Reichsjägerhof Rominten – Wikipedia


Entrance and gatekeeper of the Reichsjägerhof Rominten

The Reichsjägerhof Rominten In the Rominter Heide in northeastern East Prussia, one of two major forestry companies that were built during National Socialism was built. He should be a hunting store of Reichsjägermeisters Hermann Göring served, but was supplemented by the Robinson camp to his headquarters in the east at the beginning of the Russian campaign in 1941. [first] The area is now in the Kaliningrad Oblast.


The Reichsjägerhof in the Rominter Heide was completed in September 1936. Göring personally prompted the construction in September 1935 after Wilhelm II, who lived in exile in Dutch two years earlier, had emphasized the use of the hunting lodge in the former imperial hunting ground. Originally, this system should be analogous to Göring’s estate Carinhall in Schorfheide, after whose second wife Emmy Emmyhall was called, but Göring finally decided on Reichsjägerhof Rominten . [first] The construction area was around 15 kilometers northeast of the small town of Goldap, [first] In the area of ​​the Nassawen forestry office. The construction work on the log house complex began at the end of April 1936 and were completed in September.

In order to get to the facility, a separate small train station in shakums (1938–1946: Eichkamp/Ostpr.) Was built for Göring. [2]

In the fall of 1944, Göring gave the command to destroy the complex (Operation St. John’s Fire) in view of the closer Russian front. On October 20, 1944, the buildings were set on fire by the only remaining caretaker. [first]

The Reich Finance Minister Lutz Graf Schwerin von Krosigk reports in his memoirs that on the Mecklenburg Gut of the oil Magnate Henri Deterding, a picture in the silver frame with the dedication: “My dear determination for her generous donation from the Reichsjägerhof Rominten. Your Hermann Göring ”. [3]

A first “Reichsjägerhof” had been handed over to Göring a year earlier, which was a company in Riddagshausen near Braunschweig. According to the will of the National Socialists, this first courtyard should serve as a model for further such facilities in all Gauen. However, the idea could not prevail. Only another Reichsjägerhof was created, which was in the Rominter Heide. In contrast to the complex in East Prussia, that in Braunschweig still exists today.

  • Uwe Neumärker, Volker Knopf: Göring’s area: hunting and politics in the Rominter Heide. Links, Berlin 2007, S. 61ff. ISBN 978-3-86153-457-0.
  1. a b c d Volker Knopf, Stefan Martens: Görings Reich: self -presentation in Carinhall , Left publisher; Act 4. Edition, 2007, p. 168.
  2. Otto Neuschulz: My service time on Hermann Görings Waldhof Carinhall in the Schorfheide 1943–1945 , at
  3. Lutz Graf Schwerin from Krosigk: memoirs . Stuttgart 1977, S. 131.

