Rodrigo Rey Rosa – Wikipedia


Rodrigo Rey Rosa (* November 4, 1958 in Guatemala City) is a Guatemaltec writer and translator. In 2004 he received the Guatemaltec National Prize for Literature ( National Literature Award of Guatemala ).


As the son of a bourgeois family from Guatemala City-on the paternal with Italian roots- [first] If Rey Rosa went, he remembers a lot with his parents on travels; through Mexico and Central America, but also to Europe. For the first time alone, he traveled immediately after graduation, he was 18 years old. He drove to London and then he traveled to the old continents (Europe). Since he had little money, he worked in Germany, from there we continued to Spain. [2]

After a year on travels, he returned to Guatemala, but in 1979 he left his home country again due to the prevailing atmosphere “of violence and tension”. [3] He settled in New York, where he wrote to the film school but did not reach an academic degree.

At the time of his arrival in the United States, he had seriously devoted himself to writing for about a year and had a story in the magazine Impartial published. For admission to the School of Visual Arts In New York he also wrote a story in English. He studied cinematology there for two years, but he left her again in 1983.
He spent most of the following year in Morocco; He was in the literary writing workshop of Paul Bowles in Tangier for six weeks and traveled through the country. Later he devoted some works to these experiences in northern Africa. [4]

His relationship and friendship with Bowles shaped him deeply. [4] The American author translated his first works into English and made them known in English-speaking countries. [3]

He was also friends with the Spanish painter Miquel Barceló, whose art illustrates some of his books. [4] In addition, he wrote a work that he dedicated to the elaboration of the dome in the UN Human Rights Council’s meeting room. [5]

In 1992/93 he returned to Guatemala and has been in a state of constant “coming and walking” (New York, Colombia, Spain, Morocco), even though he has settled in the Petén region, where he has a house near Sayaxché on Río La Pasión. He also has an apartment in Guatemala City, but he himself confesses that this is not a place where he can work. [2]

Awarded with the National Literature Prize, the Premio Nacional de Literatura, in 2004 Rodrigo Rey Rey wrote that his country focuses on. [6]


The translation activity takes up an important place in his artistic work. He usually alternates between writer work and translation. “I usually work on a book on a translation between working. This is very useful to find solutions. With regard to the creative process, you feel less anxiety, but it can be a long and complex process, especially if you respect the work you translate, ”he said in this regard. [7]

Rodrigo Rey Rosa also worked as a journalist and also published in 2004 Cheese Sebastián (What Sebastian dreamed), [8] An 83-minute film that he devoted bowels. The film, for which Rey Rosa directed, is based on his novel of the same name, he wrote the script together with Robert Fittman. The film was premiered at the Sundance Film Festival and also shown at the Berlin International Film Festival. [9]

Many of his books were translated into other languages, such as French, German, Dutch, Italian or Japanese.

Rey Rosa said in 2011: “If I talked to myself, I would say that my letter was initially abstract. I started writing what was one Prosagedichte calls stories of half a side that finally Tree prison (Dt. prison of the trees) extended, which is my first long poem. For me it was a big leap to write texts that are more than 15 pages long. I had previously published two collections of short stories – ELCUCHILLO DEL MENDIGO and Elaguquieta -, deal with topics that can occur in any city of Latin America, but are not linked to the environment or the surrounding landscape. Due to the objects described, or through the landscape you can conclude that they play in Latin America, but you never know exactly where they play, because I was a bit vague and did not build any names of places. On the other hand, my latest text, on which I still work, plays in today’s Guatemala and includes recognizable characters and aspects, in a kind of ‘realistic’ zeal the environment, the language of reflecting people – in contrast to my earlier stories. I would say that I was looking for other forms of storytelling out of fatigue, but I don’t think it is an evolution. I started writing things a little vague and I then tended to greater accuracy. It can be a return, I don’t know if it was progressing, but there is a difference. ” [ten]

