Saucil municipality – Wikipedia, free encyclopedia


Saucillo It is one of the 67 municipalities in which the Mexican state of Chihuahua is divided. Its header is saucillo.

Occupied by the Spaniards since the 18th century and exploited the Naica mineral with the name of San José del Sacramento since 1794, the region depended on the municipality of Rosales; In July 1889, it was constituted in the Municipal Section, acquired the municipality category by decree of November 27, 1896.

The territory where its municipal seat is located was the stay of the Saucillo, which was a dependency of the Hacienda de San Marcos, entitled on September 24, 1717 to the Sergeant Major Juan Antonio Trasviña y Retes, whose successors later passed to the Jesus Company, being secularized their assets in 1767.

In 1811, Lieutenant José Antonio Uribe, denounced the lands of the Saucillo, but his application was denied and in 1842 the Hacienda de San Marcos passed to Don Esteban Curcier.

In 1870, a group of neighbors headed by Don José María Armendáriz bought the heirs of the latter, one hundred lots of own land for agriculture and thus began the formation of the people.

By decree of October 19, 1907 and July 13, 1950, the category of Villa and City is granted respectively.

Historical facts [ To edit ]

  • 1717 The Hacienda de San Marcos, was entitled on September 24 to Sergeant Mayor Juan Antonio Trasviña y Retes.
  • 1870 The formation of the people began.
  • 1889 was constituted in the municipal section.
  • 1896 On November 27, the municipality category was granted to the region.
  • 1907 On October 19, the decree that granted the category of Villa to the header was issued.
  • 1950 On July 13, the city category was granted to the head.

LocalizaCión [ To edit ]

It is located in latitude 28 ° 02 ’, length 105 ° 17’, its height is 1,221 meters above sea level. It borders the north with Julimes and Meoqui; to the east with Camargo and La Cruz; to the south with the cross and to the west with Zaragoza, Rosales and Delicias.

Límites territoriales

The municipal seat is approximately 107 kilometers from the capital.

It has 214 locations, of which 212 are rural. The main population centers are Saucillo, municipal head; The municipal sections of Naica, Las Varas, El Orranño.

Extension [ To edit ]

The municipality of Saucillo has an area of ​​2,116,16 square kilometers.

Orography [ To edit ]

Its territory is located on the central table of the North, at the beginning of the eastern desert and the plateaus irrigated by the Conchos river; Its lands are arid and desert, with extensive plains that advance to the West; Among its most important mountains are those of Orranño, Naica, Nogalejo, Los Picachos and Colorado and the Sierra del Pajarito, in the limits with San Francisco de Conchos.

Hydrography [ To edit ]

It belongs to the Gulf’s slope; The Conchos river penetrates, from the municipality of La Cruz, passing to the municipality of Meoqui and continues through those of Julimes, Aldama, Coyame and Ojinaga until joining the Rio Bravo; In their territory the lagoons of El Rincón and Chancapilia are located; Its hydrographic basin is of great importance, since the lands found in the banks of the Conchos River are irrigated, making agriculture the main activity in the municipal economy.

Climate [ To edit ]

It is extreme semi -arid, with a maximum temperature of 41.7 ° C and a minimum of -14.1 ° C; Its average annual temperature is 18.3 ° C. It has an average annual rainfall of 363.9 millimeters, with an average of 61 days of rain and a relative humidity of 48%; Its dominant winds are southwest.

Main ecosystems [ To edit ]

Its flora consists of xerophilic, herbaceous plants, shrubs of different sizes, intermingled with some species of agaves, yucas and cacti, legumes such as the huisache, guamúchil, breaks ax, zacates, peyote, bonnet and spiny chaparral.
The fauna is constituted by the Güilota pigeon and white wings, rabbit, hare, Bura Venado, Puma, Montés and Coyote cat.

Natural resources [ To edit ]

Features and land uses [ To edit ]

Its dominant soils are the average yerms of medium texture in levels of level or streams, with associations of lithosols and/or eutric regosols, inclusions of rendzinas and solonetz in the lithic or saline phase. There are also Solonchaks of Medium texture stains in strongly dissected slopes. Land use is fundamentally miner, agricultural and livestock.


