Telethon 1996 (Chile) – Wikipedia, free encyclopedia


The Telethon 1996 It was the fourteenth version of the solidarity campaign held in Chile on December 6 and 7. The motto of this version was “Another step forward” And the girl symbol on that occasion was Nicole Núñez.

After the tropie of the previous year, the errors that caused the failure of the previous version were corrected and this time if the goal was achieved (important objective since the following year the campaign was not held for the parliamentary elections), gathering $ 5,692 426 301, computation of 00:32 on December 8, delivered at the National Stadium. The final figure was exact $ 6,050 million (US $ 14 370 546).

This edition had as a phrase ” Identify with the Telethon “, which was also the name of the anthem of this edition that was played by Don Francisco and a group of local singers, which was never launched in single. One of the changes was to renew the” Telethon “logo with the Bodoni Cursiva letters, Keeping the cross -cross logo.

After the failure of the previous year, there came a time for changes in the campaign starting through the Telethon logo, leaving aside the 1978 classic linotype. In addition, during the previous campaign, television programs had a picture in their stages what did he say “(Program name) is identified with the Telethon” , and the reverse the guests stamped their fingerprint and their signature, confirming their adhesion to the campaign. As usual, the event began at the Teletón Theater with emotional words by Mario Kreutzberger, where he referred to the campaign and, followed by that, sang with a children’s choir the anthem of that teleton. During the first block artists such as Ricardo Montaner, Illapu, Dinamita Show and Alberto Plaza were presented. In addition, the cyclodanza that since 1990 accompanies the work was presented. After the first block, a summary of the previous campaign was presented.

At the end of the event in the theater, the computation threw $ 3 566 320 945. An hour later, the last block began in the National Stadium, with the intonation of the Hymn of joy On the part of José Alfredo Fuentes who at that time celebrated 30 years of career. Artists such as Project One, Enrique Iglesias, Marcos Llunas, Ednita Nazario and the General were taken to the stage. The surprising thing happened at 23:36: Kike Morandé said the computation should exceed $ 5 billion. After passing the card, the computation threw $ 5 083 326 540, which meant that the goal would be reached soon. Also, the different jingles sung by the thousands of people at the stadium helped the program to close as late as possible, since the production of the campaign had artists for until midnight, since the transmission should close at one in the morning . However, the last computation was thrown at 00:32, and the joy of all the animators and the public present in the stadium explodes with the figure of $ 5 692 426 301 on the board. At the end of the event, Don Francisco thanked those who went to collaborate and the event was completed with the official anthem of that campaign. The transmission closed at 00:45 on Sunday, December 8, 15 minutes before the expected.

THE BIRTH OF “Let’s go Chileans” [ To edit ]

In the final block there was a very special event when in the stadium, Jorge Hevia realized that a sector of the public chanted “Let’s go Chileans”, a song of encouragement invented by the fans of football when the Chilean team plays. The program animator Hello, everyone National Television of Chile, during the first commercial cut of the final night, began to sing this song. Then Don Francisco sang her in her own way and thus almost in a magical and spontaneous way the lyrics of a jingle that since then has accompanied the Telethon and in general all Chileans, sung for the first time in the air at 22:45 on Saturday, December 7, 1996:


“Come on, let’s go Chileans, that tonight, we will achieve it”

That night after overcoming the goal the song was:

“Come on, let’s go Chileans, that tonight, the goal was achieved”
“Thank you, thanks Chileans. Tonight, the goal was achieved”

Telephone operators (solely block from Aperte) [ To edit ]

Transmission [ To edit ]

Programción [ To edit ]

Time Block Content
22:00 – 00:30
Inaugural block, animated by Don Francisco, Antonio Vodanovic, Felipe Camiroaga, Juan Guillermo Vivado and Cecilia Bolocco. It included a humorous routine of Dinamita Show and the story of Christopher Reeve.

Musical performances

00:30 – 02:30
With Marcela Vacarezza, Kike Morandé, Raúl Alcaíno and José Alfredo Fuentes. It included a humorous routine of Álvaro Salas and the test He who laughs, loses With Luis Santibañez, Pedro Pavlovic and Patricia Iribar of Participants and humorists Fernando Alarcón, Ricardo Merune, Melta Meléndez and the steel.

