Pupyles – SpeedyLook encyclopedia


Pupiale It is a Colombian municipality located in the department of Nariño. It is located in the Andes mountain range, 7 kilometers from ipiales, 10 kilometers from the border with the Republic of Ecuador, 91 kilometers from San Juan de Pasto, the capital of the department, and 1037 kilometers from Bogotá.

The city of Pupiale is known as the Thought cradle , due to the culture of their people and from there, various writers, researchers, poets, artists and academics have emerged. [ 3 ] [ 4 ]

The limits of the municipality of Pupiales are:

The urban area of ​​the municipality,
It is formed by twelve (12) neighborhoods:
The center, El Progreso, La Granja, San Francisco, La Unión, La Avenida Sarasty, Villa Real Urbanization, El Bosque Urbanization, El Dorado Urbanization, Sacred Heart of Jesus, Urbanization Villa Las Palmas and New Colombia Urbanization.
The populated center
It is made up of 13 paths and includes 5,828,2 hectares representing 44.5% of the total area of ​​the municipal territory.
These paths are:
Chires Sur, La Concordia, Calputan, Espino Sur, Espino Alto, El Ejido, San Antonio, Inchuchala, Miraflores, Pusialquer, Tres Esquinas and San Juan Chiquito.
In the northern part of the municipality
There are 5 paths that include an extension of 2,910.2 hectares corresponding to 22.4% of the total area of ​​the municipality, the paths that make up are Choses Centro, Casafría, Tepud, Chires Mirador and Piacun.
José María Hernández corregimiento
Which is part of the municipality, which is made up of 11 paths that include an extension of 4,310.9 hectares, representing 33, 1% of the total area of ​​the municipality.
These sidewalks are San Francisco, Santa Lucía, San Marcos, Santa Martha, Guacha, the Common, Fuelazquer, El Gualte, imbula boy, imbula large, and white sand.

Founded on January 29, 1536 by Sebastián de Belalcázar, in a hamlet of a tribe of pastures, indigenous people who lived the region currently included by the department of Nariño in Colombia and the province of Carchi in Ecuador.

In 1734 it was raised as a parish and in 1871 its limits were declared and defined as a municipal district.

The economy is based mainly on agricultural and highly smallholding production. Among the agricultural activities, the cultivation of potatoes, corn and peas stands out, among other vegetables, vegetables and fruits, of which the natives of the region stand out such as the Ollocos, the occasions, the Capulí and the Morti. Similarly, livestock occupies an important line in livestock activity, along with swine production that has been increasing in recent years. In the secondary sector, cooperatives, microenterprises and artisanal workshops that produce consumer goods are highlighted.


Fruit: Pumpkin.

Gang cattle: milk transport.

Cuyes farm.

White straw dirt

Landscape units have been defined that constitute portions of homogeneous earthly surface, among which the white straw moor stands out., [ 5 ] Páramo zone with great water wealth and native species that favor water absorption and moisture maintenance.

Ecological Story Contest City of Pupiales

In order to raise awareness among the maintenance of natural resources and the promotion of literature, the “Ecological Story Contest of Pupiales” has been carried out since 1999.

Archeology [ To edit ]

In the year of 1972 excavations were carried out in the Miraflores village, where valuable pieces of ceramics and gold of the culture that inhabited this region (Papialpas) were found. Many of these pieces today are part of the collection of the Gold Museum in the capital of the Republic.

Although many pieces of this culture can be observed in the Museum of Gold in Bogotá, it is to reproach that some pieces found in the excavations in the Miraflores village and that were delivered for their custody to the Agrarian Bank of Colombia of the place, today there are only a few left Replicas in Tumbaga (alloy between gold and copper) as the originals disappeared.
When taken to the “Museum” of the Mayor’s Office where they were stolen unscrupulically being replaced by replicas and then be sold in the Ecuadorian territory. It is remarkable that this was made by people inside or was close to the mayor’s office of that time. [ 6 ]

Pupiales gastronomy
It is characterized by the inclusion of traditional products such as: Cuy, Ollocos or the occasions, beans. It is famous for its exquisite elaboration of cookie, and the famous corn bread.
Religious festivals
In the population of Pupiales, the festivities of San Juan Evangelista, patron of the city are celebrated with great fervor.
In addition, the religious festivities in honor of the Virgen del Transit, and the Virgin of the Immaculate Conception, on December 8.
End and start of the year parties
The Christmas festivities and the carnivals of blacks and white, are celebrated with great enthusiasm. The old year parade, on December 31; The participation of the municipality in the Carnival of the Province, on January 3, and the celebration of the Carnival from January 3 to 6 have great interest among the residents of the town.
Deportive scenary
The municipality has:

The Municipal Stadium, a covered sports center and two parks with sports courts, additionally each school has its own infrastructure for sports and events. In the municipality, valid mountain cycling and motocross have been made.

