Robert Vacca – Wikipedia


Roberto Vacca (born on May 31, 1927 in Rome) is an Italian writer and mathematician. He is best known as the author of science fiction and author of popular science books.


Vacca studied at the University of Rome, where he completed in electrical engineering and did his doctorate in computer sciences. He was a lecturer at the universities in Rome and Milan and led a company specializing in computer controls until 1975. He then worked as a freelance system engineer and specialist for the forecast of technical developments.

His debut novel was published in 1963 The robot and the minotaur . Since then he has published 10 novels and over 50 short stories. In German translation is The death of the megalopolis from 1974 published the collapse of a mega city of New York, which has grown to 80 million inhabitants.

In addition, Vacca wrote a number of popular science books, especially some futurological non -fiction books. In Italy, he has also become known as an expert in futurology and technology consequences through several television rows of science and future research and his television appearances.

  • The robot and the minotaur (1963)
  • The death of Megalopoli (1974)
    • German: The death of the megalopolis. Translated by Ragni Maria Gschwend. Heyne Science Fiction & Fantasy #3532, 1977, ISBN 3-453-30425-X.
  • Crude and dangerous (1975)
  • Moan (1977)
  • The supreme Pokazuka (1980)
  • The labyrinth of memory (1988)
  • God and the computer (1989)
  • This barbaric domain (1991)
  • A sort of traitors (1997)
  • Kill? (2005)
  • Examples of future (1965)
  • All mystery (1984, stories for young people)
  • Carezzate with terror the head of your children (1992, stories for young people)
Short stories
  • The Austenitic Madonna (1963)
  • Teleselective litanies (1963)
  • The measured libido (1963)
  • I Perengani in Lexington (1963)
  • Auto-Da-Fé-Matic (1963)
  • The divine interruption (1963)
  • New Man on Where. Artificial review (1963)
  • Sequential God (1965)
  • The last pope (1965)
  • Incommunicability (1965, also as The extraterrestrials are among us, incommunicability 1 )
  • Incommunicability 2 (1965)
  • The revenge of the Virgin (1965)
  • The true story of Yeousha Bar Joseph (1965)
  • The past and its possible interpretations (1965)
  • The knowledge of man (1965)
  • Uselessness of vocalization (1965)
  • Telepathy on coaxial cable (1965)
  • Two in one meat (1965)
  • Man as a sequential machine (1965)
  • The senses neglected (1965)
  • Complete communication without impediments and without reticence (1965)
  • Tonal information (1965)
  • This is our cheaper model without thermostat (1965, also as This is our cheaper type without thermostat )
  • Beautiful deal of meteorology! (1965, also as Examples of future )
  • The prohibition of unnecessary speeches (1965)
  • Reserved literary property (1965)
  • America to Americans (1965)
  • We feel we have free will, and you? (1965)
  • Speech of a monad (1965)
  • Space cafons (1965)
  • The credit extension (1965)
  • The sudden attack of the Tartars (1965)
  • A paradise for Tursio (1966, also as A paradise for Turzio )
  • They have turned off a ray of hope (1966)
  • Common bad (1969, also as The adventure of a man-god )
  • R.A.P.-T.V. (1977)
  • The impossible efficiency (1977)
  • Technological divination (1977)
  • Pereggano economic theories (1977)
  • The hesitant repression (1977)
  • The computer reform (1977)
  • The dextructuring philosopher (1977)
  • Their condition of several (1977)
  • The taxation of the theft (1977)
  • A useless and complicated toy (1978)
  • The widening of Atlantis (1983, also as as On the Atlantis route )
  • Carezzate with terror the head of your children (1992)
  • The harmony of the spheres (1992)
  • A slow uninterrupted decline (1992)
  • The useless time that is lost in the game (1992)
  • Death water, water water (1992)
  • Valuable example of improvemental art (1992)
  • At what price immortality (1992)
  • UserFriendLiest or ascending shu shu tu-biao (1992, also as as UserfriendLestlist )
  • If we go on like this (1999)
  • Inverted justice (1999)
Subject literature
  • The next Middle Ages coming (1971)
  • Manual for an unlikely salvation (1974)
  • Modest techniques for a complicated world (1978)
  • How to learn more things and live better (1982)
  • How to administer yourself and present themselves to the world (1983)
  • Future possible (1984)
  • Next Renaissance coming (1986)
  • You too mathematical (1989)
  • Communicate how (1990)
  • The way of reason (1993)
  • You too (1994)
  • Global quality (1995)
  • Politics is another thing: this (1995)
  • Advice for one year (1995)
  • Observations on Popular Medicine Spezzina (1997, written in 1940)
  • Tips to a young manager (1999)
  • Dr. Dolittle and Dr. Talkalot (2000)
  • You too physical (2008)
  • Patatrac! Crisis: why? Until? (2009)
  • Save the next decade (2011)
  • Memi – Concepts, ideas, words: where? towards where? (2011)
  • The pill of the day before. Vaccines, epidemics, catastrophes, fears and truths (2012, mit marco malvaldi)
  • How to learn one thing a day and never get older (2014)
  • Communicate mathematics (2015)
  • How to stop time and fill it with good ideas (2016)
  • Hans Joachim Alpers, Werner Fuchs, Ronald M. Hahn: Reclams Science-fiction-Führer. Claim, Stuttgart 1982, ISBN 3-15-010312-6, S. 419.
  • Hans Joachim Alpers, Werner Fuchs, Ronald M. Hahn, Wolfgang Jeschke: Lexicon of Science Fiction Literature. Heyne, Munich 1991, ISBN 3-453-02453-2, p. 987.