Musical performances

  • Musical with Juan Carlos Duque, Kike Morandé, Miguel Piñera and Miguelo – “Poor Walking”, “On Sundays”, “La Pollera Colora ‘”, “La Piragua”, “Yolanda, the Queen of the Parranda”
  • Adrián and the black dice – “dumb”, “Cow -girl”, “Invitation card”, “El Venao”
  • Tropi Match – “Marta, I’m number one”
  • The premiums – “Tell your hand, Antonio”
02:30 – 05:00
From the Municipal Gymnasium of Concepción with Rafael Araneda, Laura Silva and Cristian Velasco.


Musical performances

05:00 – 07:00
Women by Awakening
With Kike Morandé and Felipe Camiroaga.

Musical performances

07:00 – 09:30
Morning block
From Iquique with Margot Kahl, Jorge Hevia and Luis Jara.
09:30 – 12:00
Children’s block
With Don Francisco, Antonio Vodanovic, Savka Pollak, Marcelo Hernández, Ivette Vergara, Roberto Nicolini and Carolina Gutiérrez.
12:00 – 14:00
Lunch with the Telethon
With Don Francisco, Christian Gordon, Antonio Vodanovic and Susana Roccatagliata.

Musical performances

14:00 – 15:00
Panel forum: conversation programs
Conversation panel composed of Paulina Nin de Cardona, Eliseo Salazar, Alfredo Lamadrid and Julio Videla, conducted by Leo Caprile.

Musical performances

15:00 – 16:00
From the Manuel Plaza gym with Mauricio Israel, Ingrid Sufán, Titi García-Huidobro, Juan Ramón Cid and José “Pepe” Ormazábal, Babyf Fútbol Tournament with the teams of “Los Animators”, “Los Artists”, “Adrenalina” and “Crazy fur”.
16:00 – 18:00
Youth block
Con Don Francisco, Antonio Vedanovic, Angélica Castro, Iván Valenzuela y Consuelo Saavedra.

Musical performances

18:00 – 19:00
The new wave
With Fernando Alarcón and Jorge Pedreros. It included the humorous routine of “La Cuatro Teeth” (Gloria Benavides)

Musical performances

  • Miguel Zabaleta – “When that age passes.”
19:00 – 21:05
Telethon theater
Closing show with guests. With Don Francisco, Antonio Vodanovic, Eli de Caso, Paulina Nin de Cardona and Fernando Paulen.

Musical performances

News of each channel (21: 05-22: 05)
22:05 – 00:45
From the National Stadium, with Don Francisco, Antonio Vodanovic, Jorge Hevia, Christian Gordon, Cecilia Bolocco, Kike Morandé, José Alfredo Fuentes, Fernando Paulsen, Paulina Nin de Cardona, Eli de Caso and Rafael Araneda. The transmission was directed by Eduardo Domínguez.

Musical performances

Collection [ To edit ]

Computing [ To edit ]

Hour Amount in pesos % meta Amount in dollars [ use 1 ]
22:14 [ use 2 ] $ 223 752 <0.01% $ 531
00:17 $ 143 726 595 2.59% $ 341 393
02:15 $ 313 240 560 5.65% $ 744 039
04:49 $ 364 382 735 6.57% $ 865 517
06:59 $ 407 024 989 7.34% $ 966 805
10:34 $ 575 289 479 10.38% $ 1 366 483
12:12 $ 682 352 573 12.32% $ 1 620 789
12:33 $ 770 440 718 13.91% $ 1 830 025
13:01 $ 851 268 169 15.37% $ 222 014
14:17 $ 1 220 396 645 22.03% $ 2 898 804
15:25 $ 1 564 330 116 28.24% $ 3 715 748
16:58 $ 1 862 725 030 33.63% $ 4 424 525
17:59 $ 230 426 114 40.27% $ 5 297 924
20:04 $ 2 927 021 318 52.85% $ 6 952 544
21:04 $ 3 566 320 945 64.39% $ 8 471 071
22:40 $ 4 327 927 108 78.15% $ 10 280 111
23:36 $ 5 083 326 540 91.79% $ 12 074 409
00:32 $ 5 692 426 301 102.79% $ 13 521 202