The predominant use of the soil is livestock. Earth’s possession is mostly deprived with 168,126 hectares, equivalent to 67.5%. The ejido regime includes 34,473 hectares representing 13.8%.

Demography [ To edit ]

According to the 2005 population and housing count carried out by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography, the population of the municipality of Saucillo is 28,508 inhabitants, of which 14,219 are men and 14,289 are women. [ 5 ]

places [ To edit ]

The municipality has a total of 198 locations. The main locations and their population are the following:

Municipal Presidents [ To edit ]

Presidents and periods

C. Luis Gandara 1917-1918

C. Braulio A. Durán 1919-1920

C. Pánfilo Gandara 1921-1922

C. Cirpiano Arriola Calderón 1923-1924

C. Julián Jiménez Moncada 1926-1927 and 1934-1935

C. Manuel Terrazas Carrasco 1928-1929

C. Rafael Acosta Armendariz 1932-1933

C. Ramón Ibarra Gutiérrez 1936-1937

C. Ambrosio Gutiérrez 1938-1939

C. Víctor Manuel Chávez 1940-1941


C. Carlos Carrasco Jurado 1944-1946 and 1956-1959

C. Leandro Terrazas Ronquillo 1947-1949

C. Lino Flores Carrasco 1950-1952

C. Rodrigo Chávez Lobato 1953-1955

C. José Roque Gandara Grade 1959-1962

Profr. Luis Carlos Terrazas Carrasco 1962-1963

C. Salvadom Ramón Franco 4956 and 1968-1971

C. Rosalío Medina Cota 1965-1968

Profr. Jesús fifty grade 1971-1974

Profr. Francisco Chávez Orozco 1974-1977

C. Genaro Jiménez Gómez 1977-1980

C. Alfredo Martínez González 1980-1983

C. Ricardo Reyes López 1983-1986

Profr. Lucio Ayala Alvarado 1986-1989

C. Rodrigo Levario Muñoz 1989-1992

C. Rafael Guerrero Armendariz 1992-1995

M.v.Z. Fernando Romero Sáenz 1995-1

C. Yolanda Baed Martinez 1998-2001

Lic. Ubaldo Ortiz García 2001-2004

C. Jaime Lara Hernández 2004-2007

Profr. Alejandro Guerrero Muñoz 2007-2010

Ing. Julio César Muñoz Reyes 2010-2013

Q.B.p. MARTHAGE Gàndara Acosta 2013-2016

Lic. Armando López Torres 2016-2018 PAN logo (Mexico).svg

Lic. Manuela helped López de Anda 2018 – 2021 PAN logo (Mexico).svg

Sectional presidents of the rods

C.Profma. Rosa González de Uribe 1989-1992

C.Socorro Martínez 1992-1995

C.Gualipe Acosta Baeza 1995-1998

C. Alfredo Guevara Calderón 1998-2001

C. ING. Jesús Mata Martínez 2001-2004

C. Jesus Martinez Amparan 2004-2007


C. LIC. Joel Núñez Amparan 2010 -2013

C. Genaro Mendoza 2013 – 2016

C. Gregorio Molina Meléndez 2016-2018

Legislative representation [ To edit ]



Among the Saucillo schools we find the following:

  • The CBTIS 197 Emiliano Zapata Technological and Services Technological Baccalaureate Center
  • Federal Secondary Rodrigo Chávez Lobato
  • Naica high school
  • The high school of the rods
  • Technical Secondary School # 54 Conchos Station
  • Bachilleres College of the State of Chihuahua Campus 25
  • The Ricardo Flores Magón Rural Normal School
  • Fernando Calderón #2055 school
  • Adolfo López Mateos
  • The Kindergarten 20-30
  • Abraham González
  • Primary Children Heroes
  • Francisco Villa Primary 2642
  • Felipe Carrillo Puerto Primary
  • Primary Ignacio Zaragoza are. Conchos.

References [ To edit ]

  • Encyclopedia of Mexico City, Chihuahua, Saucillo

external links [ To edit ]
