Private University of the vall – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The Universidad Privada del Valle S.A. , known as Univalle , it is a private university in Bolivia based in Tiquipaya, department of Cochabamba, and four sub -currency in the country. It was founded on October 4, 1988


Originally located in the city of Cochabamba, Bolivia, has obtained, in compliance with the Political Constitution of the State, the Legal Personería through Supreme Resolution 205336 dated November 4, 1988, signed by the then Constitutional President of the Republic, Víctor Paz Estenssoro and the Minister of Education. The Supreme Decree approved the Organic Statute in its seventy -eight articles and the curricula of professional careers. [ required appointment ]

Subsequently, the Constitutional President of the Republic, Jaime Paz Zamora, raised the supreme resolution at the rank of Supreme Decree No. 23527, on July 17, 1993.

In 1994, the academic units of Sucre and Trinidad (sub -currencies) were inaugurated, while the academic unity of La Paz was inaugurated in 1996.

In July 2001, it has been received from the Ministry of Education and Culture and in compliance with the General Regulation of Private Universities, the Plenary University Certification. [ required appointment ]

On June 28, 2018, the new academic tower and the Univalle hospital, the seconds of the city of Cochabamba, located in the area of ​​Cala Cala, to the north of the city, with the presence of the internal, national and national authorities were inaugurated, with the presence of the internal, national and national authorities local. Three weeks before the inauguration, more than three thousand people made guided tours of both infrastructure. [ first ] [ 2 ]

University headquarters [ To edit ]

The Private University of the Valley, has several venues with university campus, within the Bolivian territory, located in the urban areas of Cochabamba, La Paz, Sucre, Trinidad and a new headquarters in Santa Cruz that is under construction. About 50000 m² of important research laboratories and units were built in their entirety. [ 3 ]


Cochabamba headquarters [ To edit ]

Univalle main campus, in Tiquipaya, aerial view.
  • The main campus, which is located in the urban municipality of Tiquipaya, 10 km from the Cochabamba center, 103,671.80 m² of space for 50 laboratories for all available academic faculties, 9 medical rooms, 2 computer centers , audiovisual rooms, library, closed coliseum, green areas, cafeteria and food industrialist plant. [ required appointment ]
  • The Univalle Polival Cup: The infrastructure of the five-stable and 5,719.25 m2 built, where she hosted the ladies of physiotherapy and Kinesiology, dentology and digital and digital media races, 26 commodity centre Auditorium, a dental clinic, and television licenses of channel 39 Univalley TV TV. located in full of historical centers of the city of Cochabamba. [ required appointment ]
  • Polyifunctional Building America: The tower has 7,730 square meters built, with recreation areas, oral judgments and legal argumentation, 43 laboratories and 36 slope classrooms. Located in the urban area of ​​Cala Cala, north of the city of Cochabamba.

Santa Cruz headquarters [ To edit ]

The new Eco-Smart Santa Cruz campus is located in North Satellite and has to become an architectural reference in the academic field nationwide with its 60,000 m² in the first stage. This project is developed through a gallery continues in the form of “O”, where in the extension of 140 linear meters, the different buildings are communicating, granting comfort to the transit of its users. [ required appointment ]

Headquarters La Paz [ To edit ]

The Peace Headquarters has a campus located in the residential area of ​​La Paz called Miraflores, this campus has a 20 -story building where a dentistry center also works. [ required appointment ]

SUBRE SUCK [ To edit ]

The headquarters of Sucre, capital of Bolivia, has the “Delicias” campus, located in the low Delicias area, of 4,599 m² built.
The second in students in the city [ required appointment ]

SEDE TRICTY [ To edit ]

Located northeast of Trinidad, built at 5,022.26 m². [ required appointment ]

Hospitals [ To edit ]

The University of Valle has two third level university hospitals, which have all surgical and auxiliary medical specialties services.

These hospitals are located in the city of Cochabamba has several operating rooms in which surgical interventions are performed.

The Univalle hospital has received certifications for its performance and quality in medical services. [ required appointment ]

Accreditation in Mercosur [ To edit ]

The Private University of the Valle with reactation. The accreditations benefit the higher education institution when articulating regional cooperation programs. [ 4 ]
He is currently not accredited.

References [ To edit ]

See also [ To edit ]

external links [ To edit ]
