Tom FECHT – Wikipedia


Tom FECHT (Born January 11, 1952 in Frankenberg) is a German publisher, author and artist.

Tom Fecht studied cybernetics and art history in Berlin and New York. Since 1969 he has organized Happenings, Fluxus campaigns, land art projects, installations and exhibitions in Germany and abroad.

In 1972 he opened the Elephant Press Gallery , only in Dresdener Strasse [first] on Oranienplatz and later at Zossener Straße 32 in Berlin-Kreuzberg. [2] [3] [4] [5]

In 1978 he founded together with Patric Feest, Wieland Giebel, Norbert Gravius ​​(later Federal Treasurer of the Party) [6] , Rabut Schmidt [7] and Erik Weihönig [8] the Elephant Press Verlag based on Oranienstrasse.

Until 1992 Tom Fecht was an author, editor and curator of publications and exhibitions on art, design, satire and contemporary history. He practiced teaching at the Berlin University of Applied Sciences, the Hamburg University of Fine Arts and the Royal College of Art in London.


Tom Fecht lives and works in Berlin, London and in the French department of Finistère.

For the German AIDS Foundation, Tom Fecht began the project in 1988/89 “Denial” to develop. With ” Quartelage four division for 16 horses and ring ” and the ” Cologne fragment-12 minutes after Vitruvius “Elements of the Landart are to be redesigned and coupled to the urban space and the body.

In 1994 the ” Nomadic memory “(” Names and stones “). [9] The artist reminded people who died of AIDS. In a geographical network of over 40 temporary and fixed installations that were created between 1992 and 2000, Tom Fecht was about a ” nomadic memory and a Europe-wide epitaph of commemoration and practical solidarity with HIV-infected people ” to accomplish. This is how an external installation was created in Cologne in August 1998, a so -called “ Cold corner “With a title stone and name stones of an AIDS. Today the installation von is looked after by the Cologne AIDS aid. [ten]

Injured love “Became his sculptural topic in 1993, followed by photographic studies on body architecture. Since 1994 glass technology and thermal studies and dyes for the Isenheim altar. Sculptural photo works have been created since 1996 and a collaboration with architects developed. In 1997 the artist initiated the “Main laboratory” for the Hamburg University of Fine Arts, in 1998/99 followed ” Moving to the open “About the secrets of spatial production.

“Cold square” In the entrance area of ​​the Bundeskunsthalle in Bonn, one of the projects of the project “ Names and stones “. Freddie Mercury, Michel Foucault, Keith Haring, Miles Davis and Rock Hudson are among the prominent deceased, reminiscent of the installation.

In Aachen, the stone laying “ Last trace of Aachen 2000 “In memory of people who died of AIDS.

  • Tom Fecht, Jürgen Holtfreter: Brick , Elephant Press Verlag, Berlin, 1984, ISBN 3-88520-134-8
  • Tom Fecht, Sabine. Weißler: Plastic worlds. The fabric from which the goods are , Elephant Press Verlag, Berlin, 1985, ISBN 3-88520-167-4
  • Käthe Kollwitz, Tom Fecht (editor): The colored work. Colored print graphics and color drawings by Käthe Kollwitz , Elephant Press Verlag, Berlin, 1987, ISBN 3-88520-251-4
  • Tom Fecht, Dietmar Kamper: Moving to the open. Four attempts across the room , Springer publisher, who, 2000, isbn 3-211-834776-1
  • Tom Fecht, Ulrich Heide, Dietmar Kamper: Tom Fecht. Names and stones , Who, Springr Publisher, 2001, issbn 3-211-8360-6
  1. Image of the Elephant Press Gallery : Peer van Daalen: Kreuzberg Dresdener Straße. In: Digit. WDR, 1977, accessed on January 25, 2020 .
  2. 1972 Gallery founded by Tom Fecht, from 1978 as a publisher under this name.
  3. Small image negative: Elephant Press Gallery, 1981
  4. Small image negative: exhibition by A. Paul Weber, elephant Press Galerie, 1977
  5. Small image negative: Weber discussion, elephant Press Galerie, 1977
  6. Patrick Bahners: This is serious. In: July 31, 2009, accessed on October 13, 2018 .
  7. Thomas Loy: Maruta Schmidt: forward and not forgotten – the publisher manages the downfall of left -wing projects , in: The Tagesspiegel , July 17, 2000.
  8. Captain, we sink Brand Eins Edition 08/2001 – What moves people
  9. Names and stones in Hamburg
  10. About the cold corner in Cologne’s old town – and what it means
