St. Francis of Ixhuatan – Wikipedia, free encyclopedia


San Francisco Ixhuatán (In Zapotec Guidxi , in Nahuatl Izhuatlan ) is a town in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico. The name comes from the word Nahuatl Izhuatlan which in Spanish means next to the leaves O Enter the leaves , it can also mean abundance of leaves . Toponymy derives from Nahuas words Izhuatl = sheet and run = Together, between or where something abounds. There are Izhuatlan records in the Mendoza Codex of Mexican manufacturing which indicates that Izhuatlan already existed in the fifteenth century. [ 4 ]
Ixhuatán was probably founded by King Zapotec Cosijoza in the fifteenth century forming part of the kingdom of Tzapotlan and was at the end of the same century that was conquered by the Mexican Empire.

Ixhuatán hieroglyph, 16th century.

At the fall of the Mexican Empire by the Spaniards and their indigenous allies in 1521 the Zapotec Cosijopí sent ambassadors to Mexico-Tenochtitlan city to make an alliance with Hernán Cortés to use their troops and fight against the mixed kingdom of Tututepec with He who had conflicts. In that Cosijopí alliance he accepted the vassalage to the King of Spain Carlos V, thus the Reíno de Tzapotlan became part of the Spanish Empire and the Viceroyalty of New Spain, which became renowned as the province of Tehuantepec with its capital in its capital The city of the same name. In 1660 the Tehuantepec rebellion occurred in which all the peoples of that province, including Ixhuatán, rose against the Spanish authorities for the abuse received. The province of Tehuantepec managed to maintain autonomy of the colonial government for a year until it was submitted by the Spaniards. Already in the independence era, in 1834, Ixhuatán as well as all the peoples of the Tehuantepec Isthmus region participated in the rebellions of Che Gorio Melendre that fought for the communal property of Las Salinas. [ 5 ]

It is known that by 1826, Ixhuatán was already recognized as an ejido of San Francisco del Mar, and around 1886 became a municipal head. [ 6 ] Following different political and administrative conflicts, it separated in 1926, since then forming an independent municipality. It currently has 9050 inhabitants.

It is located south of Oaxaca. It has the 94 ° 29 ‘coordinates of west longitude and 16 ° 21’ north latitude, at a height of 10 meters above sea level. The surface is 406.99 square kilometers. [ 6 ] The most important hills in the region are Cerro Tortuga and the snakes.

Among its flora, natural grasslands and trees such as Guanacaste and Totoposte stand out. As for fauna there are hares, rabbits, armadillos and quail.

In Ixhuatán the main activities are agriculture, livestock and fishing.

This population has two institutions of upper middle level (José Martí community high school and Bachilleres College of the State of Oaxaca Pl. 23 Ixhuatán). It has all existing media, means of transport and basic services.


Ixhuatán, within its multiple attractions, borders the Aguachil Virgen Beach (which means Chille water referring to its intense waves), which provides an unforgettable experience guaranteed for any explorer or native of the area. Some famous Ixhuatecos are the UANL Tigres soccer player and also nationally selected Javier Aquino and the writer Andrés Henestrosa.

The languages ​​spoken in Ixhuatán are Spanish, Zapotec and Huave. However, the Zapotec is being displaced by Spanish and only the elderly are able to speak it, thus the Zapotec is no longer transmitted to the new generations, a situation that puts it at critical risk of disappearance in the town. The 2015 Census showed that there were 885 speakers from Zapotec in the town.

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