Rimella – wikipedia


Rimella (Walser German Remalju, piemontesisch Rime ) is a walser community with 132 inhabitants (as of December 31, 2019) in the Italian province of Vercelli (VC), Piedmont region.


The municipal area comprises the valley boiler of the land water and the end water and does not have an actual town center, but encompasses over a dozen hamlets.

The districts are chiesa (Walser German zer Chilchu ), Groundo (Reason), Piannello (a d eggu), Wash (a mat), Riva (Riwu), Roncaccio Inferiore (en du nidru), Roncaccio Superiore (enen nakny. Sant’anna (Tossa, Zum Trog, Erörtru), Sant’Antonio (zum funny), San Gottardo (ä around), Saddle (Ŝchattal), Lower villa (Niderdörf) and Villa Superiore (Oberdörf) .

The neighboring communities are Bannio Anzino, Calasca-Castiglione, Cravagliana, Fobello and Valstrona.

The municipal area comprises an area of ​​28 km².

The then Alps Rimella and Rotunda were leased in 1255 by three men from the Swiss Valais, namely Johannes from Visperterminen, Ancelmus son of Johannis de Monte and Guillelmus from Saas-Balen from the chapter San Giulio d’Orta. Just a good year later, nine other family superiors who also come from Valais are still a year later. [2] In the 1970s, Rimella was therefore a exclusively Walser-German-speaking community, whereby administrative, school and church language has been Italian for a long time. [3]

Due to its weak economic structure, the mountain farm community Rimella is now acutely threatened by the depopulation (1631: 964 inhabitants; 1831: 1381 inhabitants; 1900: 1232 inhabitants; 1943: 905 inhabitants; 1971: 320 inhabitants; [3] 2004: 142 inhabitants).

In the documentation Peak – over all peaks From 2011, some residents of Rimella and their life situation are described. [4] There are also film projects from students from the University of Potsdam, in which the residents of Rimella and their lives are presented. [5]

  • Toponymy Atlas of Piedmont Montano No. 31: Rimella. Researcher: Dino without . Edited by the Università Degli Studi Di Torino and the Piedmont region, Turin 2007 [Fall Collection, Declaration and Card].
  • Build Marco : Language -mixed dialect printing in Rimella (Valsesia, Piedmont). For the syntax of a southern Walseric dialect in the area of ​​tension of the Italian state and cultural language. Bern and Stuttgart 1978.
  • Centro Studi Walser (ed.): TS Remaljertptschu. Italian vocabulary – Tittschu. to 1995. Vocabulary Tittschu – Italian. Borgosesia 2005.
  • Centro Studi Walser (ed.): History of Rimella in Valsesia. Ravenna 2004.
  • Silvia Dal Negro: Rimellese linguistic history profile. In: History of Rimella in Valsesia. “Alpes Ville Comune Parochia.” Under the direction of Augusto Vasina Hrsg. from Centro Studi Walser – Rimella. Tipolitographia di Borgosesia S.A.S, Borgosesia 2004, pp. 465–483.
  • Silvia Dal Negro: Linguistic uses in the Walser communities: the case of Rimella in the light of the edition of the Italian – Tittschu and Tittschu -Italian dictionary. Influence of languages ​​on the idiom of Rimella. In: A people of migrants south of the Alps. The Walser in Rimella and Valsesia. Acts of the events called by the Municipality of Rimella and the Walser Rimellese Study Center on the occasion of the 750th anniversary of the foundation of a stable community. Edited by Centro Studi Walser – Rimella. Rimella 2005/2006, pp. 105–114.
  • Maria Concetta di Paolo : The Tittschu of Rimella. The evolution of an Alemannic dialect in Italy (= Alemannica. Linguistic, philological and dialectological studies. Volume 8). Edizioni Dell’orso, Alessandria 2018 (at the same time dissertation University of Zurich 2017).
  • The grammar de “TS REMMALJertptschu”. Compendium at the Dictionary of the Walser idiom of Rimella. Compiled by Dino Vasina and Margherita Gustano. Edited by Centro Studi Walser – Rimella. Rimella 2011.
  • Karin Heller, Luis Thomas Prader and Christian Prezzi (ed.): Lively language islands. 2nd edition, Bolzano 2006. Online to Rimella.
  • Silk La Rose: Walser law Ennetbirgen – a contribution to the origin and course conditions of the Walser hike – Part II: Rimella and Alagna. In: We Walser 1 (2006) 7–17.
  • Julius Maximilian Schottky: The valley of Rimella and its German residents. In: Abroad – a day newspaper for customers of the intellectual and moral life of the peoples, April 1 and 2, 1836 ( Digitized in the Google book search). Again under the title Like a German visitor in the year 1834 he described the Valle di Rimella In Italian and in German in: Rema 1998, pp. 10–15 (only of historical interest).
  • Paolo Sibilla: A Walser community of the Alps. Traditional structures and cultural processes. Florence 1980.
  • Agus never (kornedination): History of Rimella in Valsesia. “Alpes Ville Comune Parochia.” Hg. Vom Walser Study Center – Rimella. Tipolitography of Borgosesia S.A.S, Borgosesia 2004.
  • Augusto not: The Walser of Rimella. Written 1990-2016. Edited by Massimo Bonola and the Centro Studi Walser – Rimella. Centro Libri, Varallo 2022.
  • Pier Giorgio without (KOREDINATION): Rimella and his Walser. The history, testimonies and culture of the Walser population of Rimella. Edited by Centro Studi Walser – Rimella. Tipolitographia di Borgosesia S.A.S, Borgosesia 2008 (text Italian, German and English, image legends also Rimellautsch).
  1. Istat demographic statistics. Monthly population statistics of the National Institute of Statistics, As of December 31, 2019.
  2. Silk La Rose: Walser law Ennetbirgen – a contribution to the origin and course conditions of the Walser hike – Part II: Rimella and Alagna. In: We Walser 1 (2006) 7–17.
  3. a b Build Marco: Language -mixed dialect printing in Rimella (Valsesia, Piedmont). For the syntax of a South Walseric dialect in the area of ​​tension of the Italian state and cultural language, Bern and Stuttgart 1978.
  4. Peak – over all peaks on cinefacts.de, accessed on February 3, 2015.
  5. For example Rand zones of urbanization on Uni-potsdam.de, accessed on September 24, 2021. The audio feature can also be found there A life beyond the idyll , created in 2020, and the film Rimella. Experienced memory – experience memories , created in 2021.
