Tortuguitas – Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia


Tortuguitas It is a city located in the Malvinas Argentinas Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, in the northwest of Greater Buenos Aires, 39 km from the city of Buenos Aires. By Provincial Law 15211, on December 9, 2020 it was declared a city.


It has 49 012 inhabitants (INDEC, 2001), being the 4th most populous town of the Malvinas Argentinas party.

On June 9, 1947, the National Executive Bran Central Córdoba Railroad, then Belgrano General Railroad. Before this station it was, first, “Apeal Km 40» to finally become “turtle” station, under the aforementioned decree.

Those who petitioned the authorities to get the new station created were the authorities of the Country Club turtles, an entity that had been founded by Don Antonio Maura around 1930, in the lands that had belonged to Dr. Wenceslao Escalante, known at the time as «The Mount of Escalante».

This club was founded with the purpose of enabling its associates the polo practice, for which there were English instructors who taught their rules.

Subsequently, seeing its founder how tiring it was to the members to move from Buenos Aires and have to return the same day, the idea of ​​building them, their own houses in the club to be able to spend the weekend in this place .

By 1947 the amount of built houses was already close to the number of fifty. We see then the importance that this institution had – and will have in the subsequent years – in the formation of turtles.

In relation to the issue of land ownership of what today is Tortuguitas, the most distant antecedent is found in the person of Alonso Escobar. Alonso Escobar was one of the expeditionaries that accompanied Juan de Garay from Asunción to found on June 11, 1580 the city of Santa María de los Buenos Aires. From 1582 the property of the lands of the campaign originates by the so -called real mercedes, that is, the way in which the kings of Spain rewarded the military services provided in favor of the crown. These fractions were called “stays of stays” and were intended for the tillage and raising of cattle. Thus, Alonso de Escobar became the first owner of a vast area, which was then known as the “Cañada de Escobar”, and that included the portion of the current turtles. Then, these lands passed through successive hands, until they reached at the end of the last century, where we found, on the one hand the fraction that Dr. Wenceslao Escalante buys in the area that today occupies the Country Club turtles, and on the other It is owned by Miguel Parra, where Tortuguitas would be formed. It was a stay of approximately 500 square blocks that at the death of its owner and for not having a direct offspring becomes to be finished by judicial route in 1908. The stay was divided into six fractions. The new owners were Irigoin, Lara, Blas País, Lanzoni, Ferrari and Juan Larreyna.


In 1925 the country brothers, children of Blas País, buy the fraction that was crossed by the roads of the Central Railroad Córdoba Extension to Buenos Aires, donating part of them to install the primitive stop.

Subsequently, around 1942 the country sells the land to a real estate company that subdivides and sells them.

In 1947, when the station is created, Tortuguitas was a quiet rural place where it was usual to see the cattle of the place’s drums, the most important activity in the area. José Castellano, Pablo Guzzetti, Juan Costa, Segurola, Martingaste and Capsailles, among others, were dedicated to this task. It should be noted that daily, at about nine o’clock, a train called “dairy” passed through turtles that, from the town of Santa Lucía (neighbor to San Pedro), collected the traditional jars full of milk to take them to Boulogne, from where They were distributed.

He spent back at 5:00 p.m., then returning the already empty jars, which were collected by their owners to begin, very early, the next day with the sacrificed work.

There were also, although on a lot of less scale, fifths of vegetables and the occasional brick oven.

Commercial activity was almost nil. To stock up on provisions was the warehouse of Lanutti, where meals were also served and Claro’s bowling alley, located in front of the station, which was a drink of drinks.

To make other purchases, the residents of that time were generally directed to the town of Garín, which already had businesses of relative importance, as well as post office and police detachment. In Tortuguitas, commerce will be actively developed after the first years of the fifties.

To receive health care, José C. Paz was attended in emergency cases, where since 1938, the “House for Aid” operated, which would later be the current Duhau Hospital. From the creation of the Tortuguitas station in 1947, the sale of land will begin carried out, among others, by the following real estate firms: «Ungaro and Barbará», «Lauría S.A.», «Greco Hermanos», «Santiago Astorga», etc In this way the place will be populated and the first neighborhoods – «San Lucas», «Solares de la Reina», «Astorga», «Marquesado» among others – that will form the current physiognomy of turtles.

Tortuguitas neighborhoods [ To edit ]

The neighborhoods that make up the town of Tortuguitas are: Astorga, Astorga II, Carumbe, Claro, El Callao, El Chelito, Railway, La Granja, El Palenque, La Soleada, Los Angeles, Marquesado, Parque Alvear I, Parque Alvear II, Park Industrial, Park Hermoso, San Luis Park, San Lucas, Solares de la Reina, Tortuguitas, and Touring Club.

Tortuguitas schools [ To edit ]

E.M No7 Roberto Arlt former Terraf, St. John’s College, School No. Rosario Vera Peñalo , Model Institute, Ethan College, School No. 3, Garden of Infants Nº903, Primary School No. 2 José Hernández .

Parishes of the Catholic Church in Tortuguitas [ To edit ]

References [ To edit ]

external links [ To edit ]
