Ulrich Stechele – Wikipedia


Ulrich Stechele (Born October 15, 1941 in Heidelberg, † March 23, 2001 ibid) was a German politician (CDU) and architect. From 1976 to 1988 and again in 1992 he was a member of the state parliament of Baden-Württemberg.


After visiting the high school in Heilbronn and a mason apprenticeship, he studied at the State Building School in Stuttgart (now Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences) and graduated from 1967 as a civil engineer (degree) (later converted into Dipl.-Ing. (FH)). Until 1972 he worked at the Stuttgart regional council, from 1973 he was head of the city planning office of the city of Eppingen.

Stechele came to the CDU in the early 1960s through the young European federalists. He was a member of the European Union Heilbronn and 1968 to 1970 also its chairman. [first] In 1968 he first moved into the Heilbronn municipal council for the party, which he belonged to continuously until his death in 2001. From 1976 to 1992 he was also chairman of the CDU city association Heilbronn. Under his chair, the Heilbronn CDU was able to multiply its number of members from a few dozen to almost 700 and achieve increasing success against the previously more successful SPD in elections.

Stecheles’ first candidate for the state parliament was unsuccessful in 1972, the mandate went to the Heilbronn SPD MP Günter Erlewein. In the next state election in 1976, Stechele won the direct mandate in the state parliamentary group Heilbronn, Erlewein remained the second mandate. In the 1980 and 1984 elections, Stechele defended the direct mandate. In the state parliament, Stechele mainly represented the interests of the city of Heilbronn. He belonged to the interior committee and the building commission.

In the 1988 state election, Stechele was unable to defend the direct mandate in the Heilbronn constituency against the SPD top candidate Dieter Spöri and was therefore no longer a member of the state parliament. Instead, he became the state manager of the Baden-Württemberg CDU in the same year. When the Nürtingen CDU MP Annemarie Hanke died on February 17, 1992, who had moved into the state parliament as a replacement candidate, Stechele was the only unsuccessful CDU candidate to move to the state parliament in the Stuttgart region, which he until the next election on 5. April 1992 thus belonged again for a few weeks. Stechele again competed against Dieter Spöri in this election in the Heilbronn constituency, but could not prevail again. In 1993 he ended his work as a CDU state manager. At the 1996 election, Stechele’s long -time second candidate Johanna Lichy competed in the Heilbronn constituency and won the direct mandate against Spöri, to whom a second mandate remained.

Stechele was a Protestant denomination and since 1973 with Irene Stechele, born Hirth married, he had three sons. [2]

Stechele received the Medal of Merit of the State of Baden-Württemberg in 1981 and the 1st class of Merit of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany in 1988. The municipal council of the city of Heilbronn awarded him the city’s ring of honor in 1996. In the Heilbronn new development area Robert Mayer-Höhe There has been a Ulrich-Stechele-Straße since 2002. [3] [4]

  1. Website der European Union Heilbronn ; accessed on August 27, 2020.
  2. Joachim Friedl: Ulrich Stechele (CDU). A man puts on a card . In: Heilbronn voice . February 17, 1992.
  3. Gerhard Schwinghammer and Reiner Makowski: The Heilbronn street names . Edited by the city of Heilbronn. 1st edition. Silberburg-Verlag, Tübingen 2005, ISBN 3-87407-677-6, p. 206.
  4. Robert-Mayer-Höhe soon fully developed. Stechele and Niethammer-Straße get cover layer . www.heilbronn.de, 13. October 2008.
  • Landtag of Baden-Württemberg. 8. Election period 1980–1984. As of June 1982. 3. Edition. NDV Neue Darmstädter Verlagsanstalt, Rheinbreitbach 1982, ISBN 3-87576-110-3, p. 63.
  • Landtag of Baden-Württemberg. 9th parliamentary term 1984–1988. As of July 1984. 1st edition. NDV Neue Darmstädter Verlagsanstalt, Rheinbreitbach 1984, ISBN 3-87576-143-X, p. 62.
  • Josef Wek: The members of the state parliament in Baden-Württemberg 1946 to 2003. 7th edition. Landtag of Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart 2003, ISBN 3-923476-03-5, p. 144.
  • Ulrich Stechele, a big one in the Heilbronn CDU. In: CDU internally. Notification sheet of the CDU district association Heilbronn. Edition 11/2006, p. 4 ( here as a PDF file; 2.5 MB)