Sponsors [ To edit ]

Company Item Amount in pesos Amount in dollars
Tucapel rice Rice $ 38 611 948 $ 91 714
Babysan Diapers $ 40 210 662 $ 95 512
Chile bank Bank $ 100 000 000 $ 237 529
. \ T Mineral water $ 38 542 324 $ 91 549
Crystal beer Beers $ 62 488 181 $ 148 427
Trisol cook Oil $ 32 165 181 $ 76 401
Column Cheese $ 39 180 092 $ 93 064
Copec Petróleos $ 45 000 000 $ 106 888
CTC World Telephony $ 93 072 049 $ 221 073
Two in one (Caramelos rhythm) Candied $ 35 059 400 $ 83 276
Two in one (Selz and Holland) Cookies $ 44 101 600 $ 104 754
Elite Toilet paper $ 36 000 000 $ 85 510
Napkins $ 41 000 000 $ 97 387
Fanta Drinks $ 45 000 000 $ 106 888
Hasbro Universe Toys $ 32 180 150 $ 76 437
Johnson’s Clothes Tailor shop $ 35 240 000 $ 83 705
LAN Chile Airlines $ 86 276 811 $ 204 933
Padlocks Pastas $ 43 000 000 $ 102 137
Omo Matic Detergent $ 45 125 390 $ 107 186
Odontine Pasta Dental $ 34 873 188 $ 82 834
Organics Shampoo $ 37297 397 $ 88 585
Pisco La Serena Pisquería $ 40 038 515 $ 95 103
Ripley Multitiendas $ 40 230 729 $ 95 559
Savory Ice creams $ 35 220 000 $ 83 657
Soprole Milk $ 35 502 176 $ 84 328
Yoghurt $ 46 784 978 $ 111 128
Super chicken Poultry $ 43 134 233 $ 102 456
Has supreme Tea $ 36 720 478 $ 87 222
Zuko Powdered juices $ 38 230 525 $ 90 808
Total 26 companies $ 1 320 283 007 $ 3 136 064

Solidarity tasks [ To edit ]

In the 1996 campaign, for the first time a company proposed a challenge of sale of products in record time to help Telethon. Thus, the well -known solidarity tasks were born, which add to the collection already compromised by the companies that contribute to the Telethon. Since 2014, tasks have to do with activities that do not visit products, in front of the criticism made by the population as to the tasks of Telethon 2012. In 1996, the Lomitón restaurant network proposed a goal of selling 160 A thousand loins to donate $ 500 (US $ 1.19) per product sold between 2:00 p.m. on Friday 6 to 10 p.m. on Saturday, December 7. Minutes of the closure of the campaign, the company confirmed the sale of 165 thousand lomitos, exceeding the goal and making a contribution of $ 82,500,000 (US $ 195 962). [ 2 ]

Curiosities [ To edit ]

  • During the first hours of the event, the numbers were shown at the top of the computer board, which rotated very quickly and very slowly, which graphs if donations ran very fast and very slow respectively.
  • For the first time on Telethon, there was no “board” that shows the computations and the goal. In replacement of it there was a giant screen, composed of several monitors, allowing to show the computations in different graphs, such as the entrance of a bank.
  • Before starting a kind of gathering prepared by Leo Caprile, the then general director of Carabineros Fernando Cordero Rusque, after talking with Don Francisco, received the invitation to pass the card and read a new calculation. That happened in the calculation of 14:17.
  • One of the sponsor of the campaign, Organics shampoo To promote his commitment, he managed to join the two leading actresses of the two television series of that moment, on the one hand Francisca Merino who played Cathy Winter in adrenaline of Channel 13 and on the other Javiera Accountant who played the role of Verónica Alfaro in crazy skin of TVN.
  • The drug trafficker Mario Silva Leiva, known as El Cabro Carrera, donated $ 3 million (US $ 7 125) in the campaign.
  • It was the third Telethon that was made under the government of Eduardo Frei Ruiz-Tagle.
  1. Change of the dollar as of December 6, 1996: $ 421 pesos.
  2. First donation made in Telethon 1996.

References [ To edit ]

external links [ To edit ]
