Rosengarten (lidice) – Wikipedia Wikipedia


Rosarium Garden of peace and friendship in Lidice

Fountain in the rose garden

High stem roses in the Rosengarten Lidice

The rose Garden In Lidice, 20 kilometers northwest of Prague, was created in 1955 on the site of the memorial to the Lidice massacre. The internationally awarded Garden of peace and friendship ( A set of peace and friendship ) with over 25,000 rose sticks is the largest pink in the Czech Republic.


In 1954 the initiative Lidice should live (‘Lidice Shall Live’) stimulated under the patronage of Sir Barnett Stross to commemorate a pink to commemorate the victims of the massacre in Lidice, which was carried out in June 1942 by the National Socialist occupiers as a retaliation for the murder of Reinhard Heydrich. The rose garden created by František Marek and Bohumil Kavka is part of the Lidice memorial, which is located between the village destroyed in 1942 and the new village of Lidice. The 3.5 hectare rosarium was created on a sloping terrain. The geometrically designed rose garden is structured by paths, rondelles, fountain systems and statues by Bedřich Stefan and Karel Hladik. [first] In June 1955 the Garden of peace and friendship opened in Lidice. [first]

The roses were planted by the landscape architects in groups and in ornaments. Planting in the form of a rose blossom is devoted to the men shot in town, two smaller rose ornaments are reminiscent of the deported women and children from Lidice. [2]

The first rose bushes were donated from Great Britain. The British rose breeder Harry Wheatcroft breeds for the rose garden as part of the campaign Roses for Lidice A sport of the Meilland-Rose ‘Tzigane’ and gave the orange-yellow floribundarose the name ‘Rose of Lidice ‘. [3] Numerous rosaries, botanical gardens, institutions and rose breeding companies from all over the world donated roses for the garden. From Germany, among other things, the renowned Naumburg rose breeder Karl Müller and the garden management of the estate took part House mountain hinders At the campaign and donated a considerable part of the rose bushes. [4] [5]

In 1961 the garden was fundamentally redesigned and the donated roses were grouped in groups and ornaments coordinated. The garden received its current form as part of the international youth project Roses for Lidice in 2001/2002. [6] [7]


On June 1, 2015, the rose garden was awarded the title “Award of Garden Excellence” by the World Federation of Rose Societies. [8]

The garden of peace and friendship today with over 240 rose species and more than 25,000 rose bushes is the largest pink of the Czech Rosarium and was awarded in 2015 with the award “The Record of the Year” for the largest number of rose sticks in a Czech garden. [2]

It has been possible in the rose garden since 2005. It is a tradition that freshly married couples in the rose garden plant a rose to commemorate the victims of the Lidice massacre and to remember their wedding. [9]

  • Luba Hédlová, Přemysl Veverka, Jiří Žlebčík: Bridge of Hope and Life. Rose Garden of Peace and Friendship Lidice 1955 – 2015 , Lidice 2015
  1. a b Memorial Lidice: Rosengarten. Accessed on March 21, 2020 .
  2. a b Excellent garden: award for rose garden in Lidice. Accessed on March 21, 2020 .
  3. ‘Rose of Lidice’ Rose. Accessed on March 21, 2020 .
  4. Rosenmüller. Accessed on March 21, 2020 .
  5. German rosenz breeder Müller, Karl and Dr. Franz Hermann Müller Biography and Breeding. Accessed on March 21, 2020 .
  6. Kateřina Hradová: The monument to Lidice is the local pink orchard. Accessed on March 21, 2020 (Czech).
  7. Roses for Lidice | Accessed on March 21, 2020 .
  8. World Rose Convention: award of the World Federation of Rose Societies. Accessed on March 21, 2020 .
  9. Weddings in a pink orchard. Accessed on March 21, 2020 (Czech).
