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PRAR US OF TOZO , it is a town of the Basconcillos del Tozo City Council in the region of Páramos, province of Burgos (Autonomous Community of Castilla y León, Spain).

  • Road network and road network

The access from the outside to the municipality is carried out from a local BU-V-6026 road connected to the N-627 National. Communication is regular-good.

The streets of the town are mostly paved, although they lack closer of sidewalks.

The distance from Basconcillos is 3 km.

General data [ To edit ]

It currently consists of only one inhabitant, called Petra. Located 4 km east of the capital of the municipality, Basconcillos, near the N-627 road on the LORA that separates the river basins from the Uúrbel and Rudron rivers, near Trashaedo del Tazo.

Wikimapia/Coordendas: 42°41’49″N 3°57’2

The core of Pradans is north of the N-627 road, in a flat area. The streets are drawn following the level curves, is distributed in two neighborhoods.


They are stars streets, compact apples with buildings with courtyards, surrounded by stone walls.

The urban plot appears very consolidated.

It lacks open public spaces. The Church is located on the north side of the town.

Usually the plots are small with facade fronts less than 10 meters, and of great background.

The economic structure is based on agriculture. It lacks industrial activity.

Within agriculture, it is based on the cultivation of the potato, and to a lesser extent of the dry land, mainly wheat and barley.

There are irrigation infrastructure for potato crops. In different varieties of consumption and planting.

It is one of the few producing areas of Spain, because in this case, the fresh summer climate allows to obtain a quality product, exempt from virosis and degenerative diseases, so frequent in the potato.

The Church of San Martín de Pardanos del Tozo.

Rococo -style altarpiece, dated 1805, of the Church of Prádanos del Tozo, dedicated to San Martín.

Baroque shield and cooling window of the house in the Alto de Prádanos del Tozo neighborhood. The shield, in perfect condition, shows the blazons of Mr. Pedro Hidalgo (1689).

Petroleum extraction well enclosure, today closed, ‘Tozo 1’, in Prádos del Tozo.

The Tozo It is the last name of an administrative region expanded by the fusion of the municipalities of Basconcillos del Tozo and the stone. It is less than 50 kilometers from the Burgos capital, occupies an extension 8,927 hectares. It is a transition zone to the mountain and this is reflected in the semi-humid and cold climate, with cold, hard and long winters, with abundance of snow and frost, and short and dry summers. With large thermometric oscillations. The rain, quite abundant, is very seasonally distributed, with the exception of a drier period of July and August.

In the municipality of Basconcillos, there is a livestock route called “Colada del Real de Burgos to Aguilar”.

This livestock route has a variable width and a length within the municipal term of approximately 17.5 km, being its southwest-northwest direction.

Since the 60s the area has lost about 1000 inhabitants. This depopulation was due to bad agricultural conditions as a result of the quality and possibilities of the land. But above all It was due to the eagerness of progress from young people , which emigrated towards the points of industrial activity.

Administrative situation [ To edit ]

Little Local Entity whose pedificary mayor is Luciano Alonso Manjón of the Popular Party.


Municipalities: Basconcillos del Tozo, Sargent de la Lora, Tubilla del Agua, Sedano Valley

1. Garbage and subsequent treatment service.

2. Social services.

  • “Prados,” is a minor toponymy surname. [first]
  • When we talk about “minor place names”, we are doing it of rural spaces, villages or peoples …
  • Total residents in Spain with last name “prádanos” = 578
  • As first surname: 318
  • As second last name: 260

Municipios: Basconcillos del Tozo, Humada, Los Altos, Rebolledo de la Torre, Sargagetes de la Lora, Tubilla del Agua, Úrbel del Castillo, Valle de Sedrole y Valdelucio.

Religious architecture [ To edit ]

  • Most emblematic Romanesque monuments:
  • Church of San Julián and Santa Basilisa

Location: Rebolledo de la Torre (Burgos)

Category: Monument [3] Archived On December 2, 2021 on Wayback Machine.

