St. John the Baptist (Osterode am Harz) – Wikipedia


St. Johannes Baptist Church

The church Sankt John the Baptist , partly too Sankt Johannes Baptist Called, is the Roman Catholic parish church in the city of Osterode am Harz in Lower Saxony. Their parish of the same name belongs to the Deanery Nörten-Easterode of the Hildesheim diocese. The church named to the Baptist after Saint John is located in the Freiheit district, on the property Johannisvorstadt 25 .


In the Middle Ages, Osterode belonged to the Archdiocese of Mainz in church. The Reformation was introduced in Osterode in the 1530s and the churches of Evangelical Lutheran, and the Cistercian monastery St. Jacobi was dissolved. [first]

In 1809 Jérôme Bonaparte, king of the Kingdom of Westphalen, to which the Osterode district also belonged, again allowed Catholic services in Osterode. In 1812 the Catholics were provided with the old Gothic Johanniskirche. In 1813, after the Battle of the Nations near Leipzig, the Kingdom of Westphalen was already dissolved, and the magistrate of Osterode prohibited the use of the Johanniskirche, which was just renovated by the Catholic community. As a result, the Easter or Catholics used a hall, today’s Freiheiter Hof , for their services, which was soon prohibited from the agency.

It was not until 1848 that the Catholics were allowed to take over the Johanniskirche again, which was repaired by them again, and a Catholic clergyman was employed for Osterode. In 1852 the foundation of the parish of Osterode, and Johannes Crescent Wüstefeld, previously chaplain in Duderstadt, was her first pastor.

After the number of Catholics in Osterode had grown to over 600 at the beginning of the 20th century, the construction of today’s church in Johannisvorstadt, below the old castle, began in 1902 under Pastor Georg Muth in 1902. The church was completed and consecrated in 1904, and on the 1st Sunday of Advent 1904 the first service was celebrated in the new church. The old Johanniskirche was demolished in 1927, and the cemetery chapel is now in its place. [2] The city of Osterode in 1928 of the parish of St. Maria Rosenkranz (Hollenstede) in Fürstenau for their newly built church, where they are still located today, donated the valuable high altar, the pulpit and the triumphal cross of the old Johanniskirche. [3]

In order to delay the Allies’s advance towards the end of the Second World War, a Sösbrücke was blown up on April 11, 1945, which resulted in a significant damage to the Church.

As the number of Catholics in the Osterode area had increased significantly as a result of the Second World War due to the influx of refugees and displaced people from the eastern areas of the German Reich, the St. Bonifatius Church was built in Badenhausen in 1961/62. In 1962/63 the St. Martin Church followed in southern Easterodes. On July 1, 1963, the curative community was St. Martin separated from the St. Johannes Baptist community, the St. Bonifatius Church was also assigned to her.


In 1966 the St. Johannes Baptist Church was renovated and expanded according to plans by the Braunschweig architect Wolfgang Tschirschwitz. The interior modernized Claus Kilian. On October 7, 1966, the church was newly consecrated. [4]

Since March 1, 2004, the church has been part of the newly founded Deanery Nörten-Osterode, previously Osterode was the seat of its own dean’s office. [5] On August 1, 2004, the St. Martin Church with its previous branch church of St. Bonifatius in Badenhausen came to the parish St. Johannes Baptist . Since September 1, 2008, the St. Barbara Church in Bad Grund has also belonged to the parish of St. Johannes Baptist, but this church was profaned on February 6, 2010. On September 9, 2015, the profanation of the St. Martin Church followed.

The church is located at a height of around 227 meters above sea level, it was built as a neuromanic indoor church made of red brick after plans by the local building Mende. Your simple sanctuary is dominated by a hanging cross. On the left and right of the sanctuary, statues show Maria (mother of Jesus) and the patron saint of the church, John the Baptist. There is a Herz-Jesu statue next to the confessor chapel. Today’s organ was built in 1985 by the Hillebrand Organ Construction Gebrüder, it replaced the original Krell organ from the early days of the church.

  • Willi Stoffers: Diocese of Hildesheim today. Hildesheim 1987, ISBN 3-87065-418-X, S. 118–119
  3. Brief description of the Church of Maria Rosenkranz
  5. Episcopal Vicariate of General (ed.): Ecclesiastical indicator . Nr. 2/2004. Hildesheim 2004, S. 35
