Rudolf Schlauch – Wikipedia


Bruno Rudolf Hose (Born May 9, 1909 in Rüdern, a district of Eßlingen am Neckar, † February 24, 1971 in Bächlingen) was a pastor in Hohenlohe and became known as a historian, folklorist and author of local history writings.


Rudolf Schlauch’s father was Otto Hose, his mother Marie Hose, born Pfannenschmid. He had a brother named Gerhard six years younger. First, Rudolf Schlauch strived for the officer career. After graduating from high school in March 1928, however, he started studying theology in Tübingen. He spent two foreign semesters in Berlin and Marburg. In addition to the theological courses, he also attended lectures in art history and history. He completed his studies with the first theological official examination in February 1932. Subsequently, hose worked as a vicar in Kleineislingen, as a parishman in Eberdingen and from March 1933 as a constant vicar in Plochingen. In March 1934 he became a parishman in Bächlingen, a sub -community of Langenburg. In the spring of 1935 he passed the second theological official exam and in September of the same year he became a pastor in Bächlingen. This parish office was interrupted by his military service, which he initially made on the French border from 1939, later on Sylt and in a station in Wilhelmshaven. In 1942 he was promoted to the lieutenant captain and subsequently undertook frequent business trips in occupied Europe for the Wehrmacht High Command and the Navy’s High Command. However, a severe, repeating leg injury that he had suffered from an artillery battle in September 1939, forced him again and again. At the beginning of April 1945, he was released from the hospital in Schwäbisch Hall and returned to Bächlingen. He took up his work as a pastor and kept them until his death in 1971. In the post -war years, hose was strongly committed to the reconstruction of Bächlingen and the compensation of war victims. In addition, Rudolf Schlauch, as a historian, folklorist and author of numerous travel guides and Heimwrtsnung, worked over Hohenlohe, which earned him great recognition and increased Hohenloh’s awareness beyond the regional borders.

From April 1934, Rudolf Schlauch was married to Ingaruth Hose, née Engel (born July 31, 1913 in Baden-Baden, † May 8, 2003 in Crailsheim). The two had three sons: Wolfgang Schlauch (* 1935), Rezzo Hose (* 1947), the politician became, and Bernulf Schlauch (* 1953). Rudolf Schlauch lived in Bächlingen until his death in 1971. After that, Ingaruth hose continued the work of her late husband. [first]

  • Langenburg, the heart of the Hohenloher Land. Langenburg Mayor’s Office, 1951.
  • Hohenloher Land with Heilbronn. Grieben Verlag, 1955.
  • Hohenlohe. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart, 1956.
  • Hohenlohe Together with Paul Swiridoff. Schwend Verlag, Schwäbisch Hall, 1958.
  • Castles and locks in Hohenlohe Together with Manfred Schuler. Eppinger Verlag, 1960.
  • Schwäbische Albstrasse. Schwabenwerk, Band 7, Stuttgart, 1962.
  • The Burgenstrasse. Schwabenwerk, Band 8, Stuttgart, 1962.
  • Library of German regional studies. Southwest Germany department. Hohenlohe Franconia. Glock and Lutz, Nuremberg 1964.
  • The unsuccessful fountain. Cheerful stories from Hohenlohe Together with Ingaruth hose. Hohenloher Druck- und Verlagshaus, Gerabronn, 1964.
  • Refreshment and prayer views in Hohenlohe. Hohenloher Druck- und Verlagshaus, Gerabronn/Crailsheim, 1965.
  • Cheerful stories and legends from Weinsberg. Hohenloher Druck- und Verlagshaus, Gerabronn, 1966.
  • Württemberg Unterland. Neckarland and Swabian-Franconian Forest. Landscape – history – culture and art. 1966.
  • Schwäbisch Hall Together with Paul Swiridoff. Neske, Stuttgart, 1967.
  • Romantic street. Schwabenwerk, Stuttgart, 1967.
  • Hie Gut Württemberg Allenwege. Together with Paul Swiridoff, Neske, Stuttgart, 1968.
  • Left and right of the German Burgenstrasse Together with Joe Simon Herold, Herold Verlag, 1968.
  • Hohenlohe – landscape and cities. Weidlich, Frankfurt am Main, 1969.
  • Langenburg – Heart in the Hohenloher Land. Together with Ingaruth hose. Hohenloher Druck- und Verlagshaus, Gerabronn/Crailsheim, 1971.
  • We hamet – small song cycle from Hohenlohe. Together with the composer Otto Raddatz. District-Volksbildungswerk Crailsheim, undated
  • A journey through Hohenlohe – history, art, culture. A text selection by Wolfgang Schlauch. Baier Verlag, Crailsheim 2009, ISBN 978-3-929233-85-8.

On January 6, 1970, Hose received the honorary citizenship of the city of Langenburg, and the Federal Cross of Merit 1, 1970 on December 21, 1970.

  1. Folker Förtsch: Rudolf Schlauch – pastor, local researcher and the Cicerone Hohenlohes. In: A journey through Hohenlohe – history, art, culture. A text selection by Wolfgang Schlauch. Baier Verlag, Crailsheim 2009, pp. 307–331.