Following: Seedan Moradillo – Delivery of Seedo (Burgos)

Category: Monument

Location: Rudron Bañuelos – Tubilla del Agua (Burgos)

Category: Monument

  • Santa María la Mayor Church

Location: Urbel Fuente

Category: EIC (elements of cultural interest of a local nature) [4]

Basconcillos del Tozo [ To edit ]

All the Romanesque [5]

In the year 860, King Ordoño I sends Count Rodrigo repopulate the old Cantabrian city of Amaya (conquered by Augusto, Leovigildo, Tarik and Alfonso I). His son Diego Porcelos would found Burgos in 884 and since then Castilla would not stop extending his territories.

The creation of the alfoces, is of capital importance to understand this expansion.
The primary mission was from the military principle, also participating in the royal host, when they were required to deal with the great rush of Islam. In this way they contributed to the normalization of the village regime and the protection at local scale.

From that moment, the tensions began to multiply. Towards 910, the pioneers reached the Arlaza line and two years later their reais sat in the course of the Duero. The year 923 sealed the Portillo del Alto Ebro preventing the entry of razzias agaras into the upper plateau.

The Alfoz de Panizares, cited in 1190, included the entire Valdelucio Valley with a total of 19 villages: Trashaedo del Tozo, Pradanos del Tozo, San Mamés de Abar, Basconcillos del Tozo, Hoyos del Tazo, Arcellarres, Pedrosa de Arcellarres, Solanas , Corralejo, Barriolucio, La Riba, Quintanas, Llanillo, Mundilla, Villaescobedo, Fuencaliente, Paúl and Renedo de la Escalera; The depopulated registered in this Alfoz reach the figure of 15. The mountains that limited this Alfoz in the south could very well constitute in the first moments the southern limit of the primitive bastion of resistance.

Place that was part of the Cuadrilla del Tozo in the Villadiego party, one of the fourteen that formed the intention of Burgos, during the period between 1785 and 1833, in the Floridablanca census of 1787, jurisdiction of the manor being its owner the Duke the Duke the Duke of Frías, pediatric mayor.

In the catastral registration census it had 8 homes and 22 neighbors.

Between the 1857 census and the previous

According to the first diocesan statistics made in 1858, this was the number of souls that each town had: Arcellar, 81; Panizares 159 neighborhood; Basconcillos, 87; Urbel source, 110; Hoyos del Tozo, 108; The stone, 173; The rad, 67; Prados del Tozo, 79; Santa Cruz, 155; San Mamés de Abar, 173; Trashaedo, 91 and Talamillo, 125. All were incorporated into the Rad Vicar.

XIX-XX centuries [ To edit ]

Pradans of Tozo: l. In Prov., Dióc., Aud., Ter. and c. g. of Burgos (10 leg.). Part. JUD. from Villadiego (3) and Town Hall. of Basconcillos del Tozo (1/2). Sit. in a valley to the Marg. of the Rudron river where all winds fight, being its quite healthy climate and the most frequent diseases rheumas and catarral fevers, have 20 houses of medium construction; a school of first letters crowded by 12 students without more income than their remuneration; A source, to supply the beans. for its uses; A matrix parish church (San Martín) served by a priest and a sacristan, and a cemetery. Confine the term. N. Arcellares; E. Valdeajos and Barrio; S. Basconcillos. and O. San Mamés. Its land is sterile and in general dry; The small part that is irrigated by this benefit to the waters of the aforementioned r. Rudron that crosses by the term. and will be confused with the Ebro; There are some natural and tree -lined meadows and poplars. The roads are in regular condition and direct the bordering peoples. Correos: The correspondence is received in Cap. of the part. The interested parties. Prod. wheat, barley, rye and few legumes; Lanar and beef cattle; partridge hunting, and fishing some trout and crabs, ind.: the agricultural and a flour mill. Popl. ,: 16 neighbors. 60 alm. CHAP. Prod.: 82,240 rs. Imp.: 7,954. CONTR.:953 RS. 9MRS.

Geographical-Statistical Dictionary of Spain and its overseas possessions , Pascual Madoz. Madrid, 1845 [ first ]

Romanic [6]

  • Parafish parishness: Joseph Valdavida Lobo

Protected elements of cultural interest

  • Parish Church
  • Casona i
  • Laundry
  • Fountain

Bibliography [ To edit ]

References [ To edit ]

external links [ To edit ]
