Singleton barrier-Wikipedia


The Singleton barrier describes an upper barrier for the minimum distance

d {displaystyle d}

of a block code of the length

n {displaystyle n}

for information words of the length

k {displaystyle k}

About a uniform alphabet

A {displaystyle Sigma }


It is:

The barrier can be intuitively cleared in the following way:

  • Acceptance: alphabet
  • Number of possible information words:
  • Number of code words:
  • Minimum distance:

Now stroke the last in the code words (

d first {displaystyle d-1}

) the

n {displaystyle n}

Position, the other code words still have at least the Hamming distance 1. at

d {displaystyle d}

Deletions would no longer be guaranteed. So all code words are still different, so

That is why the number of length must also

n ( d first ) {DisplayStyle N- (D-1)}

Commerible words

q nd+1q k{displaystyle q^{n-d+1}geq q^{k}}

If you change this equation, this results in the singleton barrier

For non-linear codes applies accordingly


M = | C| {displaystyle M=|{mathcal {C}}|}


Codes that meet the singleton barrier with equality is also called MDS codes.

In the case of the Hamming barrier

t = ( d first ) / 2 {displaystyle t=lfloor (d-1)/2rfloor }

The number of the maximum correctional errors of a code with the Hamming distance

d {displaystyle d}


The Hamming barrier says that


It must be fulfilled for a code that means

n {displaystyle n}

Symbols of an alphabet

A {displaystyle Sigma }


q {displaystyle q}

A message with the length

k {displaystyle k}


For example

n = 512 {displaystyle n=512}


t = 11 {displaystyle t=11}

(requires a Hamming distance of

d = 23 {displaystyle d=23}

) you get depending on the size

q {displaystyle q}


A {displaystyle Sigma }


The Hamming barrier makes comparatively precisely precise statements depending on

n {displaystyle n}


t {displaystyle t}


q {displaystyle q}

. For very large

q {displaystyle q}

it strives for a limit.

In the case of the singleton barrier is

t = d first {displaystyle t=d-1}

The number of the maximum correctional errors of a code with the minimum distance

d {displaystyle d}


For example

n = 512 {displaystyle n=512}


t = 11 {displaystyle t=11}

(requires a minimum distance of

d = twelfth {displaystyle d=12}

) you get:

irrespective of

q {displaystyle q}

. The singleton barrier is an inaccurate assessment than the hamming barrier, which does not take into account the size of the alphabet.
There are also differences in the relationship between

t {displaystyle t}


d {displaystyle d}


  • J.H. Van Lint: Introduction to Coding Theory (Graduate Texts in Mathematics) . 2nd Edition. Springer, Berlin, ISBN 978-3-540-54894-2.
  • Martin Bossert: Sewer coding . 3rd revised edition, Oldenbourg Verlag, Munich 2013, ISBN 3-486-72128-3.
  • Otto Mildenberger (ed.): Information technology compact. Theoretical basics. Friedrich Vieweg & Sohn Verlag, Wiesbaden 1999, ISBN 3-528-03871-3.
  • Werner Heise, Pasquale Quattrocchi: Information and coding theory . 2nd edition, Springer Verlag, Berlin / Heidelberg 1989, ISBN 978-3-540-50537-2.