La Chaza.

We must highlight a traditional sport of the area called Chaza, for which there is also a specially suitable scenario. Dance and music also stand out, there are several representative groups.

International Story Contest “City of Pupiales”.

The International Story Contest “City of Pupiales” is a literary event that has consolidated internationally as an important prize in Spanish language literature. It was created by the Nariñense writer Albeiro Arciniegas – Premio Manuel Llano in Spain – and is summoned by the Gabriel García Márquez Foundation. In its previous versions the organization has received stories from various countries of the world, including Canada, United States, Mexico, Honduras, Bulgaria, Panama, Portugal, Mozambique, Costa Rica, Trinidad and Tobago, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, Republic Dominican, Cuba, Holland, Venezuela, Serbia, Denmark, Granada (Antilles Minors), Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile, Belgium, Lithuania, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil, Germany, Israel, Spain, Republic of Cape Verde, Australia , Russia, Finland, Cameroon, Italy, France, England, South Africa, Sweden, Thailand, Switzerland, People’s Republic of China, Sir Lanka, Colombia, New Zealand, Greece, Romania, Ukraine, Ireland and Japan.

Han Sido Jurados of the events Writers and Journalists recognition in the country, among others, rosero, Fernando Soto Aparicio, Manuel Zapata Olivellel, Ernesto Mcausan, Gustavo Árvarez Gardeazábal, Esãigu, Gerrez Gardeazábal, Jorge Álivago Ponrégo. Jorge Eliécer Pardo, Enrique Santos Molano, Milciades Arévalo, Sergio Álvarez, Fernando Cruz Kronfly, Tulio Aguilera jurymuño, Daniel Ferreira, Carlos Bastida Padilla, Fernando Denis, German Gabriela, German Eduardo Benaucio Muñoz, Benhur Sánchez Suárez and Juan Carlos Méndez.

The International Story Contest “City of Pupiales” today is an intangible cultural, heritage of the department of Nariño and, especially, of the municipality of Pupiales.

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Municipal symbols [ To edit ]

Hymn pudales [ 8 ]

Music : Master Victorian Composer Riascos Benavides,
Letter : Poet José Vallejo (Bolívar Quijano).
Salve, pearl of the south of Alta Gloria,
that conquers the sword and the lyre;
Who does not sing in union with the story,
Your greatness that the condor admires?
Century and more a sañudo chieftain
He saw himself in the diminish of glory in Huanacas;
Today your fame, oh pupials! Greetings
With three towers and the Las Huacas field.
Of ardua lid in some there are traces
with the heroes of Rímac and El Tajo;
In the others, Star Nimban
With faith, culture, work.
For the children of the sun and pastures,
You never provide anxut or acíbar.
By Nariño, your phases are gold
Your inheritance without confine by Bolívar.
It is your name El Blazón in the rites
of the altar in which the idea officiates;
You exhibited it very high in Iquitos,
Which Titan exhibited it in Korea.
You give your love in hermitage and hills
who never defeats himself;
and in the homeland of heroines
The laurel or death whips him.
Save, oh cradle, soles nimbada,
Great support of the cross and flag
Faced with God with Zafír and Rolling
Blasonad toda Herencia tall!
Ya!.. Papialpa, Heroína heroína
Holocaust flower was made in the flames;
His heroism of Goddess fascinates,
So much more when you proclaim it!
Always here for your very big facts,
Even the numen leans your passage,
Because you have domain in the Andes,
as queen unparallers of the Parnassus.
Glory to God, it is here seductive
the agile muse of authentic galas;
And that’s why he falls in love
the one who has the condor the wings.

Officially recognized by Resolution No. 7 of November 4, 1967.

The Health Service in the municipality is in the process of progress, provided by the EPS and IPS controlled by the State, has a health center in the urban area called San Juan Bautista that currently has sufficient equipment and human staff and sufficient human personnel competent. [ 9 ]

Pupiales has educational institutions such as:

  • The National Educational Institution of Commerce ,
  • The José María Hernández Agricultural Technical Educational Institution ,
  • The Superior Normal Institution Pius XII ,
  • The Los Héroes Educational Institution ,
  • The Urban School and the San Francisco School .

José María Hernández Agricultural Institute, in the La Granja neighborhood.

Commerce Educational Institution.

Public services [ To edit ]

They are borrowed basically by:

  • Yelt , which is responsible for energy transmission;
  • The Public Public Services Company EMSERP E.S.P., in charge of the aqueduct, sewerage and waste management. [ ten ]
  • Telecom that manages the telephone lines of the municipality and Telmex that bought the cable television infrastructure.

References [ To edit ]
