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Approximate distribution of languages ​​at the southern end of South America at the time of the conquest

Location Bandera de Argentina Argentina
Offspring 563

Sanavirones O Salavinones They are the names with which an indigenous people who around the century are known XV He lived in the center of the current territory of Argentina. This ethnic group was part of the Pampido group, with Amazonian and Andeid Genetic and Cultural Elements.

Origins and territorial expansion [ To edit ]

They are corresponded to a partiality of the tonocotés that differentiated in the Salavina area (center of the current province of Santiago del Estero), due to the pressure due to their demographic growth and probably a period of drought due to the miniglaciation of Spörer (towards 1410 -1570). At that time they began their expansion to the southwest in such a way that they arrived at the Sierras de Córdoba invading (thanks to their numerical superiority) some ancestral territories of the “comechingones”. By the south its limit collided with that of the Taluhet, so that until the century XVII The Salavinones or Sanavirones were located in the vicinity of the Laguna de Mar Chiquita in the current province of Córdoba (Argentina). They reached the Salado River, where the territory of the Tonocotés began. To the south they extended through the Suquía or first river. To the west they limited with the Sierra de Sumampa and the eastern limit coincided with the current limits between the provinces of Santiago del Estero and Santa Fe.

Since the … century XVIII The traces of the Sanavirones in terms of differentiated ethnic and cultural group are practically lost, having mixed and then part of the Creole population. The Spanish conquerors in their first contacts with this town (century XVI ) They called them yugitas as observed in the Service information presented in July 1548 by Pedro González del Prado. Among them probably founded Francisco de Mendoza the Fort of Medellín. The myxogenesis of this town is early. The offistor Hernán Mejía de Mirabal with María de Mancho is documented. His daughters were married to important neighbors of the recently founded city of Córdoba, and among his descendants are the Deán Gregorio Funes, or the Echagüe family of Santa Fe. [ first ]

Lifestyle [ To edit ]

They used Andean crop systems, which complemented with hunting, fishing and fruit collection. Among the weapons used by the Sanavirones we find the Macana, which was a kind of triangular garrote with a tip at one end, also used as a personal defense element in indigenous wars. Their homes were large collective huts (inhabited by more than a dozen individuals) of branches and zacate.

The numerous excavations carried out brought to light numerous pottery works that revealed two types of ceramics: one grayish black and another recorded. The Sanavirones lived in very large houses where they fit up to fifteen soldiers with their respective horses. They were built with plant materials and each housed several families. They wore wool t -shirt, with guards, and like shelter a fabric poncho; They wore leather in clothing and housing. Although their territory was never dominated by the Tahuantinsuyu, the Sanavirones adopted much of the Quechua lexicon after 1480, a reason for this was probably the existence among them of them Captive They spoke that language.


Religious beliefs and practices [ To edit ]

Little is known about their religion and nothing: we can say that in religion they had few rites; They would have possessed the notion of a high confused God with the sun; They practiced magic and ritual dances, of Amazonian origin, as warned in cave paintings, in which the sorcerer towards use of the fruit of the primer as a drug trafficking; The powdered barley was taken by the nose and archaeological works have found stone tablets that were used to grind it and offer it.

The dead were buried in curled position, perhaps wrapped in a leather; mud containers were found that could have contained remains of toddlers; But there is no evidence that they buried their children at the polls like other ethnic groups; Instead they would do it in small sepulchral chambers.

Current descendants [ To edit ]

The complementary survey of indigenous peoples (ECPI) 2004-2005, complementary to the National Population, Homes and Housing 2001 Census of Argentina, resulted in that 528 people in the province of Córdoba were recognized and/or descended in the first generation . [ 2 ]

The National Population Census of 2010 in Argentina revealed the existence of 2871 people who authors themselves as Sanavirones throughout the country, 1971 of which in the province of Córdoba and 350 in that of Santiago del Estero. [ 3 ] [ 4 ]

Since 1995, the National Institute of Indigenous Affairs (INAI) began to recognize legal status through registration in the National Registry of Indigenous Communities (Renaci) to indigenous communities of Argentina, including the Indigenous community feeling of my land of the departments Miter, Aguirre and Salavina of the province of Santiago del Estero (on October 23, 2009) and to the territorial indigenous community COUNCIGO-Sanavirón Tulián Tulián of San Marcos Sierras in the Cruz del Eje department of the province of Córdoba (March 11, 2010). [ 5 ]

Other 4 communities of Sanavirones living in the departments Miter and Aguirre of the province of Santiago del Estero are in the process of legal constitution. [ 6 ] In the province of Córdoba there is also the Sanavirona Mampo community. [ 7 ]

See also [ To edit ]

References [ To edit ]

external links [ To edit ]