He says about his way of writing: “I forbid myself more about knowing about the story than what is created during writing. I never make a sketch at first, I find out in the writing process what the novel needs. I suspect that I suspect me that puts into the role of the reader “. [first]

  • Miguel Ángel Asturias National Literature Award (National Prize for Literature Miguel Ángel Asturias), 2004
  • The beggar’s knife , Erzählungen, Publicaciones Vista, Guatemala, 1986.
  • Tree prison , Erzählun, Guatemal for the Letters,
  • The beggar’s knife. The water still , Stories, Barcelona, ​​Seix Barral, 1992. Actually two books that were combined here: The beggar’s knife and The water still . The first contains 26 stories, the second 12.
  • Tree prison. El Salvador de ships , Stories and novels. Barcelona, ​​Seix Barral, 1992.
  • The Savior of Buques , Roman, Publicaciones Vista, Guatemala, 1993.
  • With five decks , Personal anthology of stories, Mexico, Unam, 1996.
  • What Sebastian dreamed , Anthology: Roman and Stories, Barcelona, ​​Seix Barral, 1994.
  • The good lame , Roman, Madrid, Alfaguara Publishing House,
  • That they kill me if … , Roman, Barcelona, ​​Seix Barral, 1997.
  • No sacred place , Stories, Barcelona, ​​Seix Barral, 1998; (contains 10 stories that play in New York).
  • The African shore , Roman that plays in Tangier; Barcelona, ​​Seix Barral, 1999.
    • Tanger , from the Guatemaltec Spanish by Arno Gimber, Rotpunktverlag, 2002, ISBN 3858692484.
  • Enchanted stones , Seix Barral, 2001 (in Guatemala under the title Night of stones Published by DEL Pensativo, 2002)
  • THE TRAVANCORE train (Indian letters) , Mondadori, Barcelona, ​​2001.
  • Stable , Roman, Seix Barral, 2006.
    • stables , from the Guathemaltki’s spanish Von Elisabeth López selities, Shipment, 2018, 2018.902712711.
  • Another zoo , stories, Seix Barral, 2007.
  • Always together and other stories , Almadía, 2008.
  • The human material , novel, Anagrama, 2009.
  • Severina , Roman, Alfaguara,
  • The deaf , Roman, Alfaguara,
    • The deaf , from the Guathemalte Spanish Von Anna Gentz, Septime publishen, 2016, ISBN 978,39,71271271271271271271271271271271271271271271271271271271271271271271271271271250
  1. a b Javier Rodríguez Marcos. Violence and redemption , Cultural insert Babelia in The country , September 15, 2012; Called on the same day
  2. a b Jeffrey Gray. Placing the Placeless: a Conversation with Rodrigo Rey Rosa , Interview in English, carried out in New York on May 21, 2001 and published in the journal of the University of North Carolina Counterflow , Vol.4, Nº2, Winter 2007; Pp. 160-186; Retrieved on July 13, 2011
  3. a b Rodrigo Rey Rosa Im Institute Cervantes München , accessed on July 13, 2011
  4. a b c The writer Rodrigo Rey Rosa portrays in his latest novel the most current tanger , The world December 30, 1999
  5. Barceló art silences criticism , The country 19. November 2008
  6. Rodrigo Rey Rosa is devoted to the Guatemaltec mafia in his last novel , The world 12. May 2006
  7. Tommaso Koch. A round trip obsession, according to Rodrigo Rey Rosa , The country July 12, 2011; Retrieved on July 13, 2011
  8. Film data on IMDB ; accessed on September 15, 2012
  9. Rodrigo Rey Rosa on the Paul Bowles website , English; Retrieved on July 13, 2011
  10. Martín Solares. A little paranoia does not make anyone wrong ( Memento from July 22, 2011 in Internet Archive ), Millennium Nº190, the interview taken from the author’s website Only literature ; Retrieved on July 13, 2011