Online )
  2. a b Lt. Information board on site; viewed on June 5, 2017
  3. Parish of Mauerbach, number 3/12 – June 2012 @first @2 Template: Dead Link/ ( Page no longer available, search in Webarchiven ) Info: The link was automatically marked as a defect. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this note.
  4. Renate grimlines: Historical walk through Gablitz , Gablitz 2011 ( Online @first @2 Template: Dead Link/ ( Page no longer available, search in Webarchiven ) Info: The link was automatically marked as a defect. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this note. )
