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Quintet time
Quinteto Tiempo 2.jpg

Quintet time. Second album cover (1975).

General data
Origin At payment, Bandera de Argentina Argentina
state Assets
Artistic information
Genders) Argentina’s folk music
Period of activity 1st stage: 1966-1972 (as a vocal quintet time)
2nd Stage: 1972-on (as quintet time)
Discographic (s) EMI -odeon,
Website Official site
Vocal Quintet Tiempo (1966-1972)


Alejandro Jáuregui, Eduardo Molina, Miguel Ángel Coloma, Sarita Masi, Guillermo Masi. Director: Jorge Cumbo.


Carlos d’Ovidio enters for M. Coloma (1968)
Engresa Alfredo Sáenz for S. Masi (1968)
Engresa Rodolfo Larumbe in C. D’OVIDO (1969)
Engresa Ariel Gravan in the replacement of G. Masi (1970)
Engresa Santiago Suárez in A. Sáenz (1971) remessation of A. Sáenz (1971)

Quintet time (1972-on)
Alejandro Jadule, Eduardo Molina, Santiago Suárez, Rodolfo Larumbe, Ariel Gravano. Director: Carlos Groisman.

He Quintet time It is a folk music group in Argentina created in La Plata. The group recognizes its origin in the Vocal Quintet Time created in 1966 and initially directed by Jorge Cumbo; After some changes in its members, in 1972 the set was definitively integrated, without having changes again, adopting the name of Quintet time . The five estable members of the group from 1972 are Alejandro Janel Jaw, Eduardo Molina, Santiago Suárez, Rodolfo Larumbe and Ariel Gravan, directed by Carlos Groisman.

The time quintet has considerable international recognition, highlighting its popularity in Central America, where it influenced the formation of folk vocal groups. [ first ]


Among the best known songs of his songbook are the united town will never be defeated (Quilapayún), “Uncle Pedro” (Chango Rodríguez), “The river is calling” (Julio Lacarra), “The Lost Pastorcita” (Atahualpa Yupanqui), “The death of the Carnival” (Daniel Toro-José Gallardo), “Song with all” (César Isella-Armarando Tejada Gómez), “Poem to awaken a child” (Alfredo Rubio-Jorge Cumbo), “I remind you Amanda” ( Víctor Jara), “Village of Luz” (Eduardo Molina -Jorge Cumbo), “Agrarian triumph” (Armando Tejada Gómez -César Isella), “Let’s go now -Pra Não Dizer that Não Falei das Flores-” (Geraldo will come).

Trajectory [ To edit ]

Vocal Quintet Tiempo (1966-1972) [ To edit ]

The group has its origin in the city of La Plata from the relationship between Alejandro Jáuregui and Eduardo Molina, friends since children. They two and Miguel Ángel Coloma, Sara Masi and Guillermo Masi, integrated the first formation, directed and following the arrangements of Jorge Cumbo, then already a renowned musician of La Plata.

The actions occur, highlighting their accession to the movement of the new songbook, led by Armando Tejada Gómez and Mercedes Sosa, and participate in The Chasqui , a show carried out by Armando Tejada Gómez at the Hurricane Athletic Club stadium in Buenos Aires. As of 1968, coral arrangements are in charge of Guillermo Masi, until its departure in 1970 (then it would be linked to Opus Cuatro and the popular procanto choir).

In January 1969 they are hired to act at the Cosquín Festival, the most important of Argentina’s folk music. How Vocal Tiempo did not record their own album. His first recording was on the album Promoción 69 (1969), along with other outstanding figures of the Cosquín Festival of that year, where they interpret “Village of Light” and “Real Adiós”. In 1970 they recorded their first simple one, for the Musicamundo stamp, with the themes “The Root of your cry” and “I remind you Amanda” (V. Jara). That same year they record “song with everyone” with César Isella, author of music.

In April 1971 they won the third prize at the first festival of the new Argentine song with the songs “Poem to awaken a child” by Alfredo Rubio and Jorge Cumbo. They record “Brief History of Juan” with Chañy Suárez and César Isella, included in the album Man in time from the last batch; participate in the historic show The ruins of oblivion , by Armando Tejada Gómez, made in the Jesuit missions of San Ignacio.

Quintet time (1972 onwards) [ To edit ]

Between 1968 and 1971 the group had changed some of its members, entering Rodolfo Larumbe in 1969, Ariel Gravano in 1970 and Santiago Suárez in 1971. They three with Alejandro Jáuregui and Eduardo Molina, would compose a stable formation, directed by Carlos Groisman, who, which I would not suffer more changes from now on, unusual circumstance among musical groups. In 1972 they adopted the name Quintet time And they recorded their first album The river is calling (1973), taking for title a song by Julio Lacarra on the popular insurrection known as El Cordobazo.

As of 1975 and especially with the dictatorship installed in 1976 the group suffered threats and censorship, which prevented him from spreading his work in Argentina. With these restrictions they recorded between 1975 and 1982 five albums and participated in international festivals and works together with other important Latin American artists.

In 1984, with the recovery of democracy in Argentina, they were able to launch an album in their country, their seventh own work, simply entitled Quintet time . Since then, his dissemination work of the new Latin American song ( Let’s take a walk ) and Quintet time sings to Armando Tejada Gómez (2002).

In 2020 the quintet loses two of its members, with the deaths of Alejandro Jáuregui on October 1, and Santiago Suárez on December 16. In 2022, on August 29, Rodolfo Larumbe dies.

Discography [ To edit ]

Albums [ To edit ]

All albums were published as a time quintet.

  1. The root of your cry/I remind you Amanda , Musicamundo, Buenos Aires, 1970
  2. The river is calling , EMI -odeon, Buenos Aires, 1973
  3. Quintet time vol 2 , EMI -odeon, Buenos Aires, 1975 (prohibited in Argentina and distributed only abroad)
  4. The people united , Friend RD, Germany,? (prohibited in Argentina and distributed only abroad)
  5. Quintet time vol 3 , EMI -odeon, Buenos Aires, 1975 (prohibited in Argentina and distributed only abroad)
  6. Argentine people song , Love Records, Finlandia, 1978
  7. From afar I come , Yasi Musical, Paraguay, 1982
  8. Quintet time , I, 1984
  9. Let’s take a walk , All voices
  10. … and other passions , Melopea Discs, 1992
  11. We are what we were , Fonocal, 2001
  12. Qt sings to Armando Tejada Gómez , Fonocal, 2002
  13. We were what we are , Fonocal, 2003
  14. Vivo , Fonocal, 2004
  15. Anthological , Fonocal, 2006
  16. Live in Canada , Tzijolaj – Fonocal, 2009
  17. Classic , I would, 2011

Several interpreters [ To edit ]

See also [ To edit ]

References [ To edit ]

external links [ To edit ]

To see and hear [ To edit ]
