Poisson’s sum formula – Wikipedia


The Poisson sum formula is a tool of Fourier analysis and signal processing. Among other things, it serves to analyze the properties of sampling methods.


May be

f S ( R ) {displaystyle fin {mathcal {S}}(mathbb {R} )}

A Schwartz function and be

The continuous Fourier transformation of

f {displaystyle f}


S {displaystyle {mathcal {S}}}

Then the Poisson’s sum formula says

This identity also applies to certain general classes of functions. Suitable requirements are, for example, that the function

f {displaystyle f}

dilapidated in two ways and the expression

( first + t 2 ) ( | f ( t ) | + | f ( t ) | ) {displaystyle (1+t^{2}),(|f(t)|+|f”(t)|)}

is limited.

Using the elementary properties of the Fourier transformation, this results in the more general formula with additional parameters

t , n R {displaystyle t,nu in mathbb {R} }

You set in the more general form

t = 0 {displaystyle t=0}


In this way, the Poisson sum formula can also be the identity of a Fourier series with functional values ​​of

f {displaystyle f}

as coefficients on the left and a periodization of the Fourier transformed of

f {displaystyle f}

can be read on the right. This identity applies with the exception of a quantity of zero if

f {displaystyle f}

A band-limited function is, i.e. the Fourier transformed a measurable function in

L 2 ( R ) {displaystyle L^{2}(mathbb {R} )}

with a compact carrier.

The Dirac ridge to the interval length

T R {displaystyle Tin mathbb {R} }

Is the distribution

The Fourier transformed

F A S( R ) {displaystyle {mathcal {F}}Ain {mathcal {S}}'(mathbb {R} )}

a tempered distribution

A S( R ) {displaystyle Ain {mathcal {S}}'(mathbb {R} )}

is defined by

In analogy to the Plancerel identity.
Since the Fourier transformation is a constant operator on the Schwartz room, this expression actually defines a tempered distribution.

The Dirac comb is a tempered distribution, and the Poisson sum formula now says that

is. This can also be in the form

write. The exponential functions are to be understood as tempered distributions, and the series converged in the sense of distributions, i.e. in the weak-*sense, against the Dirac comb. However, it is noted that it does not converge anywhere in the ordinary sense.

May be f enough smooth and sufficiently quickly falling in the infinite, so that the periodization

is constant, limited, differentiable and periodically with period 1. So this can be developed into a fourier series convergent,

Their Fourier coefficients determine according to the formula

Also from the quick waste in the infinite follows that the sum with the integral
can be exchanged. Therefore with s=t+n further

In summary

What is from

t = 0 {displaystyle t=0}

the claim results.

May be x Ribbon limited with the highest frequency IN , That means

supp x^[ IN , IN ] {displaystyle operatorname {supp} {hat {x}}subset [-W,W]}

. Is then

| IN T | Pi , {displaystyle |WT|leq pi ,}

So only one summand occurs in the right side of the sum formula, with the replacement

oh : = 2 Pi n [ IN , IN ] {Displastyle Omega: =-2pi nu in [-W, in]}

, t=0 and multiplication of a factor you get

After multiplication with the indicator function of the interval [-W,W] And below the inverse Fourier transformation results

In the borderline case

IN T = Pi {displaystyle WT=pi }

Is this the reconstruction formula of the Nyquist-Shannon sanctuary theorems


sinc {displaystyle operatorname {sinc} }

The SINC function with

sinc ( t ) : = sin(πt)πt{displaystyle operatorname {sinc} (t):={tfrac {sin(pi t)}{pi t}}}


With the help of the Poisson sum formula you can show that the theta function

there transformation formula

enough. This transformation formula was used by Bernhard Riemann to prove the functional equation of the Riemann Zeta function.

  • Elias M. Stein, Guido Weiss: Introduction to Fourier Analysis on Euclidean Spaces . 1st edition. Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J. 1971, ISBN 978-0-691-08078-9.
  • J. R. Higgins: Five short stories about the cardinal series. In: Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. 12, 1, 1985, ISSN  0002-9904 , S. 45–89, online (PDF; 4,42 MB) .
  • John J. Benedetto, Georg Zimmermann: Sampling multipliers and the Poisson summation formula. In: The journal of Fourier analysis and applications. 3, 5, 1997, ISSN  0002-9904 , S. 505–523, online .