Platform of European Social NGOs – Wikipedia


The Platform of European Social NGOs , short Social Platform , is a umbrella organization of European non -governmental organizations based in Brussels. The aim of the platform is to strengthen the social dimension of the European Union.


It is the central European network actor in the field of social policy. The three major EU organs (Council of the EU, European Commission and the European Parliament) accept the platform as a guide on socio-political issues and are in an informal but regular dialogue.

The social platform was founded in 1995 and today combines 40 European NGOs, compilations and networks that are committed to strengthening the EU’s social dimension. A four -digit number of local, regionally or nationally organized associations, associations and volunteer groups is represented by their respective European umbrella organizations in the platform.

The range of topics covered by the members ranges from social justice to social services, health, homelessness, racism and lifelong learning to combating poverty. The large number of their members and their bandwidth of the social platform give its political importance. In recent years, the cooperation of social platform with other European networks, e.g. B. increased in consumer protection, environmental protection.

The platform is financed by around 80% from the European Commission, but is increasingly striving for third -party funds as part of project work.

The platform represents its ideas about statements, political campaigns, press work, the orientation and participation in conferences and seminars as well as regular meetings with the representatives of EU organs and other actors:

  • Representatives of the European Commission meet twice a year with members of the Steering Group of the platform. In addition to the General Directorate (GD), employment and social issues are also increasingly based on the GD internal market and GD competition.
  • Members of the Management Committee also take part in informal, high-ranking meetings of the current, previous and subsequent EU Council Presidency (Trio Council Presidency) twice a year.
  • The exchange with the European Parliament also takes place in a small group, which means that members of the Management Committee meet with the coordinators of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL) of the European Parliament.

The platform develops its political positions in three working groups (see structure), which usually meet four times a year. The work results will then be decided in the day of Steering Group, in which the full members of the social platform are entitled to vote.

  • General Assembly : The General Assembly usually combines all members once a year to make basic decisions and to choose the management committee including the president and other functions.
  • Management Committee : The Management Committee is elected by General Assembly for two years. It leads the political work, monitors processes and the implementation of the work programs. Among the seven members are up to date:
  • Steering Group : In the Steering Group, the members agree to their political demands and positions that are prepared by the three working groups. Sessions take place four times a year instead of prepared. In addition to control and accompanying the implementation of the annual work program, there is the opportunity to exchange ideas about your own projects.
  • Working Groups : Political positions and campaigns are usually prepared and planned in the Working Groups. These meet four times a year and should promote the exchange between the members regarding their activities.
    • Social Policy Working Group: General topics (development of the open method of coordination, Lisbon strategy) and special legislative projects (for example on maternity leave) are discussed and viewpoints and recommendations are developed.
    • Fundamental Rights and Anti Discrimination WG
    • Services of General Interest WG: The working group analyzes and comments on projects with regard to services of general interest (cross -border health care, aid law, quality of social services, social economy) in the area of ​​tension between European competition law. In addition, the working groups occasionally invite so -called working parties in order to edit more specific topics.
  • Secretariat : The seven -member secretariat is the executive organ of the social platform. It implements the work program, informs and supports the members in their joint work. The director is Pierre Baussand.

Membership in the platform is open to European mergers and networks of non -governmental organizations. The members of the platform are organizations that work for the interests of women, older people, people with disabilities, unemployed, poor, homosexuals, adolescents and children and families. In addition, European organizations are involved that are involved in the field of social justice, homelessness, lifelong learning or racism. Among the best known


• AGE – The European Older People’s Platform
• Caritas Europa
• COFACE – Confederation of Family Organisations in the EU
• EAPN – European Anti-Poverty Network
• EDF – European Disability Forum
• EPHA – European Public Health Alliance
• EURAG – European Federation of Older Persons
• ICSW – International Council on Social Welfare
• ILGA Europe – The European Region of the International Lesbian and Gay Association
• Solidar
